In Old Monterey
In Old Monterey
NR | 14 August 1939 (USA)
In Old Monterey Trailers

The U.S. Army takes over a large area of land, over the objection of citizens and corporations who live and work there.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
JohnHowardReid Copyright 14 August 1939 by Republic Pictures Corp. No recorded New York opening. U.S. release: 14 August 1939. U.K. release through British Lion. Australian release through British Empire Films: 11 April 1940. 8 reels. 6,553 feet. 73 minutes. SYNOPSIS: Gene, as an army man, is assigned to try and straighten out the difficulties with the ranchers who occupy a section the government wants to use a proving grounds for bombing planes. With a bunch of army buddies Gene joins the ranchers using his experience as a former cowhand to win them over to the government's point of view. But the owner of a large and profitable borax works does not want the army to come in. With his henchman he tries to make it appear that the army fliers are using ruthless tactics to frighten the ranchers. The latter determine to offer armed resistance to the take over. They throw up a barricade in the town but Gene comes up with proof that the borax owner and his gang are responsible for the dirty work.NOTES: Autry's 35th of his 94 movies.COMMENT: An unusual Autry vehicle in a number of ways. The plot is used as a peg on which to hang a great deal of patriotic talk and a defence of the superior fighting force concept that still figures strongly even in present-day politics. The villains kill the heroine's kid brother. There are no less than seven songs (we enjoyed all of them) plus a zingy musical interlude by the Hoosier Hot Shots. Comic relief is cut to a minimum once the plot gets into stride and Burnette's part virtually disappears (he has no songs either). There is nonetheless a fair amount of action topped by one of the most large-scale climactic action sequences ever filmed for a B-western - a shoot-out involving hundreds of extras and considerable location filming. The locations are quite strikingly used in a few shots too. Some of the earlier action pieces use stock footage but the climax is all-new material. Autry is in good voice and even does one of his own stunts though a stand-in is rather obviously used in an early bronco-busting sequence. Burnette and Hayes turn in their usual characterizations. Miss Storey makes a pretty heroine, though her part is small. Hale does a much more convincing job here as the villain than he does as Mr Dithers in the Blondie films. The direction is fast-paced and other credits are equally smooth.
bkoganbing Talk about dated, if a picture like In Old Monterey ever were made today with the plot premise it had it would be picketed and hooted off the screen. It was only in 1939 with war clouds gathering over Europe that the ideas put forth here could be advanced.Gene Autry plays an army sergeant who goes on detached duty to do of all things persuade several ranchers to give up their lands held as Gabby Hayes says by several generations over to the army for their military war games, specifically those of the Army Air Corps. Of course in this mix are a pair of villains looking to exploit the situation for their own nefarious ends.We are told that there are no other suitable lands available to which I say that is so much cattle waste product.And in a burst of patriotic fervor Gene actually talks these people into it. I was staggered to say the least.In the true tradition of B westerns the film has absolutely nothing to do with Monterey or old Mexico other It Happened In Monterey is among the songs that Autry sings in the film. The audacity of this message for today's audience is unbelievable.
krorie This somewhat routine Gene Autry oater is worthwhile for several reasons. One, the fans get not only Smiley Burnette (Frog Millhouse) and his rather sophomoric humor but Gabby Hayes and his tall tales as well. Gabby starts out as a survivalist against the government, even firing his pistol at a passing US plane, but ends up a patriot thanks to Gene's intervention. Gabby tells those who will listen that he's fought in seven wars and explains several different times, each one involving a different legend of the Old West, how he won the medal he wears on his chest.Second, the fabulous Hoosier Hot Shots are part of the action and get to showcase their musical talents, with Frog joining in. The Hoosier Hot Shots were exceptional musicians who let music making become a fun activity. They were sort of a hillbilly version of Spike Jones' City Slickers, and had several hit records to their credit. Their leader, Hezzie (Paul Trietsch), played a souped-up washboard the likes of which you've never seen. There's one scene in particular where their antics foreshadow those of Jerry Lee Lewis. While performing on stage, they proceed to destroy their musical instruments. Frog even rips the keys from the piano and Hezzie gets hit over the head with the guitar.Third, there are several rousing action sequences including Gene atop Champion chasing down a speeding locomotive, Frog attempting to maneuver a runaway tank, and Gene shooting down an airplane with a rifle. The stunt work is marvelous. Even the few musical interludes fail to impede the excitement of the chases and fisticuffs.On the minus side, two hillbilly ladies from the Grand Ole Opry, Sarie and Sallie, make a lame attempt to be funny. Where is Minnie Pearl when we need her? Thankfully, this was their only film role.Another weakness is the length of the film, way too long. Even big budget B westerns worked better in a 50 to 60 minute time slot. Several subplots such as the one involving the boy Jimmy Whittaker could have been eliminated.Hitler's war had begun in Europe with his invasion of Poland, so much of the patriotism, including the singing of "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean," was topical and relevant. But today this part of the film seems quaint and distant, though still important from a historical perspective.
funkyfry Fun, forgettable comedy actioner with Frog and Autry and the added bonus of the legendary Gabby Hayes to round off the comedy talent. Autry's sent on a special mission by the army to convince a town to give up its land so the army can run drills there. Yes, it's a war preparedness western, in which the ego-centered ethic of the West is turned on its head by Autry convincing Hayes and the other townsfolk to abandon their homes and livelihoods for the greater good. A few songs are sun (no outstanding material from Burnette). Not especially entertaining, but not particularly unpleasant.