I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last Summer
I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last Summer
| 21 August 2008 (USA)
I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last Summer Trailers

A cricket team are dispatched by a moustachioed serial killer with a razor sharp cricket glove and an arsenal of sharpened stumps. One by one the killer exacts revenge for a torment he endured 20 years earlier.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
ironhorse_iv Honestly, I didn't care for any of the characters in this film. So when they were soon killed off by the killer. I spent most of the time yawning where suspense was supposed to be. How can I take this movie seriously when one of the victims was killed by choking on a jock strap and another one running nearly nude in bondage gear? The violence is very over the top even the gore can't be taken serious, when how one the guy's "intestines" were obviously just 10 strands of sausage links? The FX shots are bad, as the splattered blood in the bathroom always disappears, making it look faker than it already did. The movie has the nerves to tease the audiences. In one scene, somebody picks up a chainsaw and look at it. I was thinking "Oh, this will be used later on. That's why we're being shown it now." But then nothing. Then another scene had a guy about to set another guy on fire that went nowhere. This movie is full of teases and not follow thru plots. It's said the DVD, it's a horror comedy, but the movie is not funny nor does it seem like a horror comedy. Everybody plays it the roles too straight that I didn't figure out it supposed to be funny. Let me state out about the title of the film. This film has nothing to do with any of the America 'I know what you did last summer' horror series. So I don't know why they had this title. It's no way parodying those films. It seems to sucker up viewers into seeing their film, mistaking it for the far more popular 'I know what you did Last Summer'. Film by an Australian-British crew, this low budget horror satire flick is about a cricket team being killed off by a killer known as Phil Phillips (Otto Heutling) because as a kid, Phil suffered a life-scarring memories of being bullied. He kills his victim in cricket relation ways, such as putting nails in an athletic cup supporter. It's a bit hard to take the killer seriously when he dresses like the Fifth Doctor from Doctor Who. Director Stacey Edmonds stars in the film as a cop who must team up with another arrogant detective (Jai Koutrae) to set out to find the killer before it's too late. In my opinion, it's already too late. It took two years to film so they had plenty of time to fix it up and yet the movie when finish, sucks. The film tries too hard on color grading as the film footage looks like it melt in the sun. There was also some a pointless camera shake to the film giving the movie a look like it's filming during an earthquake. The acting is poor, as I hear them reading out their lines. The sound was pretty appalling as it get loud in some scenes and soft spoken in others. Then there is awful cursing that would make a sailor says what was the point of that. There is an overt homage to the 1986's James Cameron's film Aliens ending that really out there. At less, Mortal Sin as the film soundtrack is a nice touch. It mixed poorly with the film itself. The movie suffers from really bad editing. Some scenes last way beyond their natural length to the point that it become awkward. There is a lot of pointless fillings such as driving intercut with people doing nothing. There is a worthless woman nudity shower scene that would jump kick the perverts out there. Don't worry women, there are plenty of stupid male masturbation and crotch shots scenes that you can kick your rocks off. All of them pretty dumb. I do like the split-screen suspense, but it felt lost. When use correctly split-screen extensively to depict the many simultaneous events, enhancing the movie's real-time element as well as connecting its multiple story lines. It can show actions occurring simultaneously, but in the split-screen in this film. It's all the same shot. I know they were going for Director Brian De Palma's style, but it didn't work. Then there is the twist that comes out of nowhere. It was alright, but gees, this is a bad tribute to B-movie Ozploitation filmmaking. For 75 minutes, it's a short film, but in my opinion, it's still a waste of time, like watching real cricket. The DVD has some extras, like behind-the-scenes of the low budget gory effects and full uncut version of the shower scene. It's really really worth the price, if you find this movie in the dollar bin at Wal-Mart. I wouldn't pay any more. I wouldn't bother buying it if I even wanted to see it. I would just borrow it from somebody. Well it was certainly a lot better than the follow up "I know how many assists you had this season". Whatever its intentions 'I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last Summer" doesn't deliver.
petefumberger Movies like this are why I don't pay to watch any Australian content, unless it is free and I can tape it. The only redeeming thing about this movie is the wee bonnie lass in the shower, with her lovely perky breasts and very nicely trimmed pubis. Truly bloody awful!!!!! The movie that is, not the lovely wee bonnie lassie. And I can't get this posted until I do at least 10 lines of text. I am a bit of a wordsmith but this might be beyond me, but I shall try. Let me see what words I can come up with. Woeful. Abysmal. Tedious. Bloody awful. Oops, already used that one. Abominable. Appalling. Typical Australia rubbish sadly to say. Hope that's enough. Pity I couldn't give it a zero rating.
HumanoidOfFlesh Short synopsis of "I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last Summer" goes like that:a cricket team are dismissed by a mustachioed serial killer with a razor sharp cricket glove and an arsenal of sharpened stumps.One by one the killer exacts revenge for the torment he endured 20 years earlier.I never had a chance to play cricket,but I must say that I sort of enjoyed trashy satirical slasher "I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last Summer".The killer has lovely murder kit including balls and stumps,the killings are gory and the behavior of victims/former bullies of our cricket player is stunningly idiotic.The acting is awful and the shower scene is extremely gratuitous with the use of body double.6 crickets out of 10.Cricket-oriented slasher?Why not?
Rooksy This small gem of a film goes to show what can be achieved with a lot of talent, imagination and determination and without any major backing.It is blatantly a B-movie and without of the post-modern cleverness of some current horrors, it goes back to basics in terms of T&A and violence. The story is a standard revenge plot but bombs along with some neat twists and turns backed by some neat editing, great gore and SFX and a killer sound-track of metal and rawk! The shower scene is so totally gratuitous it will have you laughing and the kills come frequently enough that you'll be entertained, but varied enough that you are never bored.The cricket theme is really just an excuse to use every cricketing implement as a murder weapon, so don't worry if you're not a sports fan, as long as you are a horror fan you won't be disappointed.I'd love to see what the husband and wife director/producer team can do with a real budget next time out, but kudos to them for getting up off their backsides, working for years and producing something this good and this fun.I saw this at the 'night of horror' festival in Sydney, but I hear that it has got DVD distribution in UK, Oz and US so support low-budget film making and buy/rent it!