| 01 January 2005 (USA)
Icon Trailers

A former US Operative, who lived in Russia in his earlier years and had been married there with a child, comes out of retirement to face down a former enemy, now running as a candidate for President in modern Russia. Working with a Russian policewoman, they work to uncover a plot to use biological weapons against certain factions of the Russian people to commit genocide. The virus would also be released in other populations, but would be treated making the candidate a hero. A side plot has the agent being reunited with his long lost daughter.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
m-wolkerstorfer I have not seen and heard the original version.I am no Russian, but I am learning right now.I also have no preferences for Russia, Bulgaia, the US etc.But what I have to mention is:In the German synchronisation in the whole film all Russians speak with Russian accent. Americans talk "Hochdeutsch" (without accent)! I have never heard such a stupidity! Besides, this is boring.I hope the original is better.The rest is a simple thriller, not really good ideas. Like a cheap version of a James Bond film.
jjcarts I just have watched Icon on DVD and despite being a great book, the movie is a weak substrate from it. Those responsible for the writing should be banished to Siberia. Why they maul the great story with all kind of C-film subploys which are totally irrelevant to the story is totally beyond me.Yet the filmmakers and cast do there best to make something out of it, but at the end the film was not satisfying at all.Can someone please make a decent movie out of this to show how it is done. I'm sure that the crowds will rally for such a masterpiece novel turned into a book, not into a cheap C-movie.
Mat-Dark I didn't read the book, actually I never really read a book these days. But judging by what you said about it not being like the book, it might be disappointing for you and all the other readers. I rated this mini series based on the acting and how good the storyline was. It was a good mini series and throughout the film, you always want to see what happens with the Villain at the end.The storyline is great and you always want to find out more. I certainly got into this film quite a lot and like I said, I wanted to see how it all ended up. Patrick Swayze was excellent as usual in this and anyone who takes a film based on acting and storyline and not comparing it to a book, you should check it out.
canuckteach I'd like to point out some positive things about ICON - the lead review here at IMDb pounded this telefilm pretty hard! lol. There were several decent action sequences (by 'decent', I mean much better than those silly ones on '24' where the good guys show up with tiny pistols and no flak-jackets or radio-gear). Lots of flash and bang - a truck blows up early in the film, which is sort of a launching point for the plot. Looked realistic to me, not unlike the sequence in the recent 'Quiet American'.There were good actors: Barry Morse (still alive?) and Ben Cross. Swayze (Jason Monk) is OK, but maybe miscast in this one - he doesn't have the right face. I thought the Russian urban scenes were impressive - it's a beautiful country, you know. I liked 'the Saint', 'Hunt for Red October' and 'Russia House' - films with insight into the Russian culture - and problems. That's why the book 'ICON' and this DVD appealed to me.However, I don't know why the writers chose to stray from Forsythe's super novel, which is in my top-10 favorites. I thought the basic novel plot was a natural screenplay: the ICON's grim political manifesto - and how it falls into Western hands. Also, Monk's early career unfolds as the CIA loses to the Russians in the spy game before the Cold War ends. This gave us some insight into Monk's skills, espionage background and disillusionment, but the screenplay follows a different track. The writers added a pretty female agent, and an ex-family for Jason Monk.Up here in Canada, PG-13 'Action' films are hard to come by ('Munich' was just released as 18-A). This film has no sexual scenes or profanity. So, watch it for fun -- and then read the book for the real thing.