How Funny (This Country Is)
How Funny (This Country Is)
| 15 April 2010 (USA)
How Funny (This Country Is) Trailers

Three freshly graduated adults try to educate young beggars to become street vendors, but are opposed by their fathers.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Muhammad Hanifan Bintang When you watch this movie, you will be considered with all over the bad things that you get in this country. You see that on TV in the morning, you always read about that stuff on newspaper.. etc. Corruption, Disgrace, Poverty, street kids, and many more. Deddy Mizwar as a director try to explain those thing with honest, no 'teaching' and no religion persuasive which in this movie is talk about Islamic ways. This is about Humanity, feel and Reality. You are not living in Hitler Regim which every regulation and rules are absolute. Trys To figure it out. This is a 'Mirror' for me, for you, and for everyone, especially for Indonesian.
Dhani Sinambela About real life in "street" level,really touching and real!,after you watch this film you will think,i mean really thinking about your country,your life and your way of life.Most people will never understand what really happen around them,this film will show you. For my personal opinion,the idea was how to open your heart,eyes,ears for another people around you. And now when you thing you were right,its not that right,very funny film too,a dark comedy,a next step Indonesian film if this film made 20 years ago maybe the government will banned this! If you a patriot,no matter what happen you will follow the path has this film created.