| 21 May 1998 (USA)
Illuminata Trailers

It's the start of the 20th century, and Tuccio, resident playwright of a theatre repertory company offers the owners of the company his new play, "Illuminata". They reject it, saying it's not finished, and intrigue starts that involves influential critic Bevalaqua, theatre star Celimene, young lead actors and other theatre residents

Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Lee Eisenberg John Turturro directed this focus on a group of people involved in the production of a play at the turn of the last century. Turturro himself stars as the playwright who submits a new play. Although the theater rejects it, this initiates a series of events in which the various other people play a role. One might interpret "Illuminata" as a look at the intersections of art and life. The relationship between all these different characters - the playwright, his girlfriend, the theater owner, her husband, the critic, and the various actors and actresses - reflects our daily lives.One thing that did confuse me about the movie is the setting. I read that it's set in New York, but all the outdoor scenes look more like northern Italy, and most of the characters do have Italian names. No matter, I found it to be a well done movie. To be certain, there's a scene with John Turturro and Susan Sarandon that would make any guy want to be Susan Sarandon's boy toy.Check it out.
D. C. This is something to watch! A beautiful soundtrack, an excellent cast, and untouchable screen writing! Comedy and drama are woven inextricably well together in it--though I'm of a mind to throw it into the comedy category as it is quite the gut-buster.Tuturro is indefatigably adorable (literally) as per the usual custom, while his lovely long-time partner Borowitz achieves an austere yet at the same time sensual sort of emotional anchor in the film. Sewell, gorgeous as always, makes for an excellently vain and superficial thespian. Hilarity, however, takes the stage before all else, spinning itself into and around the players and the plot. Spinning around like clandestine lovers, 5-foot bureaus, and pale-faced Pieros--all swirling about between worlds behind and before the red curtain.Old-timers Sarandon, Walken, D'Angelo, & Gazzara (a theatrical whore, a Wildean "macaroni queen", a stuffy unfulfilled power-wife, and an Old-Father Hubbard respectively) seem to enjoy taking a break from the rigmarole of Hollywood blockbusters and relaxing into the comfort of off-beat but positively unforgettable roles. Least forgettable among them, however, is Walken and his dance of seduction, which will most undoubtedly sear itself permanently into the back of anyone's brain.Cates, Irwin, Bassi, Behar, Aida, Sussman, and McCann are all indispensable as well, even though I list them in shameful lump here; due time for each would have the film extended another 2 hours, but what is given of them still allows each thespian to shine superbly nevertheless. They are simply smaller gems in the treasure chest this film is.Too many people have compared it to Shakespeare in Love and other mainstream films--but mainstream it is not. Don't bother to comment on it if you confuse it with them and disdain it insofar as it does not compare with them; you only show that you don't understand it. Understand in its stead that "not getting it" is okay. For those who say, "Poor Tuccio: he was so young, and so untalented," (:-D) know that for the rest of us, the film is almost flawlessly styled, each and every moment an essential thread of a tapestry, silk and gold studded in emeralds and rubies. Yeah, a lot like that.Much like the play it centers on, Illuminata, it is hard for most people to understand it seems; one of its primary themes I would say, if it must be stated overtly, is that the imperfection of life prevails. But don't read too hard into that either, friend; the film "goes in the wind, like someone that knows their way," which is to say that it 'floats' along. But what many mistake for meaningless meandering is really its fluidity, its subtle weaving. It is a film meant to be enjoyed thoroughly, like fine wine, to use a cliché; an opportunity to cut loose and laugh at the absurdity of it all, life that is. Even the tragic heroine played by Borowitz, whom we all agree is most noble and flawless in the beginning, in the end we see, is flawed. Each of them: flawed. And that's okay; in fact, that's the point.Thus, I give this a 10 out of 10 because I am satisfied in all respects with the film. Its soundtrack (which I bought), its cinematography (ooh la la), its cast (magnifico), plot (incandescent), and dialog (hilarious)--are all artfully interwoven, making it a gem unfortunately overlooked or misunderstood by the general public.Oh, and by the way: the puppets are just meant to be pretty, friends. Representative in some instances of the scenes to follow, but for aesthetic effect mainly (kudos on the puppeteering & puppets themselves)."Tuccio! Tuccio! Tuccio!"
honeyx Illuminata is a lovely existential commentary on the relationship between art and reality. There is a stream of Buddhist thought throughout the film that was wonderful to behold. The sets and lighting are beautiful and nearly every shot could have been framed and hung on a wall. The writing and acting were excellent. This movis is a very rare find... I'd highly recommend it to people who enjoyed other colorful philosophical works such as SLC Punk.
NJMoon This film starts off evocative and arresting but quickly slips into an incoherent mess of the most embarrasing sort. What might be half entertaining at a performance space in an East Village converted garage, on film is a completely vapid waste. Any comparison between SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE and this film is idiotic. SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE has been universally admired (justly so) for it's exceptional script (Tom Stoppard's no slouch) and incredible performances. This tripe will be forgotten by the time one reaches for the rewind button. Don't be fooled by thinking that because the film deals with art and culture that it is somehow deep and meaningful. Even with it's fancy Italianate name, ILLUMINATA is dim-witted and dull.