I Am The Cheese
I Am The Cheese
PG | 11 November 1983 (USA)
I Am The Cheese Trailers

Adapted from the Robert Cormier novel. This film follows the life of a young boy whose happy, if somewhat unusual life with his friends and family gradually starts to unravel, until the truth of the boy's situation is finally revealed.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
friendwes About the only people who will have any appreciation for this movie are homesick Vermonters...I grew up riding my bike on the same roads as Adam, so it was a hoot to see Marshfield & Barre from back in the day. It was even better to hear the gold-domed State Capitol Building described as a "court house." Don't bother renting this film- it's truly awful. And the ending sucks. I don't understand why it was ever released on DVD...maybe it was an attempt to capitalize on the study hall market- bored kids watching the movie because they can't be bothered to crack open the book...Why on earth Robert Wagner chose to get involved with such a lame project is beyond me...
mattkratz This movie gets confusing, but once you make sense of it you will like it even better. That's part of the fun. It was based on the book of the same name, and follows it pretty faithfully. The story involves a kid who is confined to a psychiatric ward. He is apparently having delusions and is confused about what is real and what isn't. (Can anyone say, "A Beautiful Mind?")He has two birth certificates, his parents are dead, and he has to sort thru his memories to decide what is real. Confused yet? It will all make sense at the end when you see it. I will not give anything else away.*** out of ****
qwer asdf the title says it all, "I am the Cheese". This movie is nothing but cheesy.The movie makes no sense at all for those who haven't read the book, it makes a little sense to those who have read the book.The acting is terrible, the character lacked charisma it's almost like they are reading from a script.And last of all, the movie is boring, they are good boring movies like " lost in Translation" etc. This movie is everything you don't want you movie to be.Anyway, DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. It's the ultimate embarrassment if anyone catch you watching this. The book is a worth read but STAY AWAY FORM THIS
stevenb30 Why did they even bother? This film is based on a book that falls into the general category of "nothing is at it seems to be." The film, possibly due to its complete lack of pacing, never gives the viewer the feeling it seems to be anything coherent. There is no dramatic tension for anyone that hasn't read the book. Which is a waste given the talented cast.But ultimately, the film's biggest sin is the ending (SPOILER). The book's payoff is the horror that reveals itself bit by bit -- culminating in the revelation that Adam is doomed. The changed ending (that some would consider "happy") denigrates this film to a fourth rate movie of the week.