I Walk the Line
I Walk the Line
PG-13 | 18 November 1970 (USA)
I Walk the Line Trailers

Henry Tawes, a middle-aged sheriff in a rural Tennessee town, is usually the first man to criticize others for their bad behavior. Miserable in his marriage, Henry falls in love with teenage seductress Alma, who is the daughter of local criminal and moonshiner Carl McCain. Henry's moral character comes further into question when he is tempted to conceal Carl's crimes in order to prolong his relationship with Alma.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
lohman48 I just saw this movie for the first time. How many men have experienced the emotions of a man like Peck played? How many men in a stale and loveless marriage, or just full of desire felt this way towards a woman who deep down inside of themselves knew they could not have for long. A man felt trapped and worst of all in a community full of passion for judgment. I think the scene showing directions to the several churches said a lot. With all the religion around him where could Peck share his feelings? He was getting set up by Tuesday Wells all the way. I know it brought back a memory to me, I could feel his pain. Now it is over for me I thought him the fool, but who am I to judge as I once was just as guilty. The movie has more social commentary than it is given credit for. It is the man who is getting hurt not the woman. But nobody cares about men. All men should see the scene where Wells puts the hay fork into Peck's chest and remember it. As far as the movie itself goes. It was all right.
MarieGabrielle The subject of small town boredom and emotional unrest; Gregory Peck portrays the sheriff in a small rural Tennessee town. He has a mid-life crisis(before it was fashionable to call it that).Estelle Parsons is the long-suffering wife, and Tuesday Weld the femme fatal. There is also a part with Charles Durning, as a racist small- minded police officer, who feels his job is to run everyone out of town who is not a "good church-going man". Some of the dialog and themes explored in this movie are interesting, and if one has ever traveled to this part of the country, there are still small towns a bit similar to this, even though they may now have a Wal-Mart 100 miles away.Gregory Peck's performance is excellent, though his involvement with a penniless moonshiner's daughter is a bit hard to swallow. You will enjoy the cinematography, and a depiction of American life which does still exist. This film is not as extreme as "Deliverance" but if you drive along Route 26 through North Carolina and Tennessee mountains, you will still see people living without heat, with plastic on their windows to keep out the cold.
shepardjessica A totally under-appreciated and unseen film (except for some Gregory Peck fans) with Estelle Parsons and Ralph Meeker and the glorious totally bashed actress (in movies since age 12) and this is AFTER Pretty Poison, a witty and insightful script directed by (apparently a one-shot guy, Noel Black) that nobody got to see!1970 was a great year for films and this didn't make my top TEN, but it's very interesting...with a moral that actually plays out in a semi-realistic and human AMERICAN way, but unfortunately, it was considered drive-in fare by whatever studio released it. Try to find this one. It's like Deliverance combined with Love with the Proper Stranger and it's quite unique, mainly because of Tuesday Weld's performance. An 8 out of 10 in a very good year. Best performance = T. Weld.
azignon I happened upon the film on French television. It was very well done. Gregory Peck gave a wonderful performance. The changes in his character and his anguish were felt. I was impressed that in 1970 there was a nude bedroom scene. I did compare it to Damage with Jeremy Irons and what they visibly display nowadays. G.P. and Tuesday Weld did a great job without that display. Ralph Meeker was a charmer as always. It does not require an R rating. The incest was suggested in a subtle fashion. Albeit an eerie moment. The photography was very interesting. I am not a Johnny Cash fan but his music was fitting. Loved the film. Azignon