House of Bones
House of Bones
NR | 16 January 2010 (USA)
House of Bones Trailers

Psychic Heather Burton and a team of TV ghost hunters travel to investigate a haunted house surrounded by rumors of paranormal activity.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Paul Andrews House of Bones starts as a television network executive tells reality television show 'Sinster Sites' host Quentin French (Corin Nemec) that the show is close to being cancelled & that he needs to do some location filming. Meanwhile Sinister Sites producer Tom Rule (Ricky Wayne) has found a supposedly haunted house & is checking it out with lead investigator Gred Fished (Marcus Lyle Brown), cameraman Simon (Colin Gaylean), production assistant Bub (Kyle Russell Clements) & psychic Heather Burton (Charisma Carpenter) who is there to add some authenticity to the show. The crew set their equipment up but Heather sense something evil, a supernatural presence that lures Bub to his death & gains energy from his demise. Soon the house has trapped the remaining crew inside itself & begins to terrorise & kill them as it needs fresh human soul's to exist. As the mystery of the house is revealed the survivors fight for their lives in a desperate bid to escape...Directed by Jeffrey Scott Lando this SyFy Channel original is a slight departure for them as House of Bones does not feature any giant Fish, Reptile, Dinosaur or Animal of any description & instead turns it's collective attention to the haunted house genre. House of Bones is a mixture of films such as Burnt Offerings (1976), The Shining (1980), Poltergeist (1982), The Ring (2002) & The Skeleton Key (2005) & shamelessly rips them off both in style & content. To be fair House of Bones isn't the worst film I have ever seen but it's pretty moronic & poor, I also had the misfortune to be suckered in by cool Blu-ray artwork & brought it blind so I actually paid good money for this, yes, I am mad & I feel very foolish. The basic story about a reality television show crew being trapped in a haunted house is decent enough & I really liked the idea that the house fed off the character's death's & behind all the walls are slimy entrails, bones & bits of human flesh but that's about as good as House of Bones gets. At 85 minutes long House of Bones has a reasonable pace & one or two decent moments but overall it's lacklustre, tame & underdeveloped. The human remains behind the walls are never really expanded upon, the well at the end comes out of nowhere & feels like it's there because there was a haunted well in The Ring while the ending makes no sense as surely if a television crew just disappeared questions would be asked & official investigations commenced. While House of Bones takes itself seriously for the vast majority of it's duration there's some grating comic relief with Corin Nemec as the main host who overacts but does provide some relief from the dullness, I am also surprised that none of the crew still trapped inside the house ask Quentin to go for help while he is outside trying to get in. Not that House of Bones makes any logical sense anyway, decision making by the character's leaves a lot to be desired to be honest. The script tries to vary things but ideas that are introduced are quickly dropped never to be brought up again, the glowing worm things for instance seem to serve no great purpose.House of Bones looks alright, it's competently made enough with the minimal use of CGI computer effects work which the SyFy Channel are notorious for, there's not much blood or gore & a pretty low body count although I must commend the makers for the rather downbeat if implausible ending. There's a brief shot of some severed toes, a bit of blood splatter, a very tame scene in which someone gets a shard of glass stuck in their mouth, someone gets a drill in his eyeball & the best kill when a cop tries to climb over the fence & is impaled on the fencing spikes. Charisma Carpenter keeps her clothes on throughout & quite frumpy they are too. Forget about the really cool looking monster on the DVD/Blu-ray artwork as showcased by the IMDb on the House of Bones main page, it's in the film for about ten seconds & there's never a full body shot of it either, just a few brief quick flashes before it disappears back down the well. Don't be fooled like I was, hell I was ripped-off but you don't have to be. The entire film is brightly lit & mainly set in the day in a fairly small hose which does not to build tension, suspense or atmosphere.Filmed in Crowley & Lafayette in Louisiana this has pretty good production values actually, it looks reasonably good to be fair to it. The acting is so-so, it's not laugh out loud terrible but not exactly great either.House of Bones is the first film I have brought blind in years in the sense that I didn't check any online reviews or anything & was suckered in by a nice box, I feel cheated & even buying a cheap second hand copy I feel ripped-off & disappointed. Not as terrible as some SyFy Channel films but I'd rather have watched it for free than spend good money on it.
OldAFSarge "House of Bones" is a 90 minute, 2010, TV-14 horror movie that was filmed in Crowley, La, which is located in South Central Louisiana.The main characters are Heather, a psychic, played by Charisma Carpenter, which you most likely remember from not only "Buffy", but "Angel" as well or "Greek" another T.V. series. I must admit at this point that I was watching the almost horrible "The Hills Have Eyes II" on Sy-Fy this past Saturday night, when I got up to check on what was coming up next. I looked up the Sy-Fy schedule on-line and got this name and then used IMDb to check it out. Seeing that it had Charisma in it, I decided to stay up and watch it. Turned out to be a pretty decision.Corin Nemec, whom I must admit, I don't really care for, was another semi-big-name and he did play his part to the hilt. Most of the rest of the cast, I didn't have a clue about, but kudos to them as they did a really good job in making this a decent horror movie.Like others have said, it has been done before and in many cases much better. Without giving anything away, it feels like "Rose Red" meets "Ghost Hunters." Actually it is what I wish "Ghost Hunters" was more like, but that might just push the envelope a bit too much. None the less, this was a decent, no, not great, but decent enough horror movie for me to stay up and watch and if I found it at my local video store or the local Wal-Mart, in their bargain bin for under $5.00, I would pick it up and add it to my B-move collection.I will say that I thought the house was pretty nice and the well-house was a nice twist as well.
BakuryuuTyranno While not actually scary, House of Bones does succeed in giving the audience the impression the house is haunted. I've seen haunted house films before where it wasn't convincing that people couldn't just leave.Even compared to other films syfy commissioned, the cast's pretty small and there aren't many throwaway characters introduced for body count purposes. The pacing is pretty good actually as one character is taken by the house early leaving the others first confused and later unwilling to leave (assuming the house would even let them).Incidentally there's also less use of CGI than most syfy-commissioned films. The only real problem with "House of Bones" is its anti-climatic ending.
mrohlee I watched "House of Bones" after seeing a mention in USA Today that Charisma Carpenter from Buffy/Angel was starting in it. What a let down. I do not understand why the producers would put her in the movie then give her virtually nothing to do. As a basic "haunted house" movie it is okay. In this case the house doesn't have ghosts living in as the house itself it sort of alive. A team of ghost hunters come after going to 50 other houses none of which showed any real paranormal activity. Charisma sort of shows up with no back story as some class of medium. She is wearing baggy clothes and there is no attempt to glam her up. Okay as the story starts to unwind the ghost hunters are running around the place and about every ten minutes the script has Charisma holding her head and complaining about the evil presence. I kept waiting for her character to step up and take over or become possessed or do something else to become the focal point of the story. But no, it never happens. The part wasn't any kind of a show case, it was something they could have pulled anyone off the street and stuck in there and there wouldn't have to change any dialog. I don't understand this as they could have kept the story virtually the same but have character that gets the most screen time and is alive at the end be played by Charisma. That I would have enjoyed, this is just disappointing.So if you want to see a "C" movie about a haunted house it's okay as a time filler. If you want to see Charisma Carpenter as I did this is not something to watch.