How Much Do You Love Me?
How Much Do You Love Me?
| 26 October 2005 (USA)
How Much Do You Love Me? Trailers

After winning the lottery, François goes to a bar in Pigalle and offers one hundred thousand Euros per month to a prostitute named Daniela to live with him as his wife until his money runs out.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
sanjin_9632 What a great little film. Of course it's about love, but some might perceive love differently than others. If you look at this film, element by element, the music (the operas, the arias), the lighting (which is dark at one point, and incredibly light at the next), the dialogue, the setting, the casting etc., you may find it hard to believe that it all fits together in the end, but it does.Surely some might argue that this film is all about Monica Bellucci, but I beg to differ. She's hot, incredibly so, but there are thousands of women out there in the world. Some even way better looking and probably more sensual. Monica Bellucci fits into this role, because the public, the viewer wants to see her in this specific role of a whore. The role of a whore turned saint, like Mary Magdalene. To most men this is very appealing. This film's the work of Bertrand Blier, who is in fact the master of his craft. Blier made an (in my opinion) exceptional romantic comedy. Almost surreal, because at one point I realized that all the characters were being too honest, except for one little lie. As if everyone was sharing their thoughts, without boundaries. This film makes you laugh (honestly) and then in turn makes you think. Most romantic comedies are shallow and don't say anything at all. I think I'm totally numb when watching another stupid American Rom-com, because it all seems generic. With this, I found myself questioning the director's motives to show the characters in a specific light, from a specific angle. The average rating is far too low. This film has an artistic flair. 7.6/10
babbupandey I am questioning my intelligence right now on two accounts: firstly, as to what was the movie all about, secondly, as to why did I watch this film in the first place. The film storyline (or should I call it a story-curve) kept jumping from one point to another faster than Belluci takes her clothes off in the film and in the end I was moaning like Monica Belluci's love making act - but out of agony. The only positive about this picture is the copious amount of nudity, the divine figure of Monica Belluci is worth every penny of $0.00 (thanks Amazon prime) I spent on this film. But then, I was left wondering to myself that I could have easily saved so much time, energy and my precious brain cells by watching these scenes selectively at YouTube. Therefore, my first ever review on IMDb goes to warn the community to not watch this film and give a negative review which this film so eminently deserves.
axismladen THIS COMMENT MAYBE CONTAINS SOME '' SPOILERS '' !!! - Though, i don't think it would spoil anything for you since the movie is already as bad as possible!!!This movie is just terrible! No story no nothing. This was probably the worst script ever to become a movie. Really terrible. Okay, acting wasn't that bad. It was even kinda good but it really can't be appreciated in a movie as bad as this one. I really have no idea what was it about! The ugly guy that would never stand a chance to be with a woman like her ''pays'' her to be with him but, unfortunately, it turn's out to be that a mobster is in love with her also. The mobster, played by Gerard Depardieu, is probably the dullest character ever made. As it seems, he actually mind's her having sex with this guy but he doesn't mind the fact that she's a prostitute. Are you kidding me??? That makes no sense!!! Even Monica Bellucci, who i usually adore and find beautiful, can't and wont make me watch this movie again! This is really bad! Do your self a favor and don't see it!!!!
writers_reign For non French-speakers the title translates as HowMuch Do You Love Me, ergo my summary. Normally I'm prepared to go a long way to avoid Monica Bellucci but against that I'm equally prepared to go as far again to see Gerard Depardieu so there you have the problem in a nutshell. Blier has been, of course, associated inextricably with Depardieu from the first and it would not be an exaggeration to say that Depardieu owes his career to Blier's Les Valseuses, but there is, surely a limit to how grateful one can be; after all Gerry can be said to have paid Blier back with interest with his appearances in Get Out Your Handkerchiefs, Too Beautiful For You and so on. On the other hand this latest Blier entry toplined Bernard Campan, so good in Se Souvenirs des belles choses and it's he who kick-starts the plot, having won the lottery and inclined to 'buy' hooker Bellucci. That should give you an idea of what to expect and frankly it doesn't get any better so I'm really not surprised that no one has chosen to write about something released in October, quickly withdrawn from the large salles and now reduced to two screens in Cinemas du quartier. A major disappointment.