| 19 January 2008 (USA)
InAlienable Trailers

Still guilt-ridden over the accident that took his family's lives, Eric Norris discovers that his body is host to a parasite from another world. Except, it is more than a parasite: it carries his DNA.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
JoeB131 That's all I can imagine. these washed up Science fiction actors from Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek and Babylon 5 all get together to make a movie, and only end up showing us how old some of them have gotten. Koenig, in particular, looks like the living dead in this movie. It's like they all got drunk in a bar after answering Sci-Fi nerds questions about what would happen if a Vulcan made love to a Minbari in a TARDIS, and said, "Dammit, we're actors! We can do better than this!" The movie's main flaw, besides its inherent cheapness, is that Richard Hatch of "Mormons in Space"... Er "Battlestar Galactica" fame still can't act or carry a film.The plot is that an meteor carrying a life form attaches itself to Hatch's character, and turns into a horribly deformed Mini-me. Instead of the usual car chases and explosions (which would have cost money), they go to court like Law and Order. Doink-doink....
silentpyjamas This may seem like a high amount of stars based on the comments I've seen on the boards for this film, but I have to say that as a bad movie buff and a big sci fi geek that I liked this film.The beginning starts off kind of slowly(ish) and for the first hour or so I was disappointed in the lack of bloody alien-facilitated death. When it became courtroom drama time I thought I was going to fall over. At some point, however, this movie started to get to me. I feel like the acting improved in the latter portion of the movie and I quite enjoyed the revelation about the animosity between Shilling and Eric Norris. At that moment I realized that Shilling is one miserable and vindictive guy. I also ended up enjoying (while yelling at the screen) Marina Sirtis' turn as an angry attorney. Her final screamy mini-monologue where she was shaking with rage was pretty good as a person so bent on winning that she could really give a darn that she's calling a kid a monster to his face.I think that what got me were a couple things: the movie got amusing around the time of the internet montage, when I felt kind of like "See? They're showing us that all sorts of normal people totally care about cute alien kids!" The comedienne segment following that was pretty good as well and if that lady's a real comic I'd go see her. The civil rights arguments, however, and the testimony about the Writ of Habeas Corpus (I love the law, sorry) were what really sucked me in. Sure it's not the best movie but there was a (valid and for me, emotional) point, and I liked it. The end made me cry and as a parent that's what really stuck. There's nothing like seeing your child hurting and nothing anyone says or does matters when it comes to one's child. I felt like this was the most real part of the whole film and while my movie buddy was horrified and claimed this one is a stinker, the ending was worth the whole thing to me in terms of emotional payoff.So yeah, it's not an Oscar winner and yeah it's a B-flick and it's kind of slow going (and really, the lack of alien rampage made me a little bummed) but I think that the performances at the climax of the film lent it some emotional punch that I haven't gotten from "better" films. I know a lot of people disagree with me and I can totally understand why. I liked it though. (And Gary Graham <3<3<3)
gavin6942 A scientist (Richard Hatch) who experiments on lab animals is given a meteorite fragment that contains an alien life form. Unknown to him, it crawls inside his body while he's asleep and due to some interesting scientific stuff, the man becomes pregnant. Although his boss and the Feds want to destroy his offspring, he sees it as his legitimate son and fights to protect it.There's plenty of cheesy acting from a variety of notable sci-fi faces. At least one character from each "Star Trek" series is in this movie (I dare you to recognize them all). The plot is a bit flaky, and you can question how a man can give birth (they do attempt to explain this). The special effects are good at times, odd at others. The whole Charlie Chaplin thing is pretty weird. What will disappoint many people is that half of this film is more of a courtroom drama than a science fiction film. There's an alien and all that, but the real focus of the film is debating what is or is not human and whether it has rights or not. Some of the arguments are preposterous and while they hold up in this film would never hold up in real life. The attempt to compare aliens to minorities is weak, ignoring the fact that foreigners are not given the rights of American citizens, and neither are animals. The only chance they can make their case is if they successfully have Ben (the alien) declared the naturally-born son of the main character, which is a stretch.There's some parallel here to Larry Cohen's "It's Alive", although I'm sure this was not intentional. In that film (or one of its sequels), a father fights for his son's life in court despite most people thinking the kid to be a monster, as his DNA was radically altered by chemicals. That case would be a little easier to make, ignoring the alien aspects and the born from a man thing...I enjoyed "Inalienable". Do I think it was amazing? No, not really. But it's not bad and worth a watch if you're into science fiction. The writers really put in a serious effort to make this sound plausible, though they clearly don't know how the law works. If you watch SyFy channel movies, which is where you're likely to see this if you don't rent it, this is better than most of the fluff they show.
rubydiane2000 I reviewed this story for Walter Koenig when it was just a movie script. The title when it was being reviewed and revised was, 'Illegal Alien'. I still have the autographed script copy and packaging here at home. I read the script when it was sent to me and then sent in my review of the story to the writers. I like the new title better. The older title made me think of illegal boarder aliens here on earth. The new title rouses your curiosity. I think Doug (Sky) Conway from PlanetxPo was involved in the project. Anyway, I was pleased to see the script was finally made into movie form. This story made you think, and even question your own feelings about several matters of the heart. It was a wonderful story overall. I would suggest this movie to everyone.