How I Ended This Summer
How I Ended This Summer
| 11 November 2010 (USA)
How I Ended This Summer Trailers

Two men at a remote Arctic base begin mistrusting each other after an important radio message.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
aleo81190 "A Trainer and A Trainee alone in the polar station checking the readouts and things get complicated dramatically" Started like a good movie and ended horribly. Only best part in the movie is when they show how to cut the fish And also that white bear.Very slow movie.I hate this movie only because they complicated the situation deliberately without any necessity. Really horrible although the end is little good.Better stay away.
Rico Yawn...Well what can I say... This movie is just so slow it could send a glass eye to sleep! Apart from that its just utterly pointless...I mean why didn't the young guy just tell him...!?!?! I know he's meant to be waiting for the right moment & all that jazz... However that just does NOT come across in the movie at all!!!& finally when the young guy tells him that his family is dead... The other guy turns around & wants to kill the young guy... LOL!Then after a lot of running about... (The exciting part) *Snigger*They are best buddies again...!?!?Like I said a the start of this review the movie is utterly pointless!!!Well acted & good camera work... But the storyline BLOWS!
ronchow As some reviewers have pointed out, the title of the film is irrelevant to the story being told. That's problem number one. The other problem I have is the story based on the interaction of two men from two generations is just not very credible. Why would Pavel choose to create all the problems for himself? Apart from these faults, it is a watchable film. You are treated to some unusual Arctic landscape, and given a taste of what life would be like living in that part of the world, in total isolation from the rest of civilization and conducting repetitive tasks. Even in summer, that part of Arctic can still be harsh and dangerous. The acting by the two actors was pretty solid and camera work good.So don't get me wrong. This film is still a good example of contemporary Russian cinema, cinema not based on sex, killings, CGI or a fat budget. The difference between the generations - one of duty and devotion to work, and the other less so and distracted by video games and loud music - was well explored. It just could have been a much better human drama if the storyline was more credible.
gumby_x2 When deciding whether or not to purchase or even see a film, I do a IMDb search to see how the top 1000 reviewers rated it. Usually, you can figure that if the film was rated 7.0 or higher by the top 1000, then it is worth both seeing and buying, so I bought this one sight unseen. This was a big mistake. While the cinematography is stunning. The storyline is all over the place, and the plot details fail to follow common sense and fall apart completely. It's got more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese. The acting job by Sergei Puskepalis is consistent and believable, but the acting job by Grigory Dobrygin just doesn't hold water. It's all over the place. If you going to see the movie for the cinematography, great; but don't expect to get any grins over the plot. It's just not there. On a scale of 10, I would have to rate it a 4. It the plot didn't get in the way so much, I would be tempted to rate it higher. My recommendation is to see this film only if you have seen every other film you want to see first. I can only figure that it got rated 7.3 by the top 1000 because someone wanted to ramp it up to improve viewership.