If You Are the One
If You Are the One
| 22 December 2008 (USA)
If You Are the One Trailers

Qin Fen, a funny, honest, single inventor, met a girl called Smiley, who was in agony of her boyfriend's betrayal. They traveled to Hokkaido, tried to help Smiley cure her pain in heart, and both of them gradually found their true love and life redemption during the journey.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Paul Magne Haakonsen Yes, this is yet another one of those very generic romantic comedies that are mass-produced and all follow the same guidebook of how-to-make-a-successful-romantic-comedy.What made me sit down to watch this movie was solely because of Shu Qi. And she does an adequate job alongside You Ge, but they had so very little to work with by restrictions of a mundane script. And yes, this is one of those dislike-turns-to-love types of romantic comedies.The story is about 40-something year old Qin Fen (played by You Ge) who is desperately trying to find a wife by posting an add on the Internet. He happens to meet with Xiaox Xiaox (played by Shu Qi), but they are not compatible. Qin Fin is a recent millionaire and Xiaox Xiaox is trying to mend a broken Heart. As fate will have it their paths cross again and an odd friendship starts to bloom.The movie ran at just about two hours, which felt like an eternity towards the end. They should have cut away about 30 minutes to make it a movie that could sustain a hold on the audience."If You Are the One" (aka "Fei cheng wu rao") is not a memorable movie, unless you are a die-hard fan of anyone on the cast list. And there are far better choices of movies in this genre, should you be in the mood for a romantic comedy.
barlenon Well known Chinese actor, Ge You, plays a kind of geeky middle-aged man, an inventor, who after becoming rich, wants to fulfill his next ambition and get a girlfriend. The comedy aspect of the film is more successful as Ge You's character tries personal ads and meets with several unsuitable candidates. One of the candidates (played by Qi Shu) is an air flight attendant who is unsuitable in many ways including still being in love with another man who has rejected her. Despite mutual animosity, they develop a kind of twisted friendship and agree to help each other. Predictably they become more attracted to each other but have to overcome difficult obstacles to find real love. The comedy is kind of goofy and slapstick but sometimes amusing with some humorous but pointed criticisms of modern Chinese life. However, the more romantic second half of the film is overwrought and increasingly unbearable to watch as Qi Shu's character struggles with herself and Ge You's character becomes increasingly tolerant of her self torment. bleeech.
c_birkett I was surprised to see this movie that showed feelings I would have only expected in a Western film. After living in China for several weeks and feeling the large gulf between my culture in NW USA and Beijing, I found this movie quite refreshing. It showed me again that people are basically the same, given similar conditions. Dialogue was excellent - very well written and intense, although a little hard to follow by subtitles and watch the character's actions at the same time. The plot was not quite as predictable as a typical Hollywood film, which I also found refreshing. I look forward to watching more films by this director.
etudiantemo It's a film about romance, sad but mild at the same time. Permeated by numerous advertisement for the sponsors for the produce of this film, the story struggled to manifest its substance via Ge You's humorous( or flirtatious) dialogue( or monologue). A man (acted by Ge You) over forty wanted to find the "Miss Right", only to encounter various kinds of " Miss Wrong". A woman ( acted by Shu Qi) felt desperate at the affair with a married man happened to meet Ge You at a blind date. They got to know each other gradually and decided to pay a tour to the famous retort in Japan together as companion to each other and finally Shu Qi smells the odor she wants from his companion and realizes he is the true Mr Right. In the picturesque field, another emotion arising from friendship tried to trigger audience's innate desire to sob. As a comedy, the film brings us a good ending, touching. BTW, the music rendered by the winner of Super Girl is manifique.