PG | 23 May 2005 (USA)
Hush Trailers

A married man must deal with an obsessive former girlfriend after he moves back to his hometown.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
univamgroup I thought this movie was one of Tori's best movies (from a genre of made for TV 'B' movies). I thought is was pretty good for an over-used, 'angry ex-girlfriend takes revenge on new wife' theme. It kept me on the edge and the psycho ex-girlfriend is unpredictable. One of the ridiculous parts is how does a waitress who doesn't have two nickels to rub together miraculously pay for invetro procedures??? Other than that, the movie clips along, not sure what's going to happen next - so it holds your interest. It's a great Saturday afternoon flick to curl up on the couch with popcorn. I give it 8 stars - I've certainly seen worse!
Baralai Gippal I caught this movie while doing something else online, and I generally found myself wanting to see some scenes, but ended up mostly listening until the end. All I can say is that it's worth seeing maybe once when there's nothing better on, but beyond that? Obviously there's better, more intelligent movies out there.What I liked about this one is that it wasn't over-the-top like similar movies nor was it full of screaming and explosive intensity. Cellie was a but more subtle and "tightly coiled" in her obsession and rage. In fact, Victoria Pratt was the only great actress in the movie. I viewed Cellie was more sad creepy than scary creepy, honestly. Sure, she's still a creep, but she's much more understated than many other obsessive characters. Everyone else is generally okay and Tori Spelling does a fairly good job as Nina.The movie felt more like a drama than anything. However, the ending...gah. Here's where Cellie turns into a Voldemort, and basically throws out any devious intelligence that she had in the beginning. Sure, she's still soft spoken in her rage, but apparently her brain got burnt because she just does things that even a bumbling fool wouldn't think of doing. Here's a few hints: 1. People that kill/ruin/commit crimes against others WITHOUT getting caught don't say anything to anyone about it unless the other person is dying or dead. 2. They don't just make threats like, "If you do this, then I'll"...nope. They just DO IT. Leave no witnesses and they NEVER tip their hands. 3. They do things themselves and never turn their backs on their enemies. Then again, if she really was so brilliant, then the movie would have ended halfway through with a "it was an accident, I'm so sorry. She slipped from my grasp." *sob*.Honestly, it's not that bad, but there's a reason why it has the rating that it does.
xredgarnetx Lazy writing, bad acting and wooden direction lead us to a 2005 Canadian-made TV movie called HUSH, not to be confused with about eight other movies using the same name. Tori Spelling and her doctor hubby move from SanFran to his small hometown, where they run into his old gal pal, who decides she still loves him. She gets pregnant with Tori's baby (don't ask) and starts knocking off anyone who might get in her way as she plans to reunite with her old flame. The actors playing the old gal pal and the doctor are not worth mentioning, as they act flatter than flat. Tori isn't much better, but at least she is something to focus on as the plot meanders here and there before arriving at a very lame and all-too-familiar conclusion. Watch instead THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE.
guilfisher-1 Terrible terrible movie for Television. Once again Lifetime brings us the predictable triangle; scheming bitchy woman out to get stupid unknowing wife of yet another stupid husband who doesn't have a clue.I get antsy when I see these films. You may ask, why do I watch them then? I haven't a clue. Usually by mistake. And the movie is so bad I can't get away from it. I wait for the bitch to get her come up-pence. And usually I'm not satisfied in how she gets her just desserts.Now if you can believe our vixen, she steals embryos from the clinic, and how does one do that? Without blood tests, DNA, inquiries and recommendations. She proceeds to kill the Realtor, Gabrielle Rose, who is on to her, in broad daylight in the front yard of a house for sale and no one sees her? She kills the mother, Susan Hogan, and you could predict that surmise when the mother off handedly mentions she's allergic to peanuts and that the pills to combat this allergy are in her pocket book. Guess what? I won't continue on this.Finally you are left in the house alone with the wife and the bitch. Well good triumphs evil, but much too slowly. Victoria Pratt as the evil girlfriend is adequate in the role, looking a bit too disheveled and obvious. Tori Spelling just stands around looking blank most of the time. She's got those big big Bette Davis eyes that look like they're popping out of her head. I liked her better in TRICK. And Tahmoh Penikett plays the husband going around assuring his wife there's nothing too he and his ex-girlfriend, even though he's spotted all over town being very chummy with her, standing half naked with her in his house when he sent the wife off to the city to stay overnight. Yet he continues to deny the romance.Lifetime never disappoints the viewers with their inane plots and stories about women and their stupid husbands. Wish I could give this chestnut a "0" rating.