How to Make Love to a Woman
How to Make Love to a Woman
R | 13 July 2010 (USA)
How to Make Love to a Woman Trailers

When Andy hears his girlfriend Lauren sigh after sex, he panics. But even with the help of his friends, porn stars and tantric experts, he continues to stumble in the bedroom, finally realizing that in order to give Lauren the 'O' word, he first needs to say the 'L' word. Starring Josh Meyers, Krysten Ritter, Ian Somerhalder, Jenna Jameson and Ken Jeong.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
ntsci This film can best be described as a romantic comedy. Its not the greatest film, but its quite funny in places. The plot begins when after having sex, Lauren sighs in disappointment. Andy becomes alarmed that if he isn't satisfying his girlfriend his days with her may be numbered. So begins a quest to find out what he's doing wrong. Sexperts he consults with includes his best friend, porn stars, his colleagues in the music business, lesbians, a medical doctor, his parents, his younger brother, and grand parents... but at no point does he just ask her. Meanwhile she also talks to her friends about the issue, but not to him. Some of the best advice actually comes from his grand mother. The secret of what she really wants is hinted a couple minutes before her initial sigh, but I'll leave that to you to catch the problem. Some of the most amusing scenes involve the use of split screen reminiscent of Annie Hall, where a couple is talking about each other, contradicting each other, and showing very different perspectives on sex. At a number of points they interact with each other across the splits screens.Given the topic under discussion it was somewhat of a surprise to me that the film has no explicit sex scenes or even any frontal nudity. In the sex scenes that are depicted in the film, their bodies are almost entirely covered under the blankets. But because of the topic under discussion -- pursuit of her orgasm -- this is a film for adults only.Its not a great film, but its a lot more amusing then the usual stupidity based humor so rampant in Hollywood today. A good film to watch with your significant other.
aybikemutluer First of all, I have to admit that I watched the movie for Ian Somerholder. But after watching the movie, I felt like I have to warn the lucky people who didn't watch this yet. The plot is interesting in itself, before it was made this movie actually. For starters, Krysten Ritter is really boring. And when I say boring, I mean it. You never see the emotions. All the ups and downs the character goes through, nothing. Second, Josh Meyers. Again, no acting at all. The only good acting, in my opinion comes from Eugene Byrd and Ian Somerholder, but to admit I am biased about Somerholder, and Byrd was not extraordinary, he was just the stereotype (at least at the beginning) And since I wasted a good amount of time watching this movie and watched Ian Somerholder for about 5 min. I am very very disappointed.
porter_13 Oh my. This movie is so stale I felt compelled to register so I could post a warning to anyone above an 85 IQ. Cliché, another cliché, yet another cliché. The best part was the somewhat clever opening credits score. Most comedies open with something funny. This is the one cliché the movie left out! If you like watching average comedians perform below average, this is your movie. That's all to say but I cannot post without ten lines. So don't read anymore, I'm just trying to make it to ten lines because spending any more time writing about this awful and insulting movie is a waste of my time at this point. I hope that's at least ten lines.
Paul Magne Haakonsen Oh my God! This movie was rock-bottom. I thought I was in for a comedy, but it turned out to be far from it. It didn't even manage to make me smile.The story, to me at least, was amazingly uninteresting and empty. It moved forward at a super slow pace, and tried to be funny. But it failed on an epic level.The actors and actresses, well they weren't bad. But there was something missing from the whole picture. And I guess the actors and actresses did their best with what they were given. It just didn't really do the trick for me.I managed to get halfway through the movie, then I caved in and gave up. It had gotten to the point where it was starting to drag on forever and ever. And still no laughs.It is hard to label this movie, and I am not just going to slander it in lack of better. But it seriously wasn't my cup of tea, and I doubt it that I will return to finish the second half of it.