I Will Follow You Into the Dark
I Will Follow You Into the Dark
NR | 20 December 2012 (USA)
I Will Follow You Into the Dark Trailers

A woman reeling from the death of her parents becomes attached to an alluring man whose sudden disappearance sends her and her friends into a haunted high-rise to find him.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
MovieCritic33-6 I can honestly say my expectations were set too high for this film. I was expecting a supernatural love story and instead I got a big mess of a film, with a plot so vague I hardly know what to make of it. The film starts off promising with a present to past reflection leading up to the current events. No doubt this tactic was to keep the audiences' attention to the end of this film. I feel without it all interest would have been lost, because there is nothing within the first 20 minutes to indicate anything supernatural about this film otherwise. That said, there isn't too much of anything ghostly until the last 40 minutes or so of this film.The love story isn't strong enough either to make an impact on the viewer. The love story never really develops and the main story focuses more on the main protagonist dealing with some eerie events which begin to plague this young woman following a eulogy challenging anything supernatural to prove to her there is something beyond death. These events are what lead her to find refuge and love with a man she basically just bumped in to. Into the Dark has a few things going for it, a talented cast, and a successful atmospheric tone. The only weakness is the screenplay itself; it is much too ambiguous for my liking and there is never a clear explanation for anything. Excluding our lead, all of the other characters are underdeveloped and certain events occur to all of them that just leave you scratching your head asking "what was the point of that? ".I recommend this film only to those who are willing to ignore a weak screenplay, and are looking for a mindless supernatural romance film. Into the Dark runs roughly 110 minutes, and does have a bit of everything, but the film just can't seem to keep it's focus on any one thing.
Slasher_Lover23 Following the death of her parents 6 months apart from each other, Sophia (Mischa Barton) begins to challenge the belief in the afterlife and denouncing everything about it. It's not too long afterwards that Sophia meets Adam (Ryan Eggold) and she soon starts to fall for him. As their relationship flourishes, Sophia begins to encounter strange occurrences. While staying the night at Adam's, she wakes to find Adam missing, and a trail of blood leading to an abandoned level of his building. With Adam's roommate Astrid (Leah Pipes), her own roommate Sam (Jaz Martin), and Sam's date Penny (Melinda Y. Cohen), the four begin a search for Adam that takes them to a world of darkness they've never imagined.This indie supernatural film is another example of why many indie film surpass major films released today. It is purely substance over style. While the film does have it's jump scare moments, they are kept to a minimum. It is very atmospheric with a creepy setting and uses the fear of the unknown to keep the story going. Mischa Barton gives an excellent performance as our lead who will stop at nothing and go to great lengths to get back the man she loves. Also highly noted is Leah Pipes as Astrid, Adam's perky roommate. Pipes provides most of the comedic elements in the film, but once things get going, she begins to be the one we relate to the most as far as the thinking processes. While I Will Follow you Into the Dark does heavily use the supernatural/afterlife genre and builds suspense, the dramatic elements are also strongly present. We watch as Sophia is tested with her beliefs, but it is also bound with her determination to get the love of her life back. All of the elements it has going for it works. While the ending felt a little rushed, it really doesn't take away much from the film and the story.My rating: 8/10
diplomatedoc I Will Follow You Into the Dark is a remarkable film that I was pleasantly surprised seeing after reading some of the most hateful comments by dried out frustrated and possibly overworked (why all their acrimony? Did Director Mark Edwin Robinson hit a nerve?) Critics. The film starts in a place where most of us have been or will be at sometime in our lives- at the side of a dying loved one. Sophia Monet (Mischa Barton) has had all she has ever loved taken away and is in a situation many can relate to- being afraid to love and lose again.We feel the depth of her soul, wanting to hole up and keep isolated so she can never be hurt again. But as fate would have it she finds the perfect man in Adam played by Ryan Eggold (Blacklist NBC, 90210.) We follow their growing relationship despite Sophia's self-protecting best judgment.The film is shot in colors and tones that take us visually and musically into a spirit world that is as unknown to us as it is chilling! It's a ride you won't forget and a movie you won't stop talking about.
flitz35 Until yesterday I haven't heard of this movie. I very critical when watching a horror film. Ghost stories are my favorite and very rarely I say that a movie was close to perfect. This one was and I am SHOCKED this was a success in the theaters. I couldn't of wrote a better story myself.Then acting was superb. Not one thing about this movie had a trace of being a B type film. I like movies like The Conjuring and Insidious but I tell you Into The Dark is A+ and I am going to watch it again just like any of my favorite films. Just so you know I just finished watching it and had to immediately rave about this gem.