| 17 April 1998 (USA)
Homegrown Trailers

Three laborers on a Northern California marijuana plantation become increasingly paranoid when they learn that their boss has been murdered. They know enough to run, taking with them enough of the crop to pay them for services rendered. Hooking up with go-between Lucy in the next town, they plot their next move.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Geoffreaux Three cannabis laborers in Northern California are taking care of business, when they witness the murder of their boss. They take their share of the profits and then retreat.After discovering that nobody has seemingly noticed, they go back to harvest the whole crop. Intending to sell their commodity, 'Jack' tries to impersonate their former boss. The scenery, and the attitudes seemed very real to me. I think that this is a very good drama. Although there were some funny parts, I would not describe this as a comedy. I would recommend this film to anyone, except hardcore "Drug Warriors".
moonspinner55 The tabloid fodder and poor film choices aside, it's still pretty clear why Billy Bob Thornton is considered a quirky actor of genuine merit. Here he heads up a strong cast of low-keyed eccentrics, and he's the best thing in the picture--a bona fide movie star for perhaps the first time. Director/co-writer Stephen Gyllenhaal is an odd filmmaker: the subjects he's drawn to and the crazy spin he puts on the situations can be fascinating, even while he takes his time mounting his story. "Homegrown", about three not-too-bright marijuana growers who try taking over their boss' business affairs after the guy is murdered, is a rather thin black comedy helped by a frazzled, funny last-act. For the first hour, however, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot happening, even though the actors hold interest. It's sadly too disconnected and too minor to make the grade. ** from ****
Alex-372 Homegrown is a very nice and inspirational film about three farmboy dope growers and their "community" of likeminded folk. After their boss Malcolm (John Lithgow) is assassinated, the hapless and frequently high trio have to try and improvise to get paid. Homegrown is also a strongly feminist movie, in the best sense of the word, in that all the women are in fact the real actors behind the events as they unfold. What do our three hapless heroes do when they get in trouble and need a place to crash? Lucy (Kelly Lynch) is the first port of call, and she isn't afraid to use sex to get any info she needs. Who is really taking care of business when the community is threatened to be invaded by mafiosi? All in all, this is a very inspirational movie. It makes you feel you want to go out and grow some of your own herb. I can see how a lot of people got nervous about a movie where the main characters are pot growers. However, if you take into account that pot is just another plant, it's hard to see what the trouble is about. The producers tried to sell this as a "comedy", and there are plenty of laughs, but don't wait for canned laughter or any other cues. There are several marijuana inspired songs, Bob Marley's "Smoke Two Joints" and Musical Youth's "Pass The Dutchie", just to name two.It is more of a caper/suspense/comedy movie.
billybrown41 This film was marketed as a comedy but anyone who went into it expecting "Half Baked" was probably dissapointed. Instead of a mindless stoner-comedy, we get a good solid film that is equal parts drama/comedy/thriller. It's the story of a group of pot farmers who, after seeing their boss murdered, decide to cash in the crop for a cool 3 million. Needless to say, things turn out to be a bit more complicated than expected and getting the money takes a back seat to getting themselves out of this bind that they have done such a good job of getting themselves into. The three central characters, Jack (Billy Bob Thornton), Carter (Hank Azaria) and Harlan (Ryan Phillipe) are working for Malcomn (John Lithgow), manning the pot farm, when Malcom is killed by his own helicopter pilot. Thinking they know way more than they actually do, they decide to take charge of the situation and finish out the job. Jack poses as Malcomn (none of Malcomn's customers have ever actually seen what he looks like) and becomes the natural leader while Carter and Harlan bumble around doing the grunt work.Things go a little over Jack's head when mob boss "Gionni the wop" (played hilariously by Ted Danson) enters the picture. Pretty soon it's paranoia time for the three stooges and their mutual girlfriend Lucy (Kelly Lynch), fighting off rippers, avoiding hitmen, and trying to find a buyer, all without getting caught by the feds (all the local cops are paid off). There are many plot twists in Homegrown and the acting is great from a huge ensemble cast. Hybrids like this rarely work completely and Homegrown does sputter occassionally. There are a few scenes that leave you wondering if they are supposed to be funny. One thing that is highly overlooked and misunerstood about this film is how it makes you feel just like the characters. It totally succeeds in putting you in the same boat with them and making you feel the same things that they are feeling. All in all, I give this movie a 9/10 and I highly reccomend it. It DOES NOT glorify the use and distribution of marijuana (many would like to argue that point) but merely uses it as a backdrop for what is going on. Give it a run. I especially reccommend this one to Billy Bob Thornton fans. He is so perfect in his role that you can almost smell the weed on him.