I Bury the Living
I Bury the Living
NR | 01 July 1958 (USA)
I Bury the Living Trailers

A newly appointed cemetery chairman believes that, merely by inserting a black plot-marking pin into a wall-sized map of the cemetery, he can cause the deaths of that plot's owner.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Rainey Dawn Robert Kraft, a man that is hired as a cemetery chairman - and helps to sell plots and keep track of where everyone is either buried or will be buried on a large map of the cemetery. White Pins on the plots of the map means the person is alive and this is where they will be buried, the Black Pins mean the person is now deceased. Oddly when Kraft accidentally puts a black pin instead of a white pin on the plot map the person dies.. it happens more and more frequently to the point he gets the police involved. Does Kraft have the power to kill people with black pins and a map? Excellent cinematography throughout the film - some great stuff there, a good eerie story and the film builds to a great climax. I enjoyed the film.8/10
brautigan-126-784250 Just watched it on Netflix and I was shocked at how good this was.Unfortunately, no one saw fit to keep the film in good shape, so it doesn't look good, and the audio is very tinny.When I read the plot summary for this film, I was sure I was in for a disappointment. I was certain that we'd have a villain who discovers he has a power, keeps it a secret, and uses it to his advantage.Nope, the main character is actually the protagonist, and his power is the antagonist. Could he really have to kill, just by placing a pin in a map, or is it all just coincidence? The only way to know is to test it. Ultimately, his colleagues FORCE him to test his power, to their own demise! The dialogue, acting and some of the direction were really, really good.Look past the film quality and recognize the elements that shine in this very, very unique film, especially if you love weird tales.If I were to bill a double feature with this as the first film, the second film would be Village of the Damned. Great pairing right there.Check it out, for real!!!!
mark.waltz Then try the men who run the cemeteries where the work of those usually tall, lanky Lurch like men ends up, if not in some crematorium. Creepy cemeteries have haunted audiences ever since the silent movies, and this one is a definite rise above the cardboard headstones of "Plan Nine From Outer Space". There aren't any grave robbers here; In fact, there seems to be a goal in filling up the cemetery rather than taking bodies away for medical experiments. Richard Boone is the new director of the cemetery and as soon as he takes over, the bodies of the board members begin to pile up as the pins on the maps change from "white" (available) to "black" (unavailable), even though the grave plots for the board members have already been purchased. The map gets more sinister looking as the film goes on, looking like a pair of evil eyes staring down at whoever enters the office with definite evil intentions.Right before taking on the role of Captain Von Trapp in the Broadway production of "The Sound of Music", Theodore Bikel added old age make-up to his handsome face to play the very Scottish cemetery handyman who is put out to pasture with a lifetime salary guarantee. He spouts all sorts of Scottish wisdoms as if he was MacBeth on acid, and it is a hoot to behold. Richard Boone is the frantic new director who believes that somehow he might have become possessed to kill off the board and even seems to suffer from blackouts. Obviously made on the cheap, but convincingly set up, this is better than a lot of shock fare released on either the big screen or in drive-ins during the late 50's. One of the cast members, very recognizable, is Herbert Anderson, the wise father of none other than "Dennis the Menace".
sol1218 ***SPOILERS*** The movie "I Bury the Living" almost buried actor Richard Boone's career which was only saved by his hit TV show "Have Gun Will Travle" that not only was being broadcast at the same time this turkey was released to the theaters, in 1958, but in it making most people forget that he had anything to do with that acupuncture, in the brain, like horror movie.Bob Kraft, Richard Boone, who runs the very successful Kraft Department Store in downtown Milford is put in charge of the Kraft Family cemetery The Immortal Hills as part of his duties as a member of the Kraft Family. A problem that Kraft soon faces in the forced retirement of the cemetery's Scottish crypt keeper Andy McKee, Theodore Bikel, who despite getting a full pension for his 40 years on the job just can't stay from the stiffs that he's been burying and attending to all these long years.Really having nothing to do at the cemetery Kraft starts to play with the pins that indicated, on a large wall map of the cemetery, who's buried and who's to be buried in the graveyard and mistakenly sticks two black pins,indicating that their dead, in the reserved and white pin burial plots of Sturat & Liz Drextel,Glen Vernon & Lynette Bernay. The next day Kraft gets the shocking news that the couple were killed in a car crash and are dead as the black pins indicated that they are! It's when again by mistake Kraft who seems to be bored to tears in his new and dead end job as a cemetery attendant puts a black pin in the burial plot of toy maker William Isham, Cyril Delevanti,that the poor and marked, by the black pin, man keels over and drops dead of a sudden heart-attack at his home that very evening!With Kraft now feeling that he has, with his both white & black pins, the power of life and death he instead of not playing with his deadly and new found toys he's encouraged by his Uncle George, Howard Smith, and the board member of Kraft Inc. to play some more with them in order to prove that this deadly game of his is nothing but a coincidence and insist that he put the black pin on their white pinned burial plots in order to prove that! What in fact happens is that all three Uncle George Bill Honnegger and Charlie Bates, Ken Drake & Matt Moore, end up dead and Kraft starts to go out of his mind in feeling that he's the one responsible for their sudden and unexpected departures!***SPOILER*** The truth soon comes out to what's behind all these mysterious deaths and, surprise surprise, it had nothing to do with the supernatural at all! It was in fact someone very close to the Immortal Hill Cemetery, so close that he's almost buried in it, who took advantage of all this confusion on Kraft's part and like the saying goes made it all happen! It was when the cop on the case Lt. Clayborne, Robert Osterich, smelled something rotten at the Immortal Hill Cemetery, and it wasn't any one buried there, that he set the killer up by targeting someone who was to be buried there who was way of of the killers jurisdiction! And thus caused him to overplay his hand and slip us where his head soon ended up on a chopping block!