Holy Motors
Holy Motors
NR | 17 October 2012 (USA)
Holy Motors Trailers

We follow 24 hours in the life of a being moving from life to life like a cold and solitary assassin moving from hit to hit. In each of these interwoven lives, the being possesses an entirely distinct identity: sometimes a man, sometimes a woman, sometimes youthful, sometimes old. By turns murderer, beggar, company chairman, monstrous creature, worker, family man.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
adonis98-743-186503 We see a few seconds of a black and white, silent art film. There is a dark movie theater filled with people watching this film. The camera mostly remains on the audience. Cut to a man sleeping on twin bed with a sleeping dog next to another empty twin bed with the same sheets. He gets up and looks out the window and we see he is next to an airport. Holy Motors was disgusting, stupid and above all just a bad movie. If you really wanna see an artistic way of things and quite underrated movie too go and check out Cronenberg's Cosmopolis from 2012.
rzajac I have to confess: I was ably assisted by the excellent "Brows Held High" commentary on Holy Motors. In a nutshell, they say HM is an allegory for the dedication of one's life and spirit to film theatre.Taken in that light, it's a bizarre mix of filmic riches, glued together by that theme: It's about a guy, intertwined with other "guys", who have "appointments". These come off like "happenings", but I found myself having to remind myself that these were scripted, architected, edited.And why not try out a film experience like this? The visuals were entrancing, the premise compelling, the denouement fulfilling.And it bears pointing out that production elements (sound, etc.) were full, professional, masterful, seamless.Check it out. If you're a *complete* film nut, you probably already have, and appreciate it on a level I can only imagine (as a person who appreciates references and knows the actors/actresses).
ConsistentlyFalconer Beautiful film, with an arresting performance by Denis Lavant and a bizarre cameo by Kylie Minogue, who seems to have developed quite a belter of a voice over the years.Reminded me a little of David Lynch at times - a filmmaker who's not concerned with plot or meaning so much as presenting images he finds interesting.Anyway, if you're interested in VISUALS, cinematography, dry European humour and whatnot, definitely put this on your list. Verdict: Don't try and make sense of it: just enjoy this sumptuous filmmaking.yetanotherfilmreviewblog.tumblr.com
Algo De Privacidad I remember going to see this movie, just because of Kylie. I also remember myself going to get a pizza like 10 to 15 minutes after the movie began... because I left.the director last me when the motion capture suit guy was there doing some kind of practice. (I do not think that this should be considered a spoiler.. is part of the backstage I think)anyway... one of the light on the floor of the theater hallway was blinking... and that capture my attention more that what was happening on the screen... so that it... i don't even wait for my favorite celebrity appeared. I knew I was wasting my time there...