Homeless for the Holidays
Homeless for the Holidays
G | 16 October 2009 (USA)
Homeless for the Holidays Trailers

A smug executive enjoys the perfect life - until he loses his job, and finds himself working at a burger joint. Now he's falling behind on his bills, and if something doesn't change soon, his family could lose everything by Christmas.

Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
jjflor I watched this on Hulu, as it had a good rating. The movie has horrible acting and a bad script. This was probably one of the worse movies I've seen. It seemed like a church got together and auditioned members to be in this movie. The characters were very one dimensional and the acting was really bad. No one talks like that, argues like that. The people were very corny, I think the only one that did a good job would be the person that was getting them approved for food stamps. If your looking for a Christmas movie any other movie would do.
louheck-05253 I think doing a film about a homeless family was a great idea. How this family becomes homeless is just not very believable. In this film an advertising man "becomes a fall guy" at at work. He is lied too when they promise that after things cool down he will get his job back. Well he doesn't and he loses everything. Now that does sound promising but the film doesn't work. Everyone comes across as a stereo type. The writing isn't strong enough for you to root for any of the people. The "Happy Ending" of course is telegraphed long before it happens. If the person who wrote this writes anything else I hope they think more about story structure. I loved the general idea if this film I just hated the poorly done execution. Novel Attempt.
shanekloughran This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I somehow ended up ordering this movie on the zune marketplace and boy do I regret it. The first scene of this movie has some kid talking about money and stockmarkets. This kid is basically a robot and the character has no appeal to young viewers. The acting is really bad. It seems like the acting in porn if they took out all the sex and dirty words. Why should I care about this Jack guy? He only cares about himself, you never see him spending time with his kids and he's always ignoring his wife. I was actually rooting against him, he's not a good guy. The check out scene? Really five minutes of BLAH BLAH BLAH with no point. How does this stuff get made? I have a feeling somebody bamboozled some good Christian people into investing in this movie. I am at the 44th minute of the movie and would not be able to live with myself if I wasted another minute of my time watching this. Anybody who says this movie has any sort of entertainment value is mentally ill.
riverprincess43 My husband and I had planned on going to "the movies" (a different movie), but at the last minute we decided to see Homeless for the Holidays. We were not disappointed. This movie hit close to home and brought tears to our eyes. What a wonderful, heartwarming view on these hard economic times. It's so nice to see a movie with Christian views and real to life situations. Not a padded "fairy tale ending". Destined to be a classic, this movie reminds us how we should live our lives. When one door is closed, another will always open. We just need to open our eyes and hearts. A great, must see, family oriented movie for everyone, young and old.