I Love You, Don't Touch Me!
I Love You, Don't Touch Me!
R | 20 February 1998 (USA)
I Love You, Don't Touch Me! Trailers

When it comes to relationships, the "First Law of the Jungle" prevails: You have to kiss a lot of frogs before finding a prince! Katie is just your average hopeless romantic searching for the ideal man in the vast no man's land of Los Angeles. When Katie rejects her smitten best friend Ben and instead falls for Richard, a sexy and sophisticated composer, she thinks she's finally found the romance of her life. But Katie is about to discover that "Mr. Perfect" isn't necessarily "Mr. Right," and that, sometimes, a frog is really a prince in disguise!

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
insano-1 The 1998 film, "I Love You, Don't Touch Me" should have changed it's name to "I'm Garbage, Don't Watch Me." Despite this movie's flaws, it did manage to become, unquestionably, one of the worst films I have ever seen in my life...ever. Bad acting, horrible direction, and clichés every few lines of dialogue about the feminist female psyche make "I Love You..." not only bad, but painstakingly unwatchable as well. But hey, at least it had robotic, unfunny, campy dialogue working for it, right? Oh wait.
gena_s I can't believe there are people out there that don't like this movie. It's great! I saw it on a lark and it's wormed it's way into my heart as being among my top 10 favorites. A lot of people compare Julie Davis to Woody Allen. Yes, that's true. But I also think she's a lot like Susan Seidelman. If you've ever seen Smithereens or Desperately Seeking Susan, you'd know what I'm talking about. The film has it all-comedy, great singing and heartfelt emotion. Yes, a lot of what this girl says and does contradicts itself-but that's life and that's what makes this film realistic. This film has an independent feel and is not "Hollywood" at all. The ending is a little pat, but I forgive it that. I anxiously await Ms. Davis next movie! If you see this on cable, watch!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trey-16 This film harkens back to a time long past. About five minutes into the movie, I started thinking about my film school days, watching the sad projects of my classmates and trying to think of something nice to say about them. I couldn't find much here. This is about the quality of a 3rd year film school major, right before they drop out to study television. Everything seemed familiar, as if I'd seen it all before in a better movie, and downright unbelievable. At one point, the main character happens upon her cheating boyfriend in bed with another woman in the middle of the day. There's nothing new here. Even the staging seems a copy. First I wonder, are they living together? Well, she's a virgin so probably not. Then, why is she barging into her boyfriend's apartment without knocking. Or, maybe it's her apartment, but what idiot would bring home another woman to his girlfriend's apartment in the middle of the day. She storms out. Of course, the boyfriend grabs a ridiculous object to cover his groin as he runs out after her. In this case, it's a stuffed animal. He runs after her, yelling, "it was an accident!" Huh?The main character just doesn't seem all that interesting. She says (I'm paraphrasing), "Why can't I find a guy with a strong sense of himself, a large penis, and a large wallet." Wow, do women really tell other women stuff like that? I guess I've been giving them too much credit. My girlfriend says they don't. Who cares.
Hermit C-2 Here's another of those comedy/dramas about a single twentysomething woman wondering why her relationships don't work and why her life isn't what she wants. If that doesn't sound like your type of film I'd stay away because if anything our heroine in this one seems a little more neurotic than usual. But if it does sound like your thing, stick with this one, it gets better as it goes along.Katie (Marla Schaffel) is 25 and conflicted, to say the least, about her desire to terminate her virginity. Writer/director Judy Davis leads us through all the ups and downs on her rocky road, and it's a mostly fine effort.
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