I Do
I Do
NR | 31 May 2013 (USA)
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A gay Brit living in New York is deprived of his immigration status, and risks losing his family and life in the U.S. He marries his lesbian best friend to remain in the country and stay with his family, but things get complicated when he meets the love of his life and is forced to make an impossible choice.

Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
jm10701 Anyone who's hungry for a feel-good, studio-quality gay romance - with crisp photography, classy sets, clear sound, attractive actors with celebrity stubble, hot bods, pure hearts, and plenty of obstacles for true love to overcome - is going to love this movie. There are no others like it. Even lesbians are pretty well represented, within the movie's Hollywood-like straight-acting constraints. It's certainly as good and as believable as any straight romance Hollywood ever made. Even straight people might like it, because there's a very cute child, the gays are wonderfully domestic and straight-acting, and true love is true love regardless of gender.The fact that this movie's objective - equal treatment of gay married couples under US immigration law - had, to the whole world's amazement, already been achieved by the time the DVD was released doesn't compromise its effectiveness as much as it could have. It really is a very romantic drama much more than an appeal for justice, so while the appeal already sounds dated it's a small enough part of the movie that it's easy to overlook.For gay men like me, though, and others who aren't particularly romantic, this movie is not so great. The problem is the screenplay, written by David W. Ross, who also stars as Jack.Nearly every point on which the highly melodramatic story turns is weak at best, and often ludicrous: Drag-racing taxis on a rainy Manhattan street at night? Jack suddenly losing his work visa after 20 steadily productive years in the US? Why? His lawyer says it's "because of 9/11"? Was every gainfully-employed British WASP deported ten years after 9/11? It makes no sense.And after all those years of obviously successful employment (just look at his fabulous Manhattan loft apartment!), why doesn't he already HAVE a green card, or even citizenship? That's just the beginning; the contrived, nonsensical crises, one after another, are just too absurd to swallow. It's also hard to sympathize with affluent people who repeatedly make stupid choices.But this is Hollywood (or might as well be). So while I found the movie mostly annoying (a few dynamite turns by Jamie-Lynn Sigler are the only exceptions), I strongly recommend it to my less cynical and more romantically-inclined brothers who've been waiting an unfairly long time for a movie just like this.
leo_kade I was amazed at how badly the movie was rated. I thought it was a good movie. Its a cute movie and made me laugh a few times and almost made me tear a few. It really reminded me of my old friend who I miss dearly. It also made me smile thinking about all the fun times we used to have. The actors play the characters great and the movie has a good story. Give it a chance you might be surprised. omg why did IMDb change it that you have to write soo much? Isn't a simple i liked the movie and if you want to find out what its about read the summary or watch the trailer! Now we have to write 10 sentences what is that all about? I love movies and love to rate them but if they lock my account this will be the last review I write. Cant believe they changed this I used to write reviews all the time. Thanks IMDb for ruining your rating system!
Thom Brown The complications inequality wreaks are deftly illustrated in this highly-polished independent film by newcomer writer David W Ross. The film also comes at a time when Prop 8 and DOMA are under the spotlight so couldn't be more appropriate. I was mightily impressed with the balanced story-telling, the pacing, the high production values and the excellent acting from the cast, particularly Jessica Tyler Brown who surely has a bright acting future ahead of her.One thing that really makes the film work is the mix of tragedy, comedy, drama and intimacy that brings through the character of the film. Nothing is straightforward in the story, and that's the point with marriage inequality. It inflicts a web of complications and pushes people to break the law to be with someone they love, which can be felt emphatically. The issue doesn't just affect couples who wish to be together, but everyone close to them.Fortunately the film isn't just a case of watching Jack Edwards's world slowly ebb away, and the anxieties it brings; it also has very touching and humorous moments which don't descend to the farcical. It's this mixture that would bring me back to watch it again. Sure you'll have a couple moments where your eyes may well up, but it thankfully hasn't been over-baked into a Lifetime-style drama. And you will laugh, or at least chuckle at the well-timed and appropriate comedy. I'm still highly impressed by this supposedly little indie film, which punches well above its weight. Go watch it if you get the chance.
danny-r-langrish I didn't know what to expect from this film. I was informed by the writer (David W Ross) that it had sad moments, and I should bring the tissues. So many 'Gay' films are depressing, and always seem to have a sad ending. So I went in thinking, it would be a typical 'gay film', and I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy it. However, the film had a nice little story, which keeps the viewer interested throughout. There is a good balance of characters, whom you get to know well and how they effect the main character, without overloading you with back stories.It's no secret that it covers the debate about gay marriage and equal rights, which is very much in the now, with #DOMA in the USA and the Gay marriage debate in the UK. But even though that's the main point of the story, its not all heavy political jargon and debate. It's about equality, but told in a way that is enjoyable and easy to digest.The film also brings up a few 'what would you do in that situation?' subjects, which promotes conversation with friends and family, long after the credits roll. The film also looks well shot, and some great cinematography. The script is good, with some great funny one liners (apparently it was originally a comedy, in a previous incarnation). It moves along nicely without moving too quickly, or plodding along too slow.It has a nice ending too, which restores my faith in 'gay' cinema.So all in all a great film, with some heavy subjects, but told in a way that keeps you entertained, some giggles and some great characters. It shows you can educate the viewer, without preaching or overloading.Thoroughly enjoyable
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