| 06 September 2013 (USA)
Hotel Trailers

Erika is mentally bruised and starts group therapy with people seeking absolute anonymity.

Konterr Brilliant and touching
Yash Wade Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
StrangeBellatrix This one was very strange but also very wonderful in its own weird sort of a way. A group of people, all broken in some way, coming together and creating something new and powerful and perhaps life-changing.Over-all a good plot, good performances and a very unique film. Alicia Vikander impressed me yet again. What a great actress she is.Give this one a chance, I know I'm glad I did.
agndubec I'm disappointed.. When I was looking for this film I was hoping to watch some kind of human drama. That's way all my hopes I put in the main character. And she failed... Such a big role ! Miss Vikiander has the same (face) expression the whole movie. The same, I must say annoying, kind of one. When in her place would be someone else- like male (just example) Jack Nicholson this film would be OK, or even better than OK. I renember like he played in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest someone who has emotional problems- he was amazing! I remember Anelina Jolie in Girl, Interrupted- she was so, so magnetic- to the pain, so badly ! I've seen a lot of actors who has something hard to play, and I must say, that most of them I can remember- I can remember even not famous at all Catherine Deneuve in Roman Polański's movie- and I won't say any bad word about her role. But there in this Lisa Langseth's movie? There was nothing- I hope I'll forget as fast as I can this creepy main female role. Beside that it was sooo sooo funny what happened when in the end - when parents of little boy caught him with some strange guy early NAKED playing on the floor. And what have they done? Just nothing! Holy Moly! Isn't that weird? Some kind of abstraction we have here... Sory- NOT in the real world. That kind of things. And most important- not today! Also when creepy main character ruin the room in the hotel parents didn't even say a word. It OK for them when strange woman just lacerating their stuffs.. And her trip- firstly she goes about 5 hours without any wearinessor even one sweat-drop, that when she goes back and its dark she remember the way to the hotel and walks about a couple of minutes... Not the real word - this film has lots lots of unrealistic moments- the funniest thing is the second one hotel- when they get to him he lays on the sideless, and some evening when the girl look through window she sees a few high bulding outside- what a heterogeneousworld !
Sindre Kaspersen Swedish playwright, screenwriter and director Lisa Langseth's second feature film which she wrote, is inspired by personal experiences regarding identity. It premiered in the Contemporary World Cinema section at the 38th Toronto International Film Festival in 2013, was shot on locations in Sweden and is a Sweden-Denmark co-production which was produced by producers Frida Jonason and Patrik Andersson. It tells the story about a mother-to-be named Erika whom after learning how her upcoming birth will affect the health of her and the father-to-be named Oskar's child, begins thinking about becoming someone else. Distinctly and engagingly directed by Swedish filmmaker Lisa Langseth, this finely paced fictional tale which is narrated from multiple viewpoints though mostly from the main character's point of view, draws a remarkable and heartrending portrayal of Pernilla, Rikard, Ann-Sofi, Peter and Erika who connects after being introduced to each other in a conversation group. While notable for its atmospheric milieu depictions, reverent cinematography by cinematographer Simon Pramsten and production design by production designer Catharina Nyqvist Ehrnrooth, this character-driven and dialog-driven story about handling pain and how much you can change yourself to become another person without losing yourself by a director whom is sincerely remembered for her commendable directorial debut "Pure" (2010), depicts a gripping and psychological study of character and contains a great and timely score by composers John Berthling and Andreas Söderström. This appraisingly humorous, humanely reflective and lyrically romantic drama which is set in Gothenburg, Sweden in the 21st century and where newly acquainted members of a conversation group decides to realize their thoughts, is impelled and reinforced by its cogent narrative structure, substantial character development, rhythmic continuity, the emphatic and poignant acting performance by Swedish actress and dancer Alicia Vikander, the sparkling acting performance by Swedish actress and musician Mira Eklund and the noteworthy acting performance by Swedish stage and film actress Maria Bjerkerud. A densely cinematic and harmoniously atmospheric narrative feature.
stensson This woman gives birth too early and her child is born with brain damages. He must remain in hospital, but his mother can hardly watch him. And impossibly touch him.So she goes into a deep depression, after a while trying to solve it with group therapy. She's wealthy, she invites the group and herself to a hotel and there, things start moving. The bullied girl, the woman who loathes her body, the man who was abused by his mother.It's a strong drama. Calling it being lighted up by some humor almost on the slapstick level, is a false expression. But it's interesting with movies, where you hardly can tell whether it's a comedy or the opposite.