I Love You Too
I Love You Too
R | 06 May 2010 (USA)
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Written by comedian Peter Helliar, I LOVE YOU TOO stars Brendan Cowell as Jim, a 30-something emotionally stunted man whose inability to declare his love to his girlfriend, Alice, threatens to cost him the best thing he ever had but leads him to befriend a talented dwarf who helps him find the words to get her back.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Michael Kerjman This is a tragic comedy of a contemporary Australian suburbia, in which bonking a pub-met-stranger is a unisex very normal life-style advertised.There is something sweet in this movie depicting in general a local environment expertly also, in spite the common perception of sexual activities locally, the most of unknown males-in-twenties in streets met randomly revelled their virgin status predominantly-long distances and public transport jumps contribute to down-the-earth socialising between persons unfamiliar.It is nice to realise, that my research is perfectly testified by movie makers emphasizing on the lacking of human warm and communication as the very issue for "egalitarian" Australians.You will never ever know if you never ever go.Watch and enjoy a fairytale of lost in time and space people adult legally.
moviexclusive A question that will plague you for the rest of your (pardon the obvious here) life is: What is life all about? We seek out the answers in books, in academic theses, in movies, and yes, in life itself. As we walked out from the theatres after watching the preview of this movie, we were somewhat convinced that the past 109 minutes have presented us with a rather poignant portrayal of life.Surprise, surprise - the movie wasn't manufactured from the Hollywood's ingenious machines and computers. This time round, it's the kind mates from Down Under who have managed to make a film that is emotionally engaging, as well as enjoyably entertaining.Our protagonist is 30 plus year old Jim, who is unable to commit to Alice, his girlfriend of three years. Like every other girl, Alice wishes that her boyfriend would say the three magical words – you know which ones, don't you? One situation leads to another, and Alice considers leaving to take up a job in England. Elsewhere, Jim meets the vertically challenged Charlie who gives him a new insight into what love really means. In this somewhere there's also Jim's best friend Blake, his pregnant sister Marie and her rough edged husband Owen.We acknowledge the fact that the synopsis doesn't really sound exciting, but think about it – how exciting is life itself for most of us? What triumphs for this movie is its nice blend of comedy and affecting drama. We hate to say this, but if this screenplay was taken up by a money raking Hollywood studio, or for that matter, a local TV production house, things would have turned out to be a dreary drab of a mess.Maybe you can call it first time lucky, because here we have first time writer Peter Helliar penning the screenplay. It is also the directorial film debut of Daina Reid. They may not be familiar names with us in this part of the world, but trust us, there is really a lot of heart in this one.While watching this well written movie, you'd be reflecting on the various aspects of life – love, friendship, kinship and the little episodes which play themselves out amidst these larger grand themes. Helliar have managed to capture the little moments in life which define the greater moments – from the quibbles in a restaurant, the wild parties in a club, to the efforts taken by a friend to cheer his pal up, and a simple desire to connect with someone through writing letters. These setups are written with a fresh touch of humour, which remind of life itseld. Reid has also done a decent job of directing her cast in the various situations, never at once making them caricatures which we are so used in Hollywood movies and TV productions.The cast delivers fine performances here. Brendan Cowell plays Jim, a familiar man in his 30s who is emotionally diminutive. – not just because he works at a miniature railway. The Australian actor exudes an underachiever charm that is both charismatic and empathizing. Helliar takes on the role of Jim's best friend Blake, who may seem rough and tough on the surface, but has one of the best lines in the movie when he tells Jim what he really feels about their friendship. Yvonne Strahovski plays Alice, the girlfriend who has to make a really important decision about her own life. The sweet looking actress puts her appealing looks to good use here. Fellow Australian actors Birdie Carter and Travis McMahon also display their acting chops in the roles of the wife and husband who are experiencing some bumpy times while expecting their first child.Watch out also for Peter Dinklage's unforgettable performance as Charlie, the American who changes Jim's life. The actor has achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism, which naturally makes him different from the rest. But that doesn't stop us from commending his moving performance – it's one of the best we have seen this year.You end up feeling and caring for all the characters in the movie, and that's because you are living life.
carlos Many Australian cultural males like I would probably enjoy this film I recommend every male take his girlfriend to this Although movie is classified as a Romantic Comedy there certainly wasn't any Hugh Grant style head over heals Romance between Alice and Jim shown, in contrast we see the suburban after honeymoon phase a static couple living together. Jim his biggest challenge in life is showing loving affection to Alice, Alice now 3 years older longs for more from a partner and decides to move on, we follow Jim and Alice in their separate ways and the emotions they feel along the way.The movie is more about the mateship between the male leads Jim & Charlie and long term mateship between Jim & Blake. What we are shown the 'first date' between Jim & Alice and their static routine 3 years later, what romance bonded them is never directly shown in the movie, however a spiritual trusting connection is evident.This film shows how important good mates are in a mans relationship life, A mans motive for lack of commitment or expression of emotion is not always represent his true feelings. Past events, traumatic experiences or lack of experience can limit a males ability to move a relationship forward (culturally males generally don't share this or ask for help) and Blake, even the Guy who appears to holding you back, can actually be your most loyal and generous friend.
Nat Magera I think Australian movies are fantastic. I loved this movie. It was Aussie and funny and my opinion is that anything Brendan Cowell is in is going to be good. People seem so used to these polished over American movies that we're fed that they forget we have a fantastic, under-appreciated film industry right here in Australia. And then they complain and say Aussie movies aren't funny because they're waiting for the canned laughter to show them when it's funny. Personally, I couldn't stop laughing! I loved the humour, I loved the random cameos (Angus Sampson was hilarious, as always), and Brendan Cowell was so ditzy and open that you couldn't help but laugh. Loved it!
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