I Like Killing Flies
I Like Killing Flies
R | 15 January 2004 (USA)
I Like Killing Flies Trailers

A documentary on the oddball Greenwich Village eatery, Shopsin's.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
obriensk This movie feels like an art school film project that caught fire and ended up being something bigger than anyone expected. From the ludicrous commentary of the madman that is Kenny Shopsin, to the real, applicable life lessons throughout, this documentary style film should be viewed by anyone with a love for food, family and of course, restaurant culture. Within each scene, comment, incident, lies small truths and realities that we all face as humans in this society. Alongside the daily struggles of the family system, is the restaurant itself which is as eccentric and charismatic as the family that owns it... This movie represents the city of New York, the neighborhood, and ultimately the PEOPLE that make any community what it is... I try and show this film to as many people as I can because I know the rise of popularity in a cult classic is a slow one, but that's what this production is... a true cult classic.
weasl-729-310682 It's OK for private business owners to have rules, but it's not OK to be unreasonable about their enforcement. So, he has a rule no parties over 4 people, fine. But when a party of 5, 6, 7-8 politely agrees to split in half, kicking them out is unacceptable. Especially when foul language, totally unprovoked, is involved.As other reviewers have said, this is a nice slice of life in our largest and meanest city. I love food, and good restaurants. I totally support mom and pop's and spurn chains whenever I can. Usually the quality is much higher, because mom and pop's aren't being driven by Wall Street investors looking for the max return on investment at all costs to the consumer. The M&P's are actually run by real humans who, of course, need to make a profit and living, like the rest of us, but *may* still have some pride (and some shame) in what they are doing. Usually a much better bet than the investor backed chains.I found it a very entertaining little documentary, and I wish the family the best, but it is no accident that the YouTube page I found it on also has many links that debate the difference between psychopath/sociopath, and some serial killer docs as well.New York's "friendly" neighborhood restaurant proprietor has a marked mental illness. Mostly I feel sorry for him, his family and his masochistic patrons.Don't believe me? Look up reviews on Yelp.
tillzen Growing up in NYC one meets a lot of Kenny's.Burnt out damaged toxic bullies who could only exist here or in Paris, where idiots put up with their crap."Shopsins" was a potheads' idea of heaven as the food was huge if often uneven. Seeing the pigsty of a kitchen in this film I have no doubt cannabis or a head injury were somehow involved. Kenny's philosophy is equally messy as his self-hatred and meanness to his family are just plain awful. The film is GREAT but only as a car accident one can not take their eyes off of. Watching it I was reminded of reason 127 why I prefer my West Texas home to NYC ... nobody here is like Kenny! Nobody here would put up with such misanthropic sub-humanism in exchange for a meal. A bully with nothing to bring to the table though on film you can meet him without having to smell him.
Bill What a great idea-a documentary that just wants to entertain. Killing Flies is a restaurant-sized slice of life about Kenny Shopsin and his diner in Greenwich Village. The place is one of a kind and Shopsin's ad lib rants are as entertaining as any screenwriter could contrive. Watch this film and you will go out of your way to visit this restaurant when in New York, not just because of the eccentric owner, but because the food has the same eclectic appeal.Directed by Matt Mahurin, who got the idea as a regular Shopsin customer, Killing Flies is fun and captivating entertainment without the usual documentary pedagogy. (OK, I did learn a few things: You can put about anything into pancakes. And DON'T bring a party of five into Shopsin's!)