I'm Not Jesus Mommy
I'm Not Jesus Mommy
R | 06 May 2011 (USA)
I'm Not Jesus Mommy Trailers

Kimberly will stop at nothing to have a child of her own. Recovering from cancer her possibilities seemed slim. However, the world's first successful human cloning project brings an opportunity and a son named David. Seven years after David's birth, Roger, the head researcher of the cloning project returns to reveal that David was cloned from DNA taken from the Shroud of Turin... from blood of Christ.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
TeenzTen An action-packed slog
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
candiceloves Aside from some of the errors already pointed out (like about the DNA, cloning process, red blood cells...etc), I thought the movie was overall pretty decent.The acting was OK, and even though our lovely lead/executive producer was a bit "overweight" by Hollywood standards, I thought it gave it a more "real" effect.This is one of those movies where I wish they had explained things a little better so it would make sense because this isn't the kind of film that I'll want to watch again to get all the Jesus references.The little boy David, portrayed by Rocko Hale was done very well. I have a thing against child actors who cannot act but he did a very good job. I do wonder who's son he is or who he's connected to get a lead role.The ending had me questioning if he was good or evil but since it has since been re-released under the title "Devil's Angel", I guess I have my answer.I say watch it if you want some cheesy B style scary movie thrills! Not as good as Insideous but not as bad as what these reviews might make you think!
tricky1ricky This was re-released in 2012 under the title Devil's Angel. produced by Fortaleza Filmwork and distributed by Warner Brothers.Language: English Region: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only) Rated: R (Restricted) Studio: Maverick Entertainment Group DVD Release Date: November 13, 2012 Run Time: 86 minutesPlot: Kimberly is the mother of the world's first successful human clone, a son named David. Seven years after his birth the Earth is plagued with war, famine, and natural disasters that seem to be emanating from the young boy himself.Review: After illegally implanting herself so she can have a baby, a woman pays for it later along with everyone else as the future deteriorates in the US. There is a connection between this and her young son, shown later at age 7, but you can guess what it is from the DVD cover. Creepy, and eerily shot with 35mm and some deliberate lack of focus.
Kathy Weldon The film begins very soft and clean with a female hero who is willing to sacrifice anything to achieve her dream of being a mother while ironically being a fertility specialist. The first part of the film is quite typical, very smooth and simple with good looking people in good looking apartments with nice jobs, cars and all thing things you'd expect from a rom-com, but not funny. But then, once our hero makes a fatal mis-step, the world is thrown in to chaos.A crude graphic comes on screen and we're suddenly pushed "Seven years later," and we jump from sitcom to disaster film. The jump is huge and might throw some viewers off track, but after seeing the film for a second time (and the benefit of research), it is clear now what Juares and Schneider set out to do. The problem is that the film doesn't telegraph it with "Hey, this is a movie based on Revelations," and the sudden theological references require some thinking form the audience that wasn't asked of them in the first act. The break in the film makes it feel like two separate films and based on how deliberate the filmmakers were in setting it all up, is clearly intentional and with purpose. I found myself, the first time I viewed the film, having to quickly readjusted my expectations and get in to the world that was suddenly dropped on top of me.The picture then follows, quite carefully, the theological breakdown of the world as told in the Book of Revelations (or the "Apocalypse" for you Catholic folks). Sores start appearing on some characters, not all, which seem to represent the "mark of the Devil," the Rapture is easily identified in a sort of "Left Behind" treatment of the phenomenon, and despite the last two thirds of the film playing out in confined rooms no larger than your typical 2-car garage, it's engaging. The film is a bit overwrought with symbolism and metaphors that will just fly over the head of the average movie-goer, but that's right in line with the Book of Revelations itself which features purple-headed dragons and whores of Babylon (by the way it's also quite obvious that the USA = Babylon in the film which I found particularity well done).Overall this film is about arrogance and the consequences of doing what you know you shouldn't no matter how bad you want it. Seems simple enough, right? There are only a few signs of "low-budget" film-making during the entire 90 minute show, but nothing that stands out as ridiculous or absurd with exception to a scene where a doctor listens to "Ave Maria" while cutting up one of his creations with an Exacto blade. Overall the piece was well constructed and the filmmakers certainly shot for the moon in their first efforts to make a splash. The skills of the film making team are clearly substantial and they should get a pat on the back for trying to do something so large and complex the first time out.
dinky-4 Contrary to its so-bad-it's-good reputation, this thematically-bizarre production plays out with such an earnest tone that the cynical viewer's laughter might very well die on the lips. The first half-hour, in fact, actually shows signs of promise, and there's little evidence of any problems caused by the film's reportedly slim budget. The story-line then jumps ahead seven years, however, and trouble arrives. America, according to the movie, is now in the grip of some sort of new Ice Age, and the cast spends the rest of its time bundled up like extras from Robert Altman's "Quintet," confined to dimly-lit rooms, their breath coming out in visible vapor. The cloning-divinity premise of the movie is so strong -- implausible but strong -- that this sudden swerve into an Ice Age apocalypse seems not only unnecessary but distracting. It's as if the writers' mistakenly thought their premise couldn't carry an entire movie so they decided to throw in something else. The movie weakens at this point and never recovers despite an ending that, to put it mildly, goes beyond the curious. One final note: co-writer, co-star Joe Schneider looks mighty good with his shirt off.