R | 28 December 2004 (USA)
Inheritance Trailers

Inheritance tells the tale of sinister old lady Lillian Baker (Marjorie Nelson) & her kind hearted, good natured carer Abigail Nielsen (Jen Taylor). Abigail feels sorry for Lillian & does her best to keep her happy, however one fateful night Lillian passes away in her sleep. Abigail is obviously upset & attends Lillian's funeral to say her goodbyes, it soon comes to light that Lillian has left Abigail her large house & it's entire contents a situation which Lillian's daughter Joan (Kathryn Mesney-Hetter) is unhappy with. The reason for Lillian's generosity becomes clear as her spirit starts to possess Abigail & take complete control of her body...

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
GazerRise Fantastic!
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Paul Andrews Inheritance tells the tale of sinister old lady Lillian Baker (Marjorie Nelson) & her kind hearted, good natured carer Abigail Nielsen (Jen Taylor). Abigail feels sorry for Lillian & does her best to keep her happy, however one fateful night Lillian passes away in her sleep. Abigail is obviously upset & attends Lillian's funeral to say her goodbyes, it soon comes to light that Lillian has left Abigail her large house & it's entire contents a situation which Lillian's daughter Joan (Kathryn Mesney-Hetter) is unhappy with. The reason for Lillian's generosity becomes clear as her spirit starts to possess Abigail & take complete control of her body...Edited, co-written, co-produced & directed by Kris Kristensen all the negative reviews & comments about Inheritance are true as far as I'm concerned. There is one thing I must say at this point, on the IMDb 'User Rating' page for Inheritance, at the time of writing, it has 17 '10' votes out of a total of 74 which just doesn't seem right to me. There is no way on Earth that Inheritance should have almost twice as many '10' votes as any other, I mean this film is just so bad it's untrue & those votes have to be fake, they just have to be otherwise I will lose all faith in humanity & question my entire existence on this planet. Now, what can I say about Inheritance? Well nothing particularly good that's for sure. Basically the whole thing is terrible, the story is very predictable, it has very few character's & no subplots to alleviate the tedium. This might have made a decent 25 odd minute Tales from the Crypt (1989 - 1996) episode because at almost 90 minutes this is tedium incarnate.Director Kristensen films on what looks like a camcorder & has that cheap & nasty look to it. This has all the grace & visual flair of a soap opera but none of the style... The climax is hilariously bad as Kristensen tries to make three old ladies in their 80's or 90's look threatening & menacing! There is no tension, atmosphere or scares. There is no blood or gore & one tame sex scene.Technically this has to be one of the most low-budget films ever, nothing happens & it all take space in one house with three basic actors. On a completely unrelated note while still a blonde Taylor the lead actress in Inheritance looks like a girl I know, she ended up crushing chocolates I brought for her under her high heeled shoes & gave me a good kick in the privates but that's another story...Inheritance is awful, there really isn't much else to say & I can't really think of one positive thing to say about it. If you are unlucky enough to rent it out just don't say you weren't warned...
darkorion98 I thought Inheritance was a very cool movie. I have always loved these kind of movies. Inheritance is one of them movies that will make you sit there and watch right to the end because of the interest it gives off. Although this is a low budget movie I thought they did very well with what they had to work with.A lot of these big budget films are just in it for the fancy graphics and the special effects and most are done with computers now anyways but with this movie you can see it was done with the viewer in mind. I highly recommend this movie if you would like to see a movie from start to finish without getting bored.There is nothing I like more then a movie where a person dies off and leaves the house to someone and when they go to the house freaky stuff begins to happen.
frellingdren I am a very open minded movie-goer. And I have seen EVERYTHING out there (in terms of horror/sci-fi)...even the crop of low-budget, filmed on video crap that is flooding the video stores these days.This movie... was one of the WORST THINGS I HAVE EVER MADE MYSELF SIT THROUGH IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.I RARELY write reviews like this. But. I often come on IMDb and other such sites and read reviews and look at ratings... to get a basic idea of the tone of a film. I recently saw DEAD BIRDS because of IMDb reviews and really, really enjoyed it. It is now clear to me now that the only people who could have POSSIBLY enjoyed this movie enough to write theses glowing reviews I have read about it...were people who worked on it or stand to make a buck from it.There is NOTHING redeeming about this movie. NOTHING. Well... I take that back. There is ONE good camera shot in the entire video. But even that shot lasts 2 minutes too long... so. yeah. NOTHING REDEEMING.I don't mean to be a jerk... but. PEOPLE. PLEASE! Save your free rental.... this movie is not worth it! I turned it off after 40 minutes... and then decided to MAKE myself watch the rest so that I wouldn't feel like a heel when I came online and vented my frustration at having spent 4$ on this slime.The main girl (from HALO, I hear...which I love)... is NOT LEADING LADY MATERIAL. She seemed like... a girl in my high school drama class who was only there because it was an easy credit. Her friend at the diner was more leading lady than she was. NOTE TO THAT ACTRESS: Please take my humble advice and GET A NOSE JOB. If you do that.... you will go much farther than drivel like this.The other actors in this movie (her boyfriend especially) were the WORST OF THE WORST. My god in heaven. There aren't even words. Where did you dig these people up? Maybe it wasn't the actors... maybe it was just that the script was SO BAD. ... No... It was BOTH. Horrid actors AND horrid script. Did I mention the horrid music yet? Reminded me of Friday the 13th: The Series... only... not quite that good.Some of the dialog was SO BAD... that I sampled it to my computer for future fun. My favorite line was: "You'll like death... its boring!"Please God in heaven.... Please. Hear my prayer. Stop people from making this kind of crap anymore. I honestly feel like I am going to have an aneurysm if I keep thinking about people spending untold hours on a waste of time such as this.Someone, somewhere gave this movie a greenlight. What planet am I living on? I could film myself clipping my toe-nails and it would be better than this WASTE OF TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jaman777 It has truly been a while since a movie has stuck with me this long. INHERITANCE peels away at the layers of fear and rubs your nerve endings raw until all you are left with is the fear itself. This movie haunts you long after the standard "scary" film would have vanished from your psyche. It can be likened to an addict with two persona's. One persona is lively and full of worth, yet the second persona is lingering somewhere between a death wish, and the kind of hangover that makes you wake up in a cold sweat wondering what in the hell you might have done the night before. If you loved "The Shining", do yourself a favor and fall in love with Inheritance.