In the Dark
In the Dark
PG-13 | 12 January 2013 (USA)
In the Dark Trailers

Aspiring artist Ali must rebuild her life after a tragic accident kills her husband and their young child, and leaves her blind. Life in the dark proves to be a daunting task, so, at her doctor's suggestion, she hires a caretaker named Jeff to help her adjust with the transition. Jeff's aid proves to be indispensable, she even meets and quickly befriends her new neighbor, Linda. Before long, she is embroiled in a fight for her life from an obsessive predator. Will she learn to protect herself using her only remaining senses in time to save her life?

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Konterr Brilliant and touching
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Michael Ledo Ali Lear (Elisabeth Röhm) loses her family and eye sight in an accident. She gets assigned Jeff (Sam Page) to help her adjust. Jeff has spent his life with a blind mother. Jeff takes advantage of the situation and becomes a possessive voyeur.This is a well acted film, but didn't make much sense as his relationship with Ali could have escalated to another level making his sneaking around totally unnecessary. Not overly entertaining as it is slow developing and goes practically nowhere. Parental Guide: No f-bombs, sex, or nudity.
dashielle89-425-132181 This movie is a little too hard to believe to be good, it can easily get irritating as you watch it.It starts out with an artist, Ali, getting in a bad accident and her husband and child are both killed. For someone who was just in such a horrible accident she is left in tip-top physical condition, no scars or injuries whatsoever except now she becomes mysteriously blind with no explanation given.Next, instead of hiring a qualified licensed aid to help her get around in her house and adjust to her new lifestyle, her doctor just tells her "here is the guy that will help you" and Jeff becomes her aid. Nobody really knows anything about him, no background checks were done, and once again he has no qualifications other than his mother was blind, and yet Ali has no problem immediately letting this man into her house, giving him a key, and giving him access to all of her money. Ali is also pretty much unaffected by the loss of her family. She cries here and there when they are brought up, but otherwise she seems quite chipper despite her situation.She also has no interest in getting a security system installed in her apartment even though there are concerns about her safety. There are security systems that will beep every time the door is opened so nobody can sneak into the house, key or no key. Luckily for Jeff she never got one, so he can just creep in and out and spy on her. Perhaps her hearing was also affected in the accident, or maybe just her common sense?As things progress Jeff becomes creepier and creepier, he cuts her husband out of her photos, starts taking secret videos of her, and becomes increasingly possessive, but Ali is hardly bothered. Her new neighbor friend Linda however does become a bit suspicious, but once she knows too much and starts to pry into her life too much, Jeff decides to get rid of her.After Jeff offs her in her apartment and leaves the body there for days, Ali decides to go investigate as she usually sees her friend daily but lately she's been missing. Having heightened senses from being blind, you'd think she would smell the decaying corpse as soon as she entered the apartment, probably anyone would, but she doesn't realize her friend is dead until she falls on the puddle of blood, which is curiously still soaking wet.If you can't already tell what the problems with this movie are I'll make it more clear- it's just lame. It isn't engaging enough for a suspense story and it's pretty hard to believe, almost silly at times because of the lack of believability. Jeff's backstory, which isn't revealed until the movie ends, is poorly thought out at best. The way he is defeated is also unlikely. And the acting is certainly nothing special (Jeff is especially cheesy at times).TV movies usually aren't the greatest, but there are much better lifetime movies out there. I'd recommend finding something else.
adi_2002 Ali has a car accident and loses her sight along with her husband and daughter. She receives the recommendation from her doctor to have a helper so it will be easy to manage around the house. So, Jeff is arrives at her flat and begins to teach Ali how she can estimate the space around her of handle the household items. They also go out at the market or shopping in order to learn how to cross the street. Thereby she meets her new neighbor Linda and begins a friendship relation with her. Jeff is envy when he gets in the house and sees her there because he started an obsession for his patient, he replaced photos with Ali and her family, gets inside without her knowing that he is there, spy her at the shower or begin to move objects from her apartment. Everything changes when Jeff's malice reaches an unexpected threshold and now Ali must fight with the man who allegedly is there to help her.The first half is good but then it becomes too shaky. No doctor sends someone in a home and that person gets a key without knowing his full past or record. Also the fight at the end is ridiculous. How we can believe that a blind woman manage to defeat a man? I guess that is the reasons why it so bad but then you know...these movies...
edwagreen Only until the end of this dreadful movie do you discover why an apparent mild-mannered care giver become a sadistic killer. Much more of his earlier life should have been shown.It was bad enough that a young artist was blinded in a car accident which killed her husband and young daughter, but then she falls prey to this guy.One would think that romance would blossom between the two. The opposite occurs when he kills her new neighbor.The acting is good here but the writing is absolutely dreadful. All of a sudden, the female doctor who had recommended this guy finds out disturbing things about him. No. The credibility here leaves a lot to be desired.This is certainly not one of these blind adjustment movies.