Hustle and Heat
Hustle and Heat
R | 04 November 2003 (USA)
Hustle and Heat Trailers

A slick private eye set out to investigate the death of a young rapper, only to find himself knee-deep in drugs, guns, and double crosses.

PodBill Just what I expected
Steineded How sad is this?
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Motompa Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
Destroyer Wod Hustle and Heat is like if you put martial arts, rap, gunfights, a thriller and a "cop buddy" element and mix it all up. Really the result is not that bad even if at some part you feel the main character(which is also the writer) try to overdo it.The main character Rad is kind of like the cool guy that knows how to fight and work as a P.I. Try to mix up Chris Tucker in Rush Hour with a classic 90s martial art main character played by Don Wilson or Jeff Daniels and you got it. He is kinda likable really. His sidekick is played by Vivica A Fox which try to be some Q from James Bond mixed with a sexy chicks coming out of a rap video. Not bad again really... she could had stand out a bit more but she was OK.The plot include some mysteries and let you guess til the end who is responsible and why.In between mix some car chases with over the top explosions and gunfights black rapper style(seriously the way they hold there gun is ridiculous including the main character) just to fuel the action style and you got the movie.All in all, sure some parts are bad clichés, the fights are nothing impressive but there not terrible either, the "action movies" elements are OK, even tough again not impressive. And the story yeah is kind of interesting even for a guy like me that don't listen to rap at all...So all and all, a decent movie, much better than what i was expecting, and i found the main character likable, but of course this won't be a cult classic either if you know what i mean...Its a decent thriller meet action movie featuring martial arts if i can say
Zeelthor Yes, I'm going as far as rating this with 1. I saw this movie at school because it was the only one the teachers had left and I honestly should have stayed at home, it would've been better for my health. The plot is basically about some detective dude who solves the stuff the police can't. My first issue with this movie is the acting. Most of the actors are or were artists and lack any basic acting skills. It makes Jessica Alba seem like a bloody prodigy. But not only that is strange.. What also amuses me is how when he shoots with two guns from what? 5 meters, he wastes two mags without hitting two guys. Then he empties another two mags or so when they stand in a narrow doorway.Later, he shoots a guy from 50 meters distance, hitting him with a single bullet.Had it been a parody and the sucking had been intended, I would have laughed, but I was closer to crying over the time I wasted when I could have been watching paint dry.
gqyall I Found the movie to be perfect for T.V. and Video. It was very action packed and had every type of genre from Action to Comedy to Suspense. I am what you call a Black Critic and I focus on the feel of many different movies of all kinds, not just black movies. I am African-American with an eclectic taste from Classical Musicals to Straight Ghetto Independent Films.Although Ride or die had many Blacks in the Movie, the feel of the movie was not focused mainly just for the black audience. There were many races that played their part in this movie and not just in their usual stereotypical roles, but what many would consider crossover roles.With that being said.........The reason I enjoyed this movie was because of the many genres that were fused in this movie. It makes it hard to tell what actual genre it should be under; by doing this, it avoids being labeled. The story did not go smoothly in transition at every point, but it did manage to keep my attention.There was Gun Play, Sarcastic Comedy, Mind Teasing Humor, Drama and Romance, Good guy bad guy Quotas, Turns and Twists, and I would have never guessed that that person did it type of feel.This is a movie I could watch over and again; at least 5 times for the year. My Usual limits for good movies would be 7 for the year, unless it just so happen made it to t.v. and there was nothing else better to watch.Ride Or die gets 3.95 out of 5 of my votes.You know who i beI call it like I see it with no bias
eatsoap It was windy day after two nights out on the town and little sleep when i rented "Ride or die" for a mate and I to watch in our ultimately hungover states. Being in that state, I wasn't in the mood for anything too heavy, so looked for nothing more than an action popcorn flick to enjoy. Which is not what we got. Ride or die feels like nothing more than someone who got hold of a camera and wrote an entire screenplay to make their mates look "cool" (which doesn't work anyway), which also says little for the acting, on a whole unconvincing altogether. The actions scenes were little more than painful to watch, one which has two guys with two guns each shooting at the main character down an empty hallway, none of whom hit anything. The plot was ridiculous to say the least. I am sorry, but there is nothing that i can say about this movie that could possibly sound good. There were several moments that you could tell the director was trying to get across as funny moments but all failed except for one, and even that only got a grunt from my mate and I.On the whole, the movies feels as though it could be cut in two. The first half is terrible and taking itself seriously, and the backend must've been when the director realised it wasn't working and did his best to turn it into comedy, which was even worse [just wait for the demise of the last "villian"]I want my money and my time back. Worst film I've personally seen in 2003.