Hollywood Cop
Hollywood Cop
R | 22 September 1987 (USA)
Hollywood Cop Trailers

A detective tries to get back a child who has been kidnapped by gangsters.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Big Bubba What Hollywood Cop (1987) Review: Well this is just a bad movie with many reasons. In one of the first scenes where we get to see the boss. Um it seems like he just reads(says) his lines instead of reacting what the other actors says. On the kidnap ransom letter it says where to go, but there is not a certain time set which makes no sense at all. The criminals in the movie doesn't even watch the kid they kidnap. Where he can easily escape and Hollywood Cop can just come in and get the kid. Smart huh? The fighting scenes in the movie is like what in the world is this? There are times where there is bad audio editing where you can hear them speak, but their lips are not moving at the time. There is also terrible acting I could not even like any of the characters cause of it. The only funny part is the character Animal where he just laughs randomly during scenes.Well this is what I went by on rating: 1 Good or bad sound editing. It was Bad time of where you can hear them speak, but no lips moving at same time. 2 Good or bad special effects. There were times it could been better. 3 Good or bad acting. Very Bad acting. 4 Able to see studio equipment (like Boom mics and so forth) Didn't notice any on this. 5 Good or bad Video editing. Seems OK. 6 Good or bad script. The script writing was boring and easily guessed on what was about to happen.
rsoonsa A drought of inspiration that marks this sloppily made film will be followed by a deluge of revulsion from many who must overcome their better judgement in order to watch it through to its conclusion. The film opens as "Feliciano" (James Mitchum) and a group of his absurdly vulgar henchmen are engaged in planning their next criminal enterprise, kidnapping a small boy, an action intended to induce the lad's father to fork over six million dollars that he purportedly stole from this mini-mob. We then see Feliciano and his associates as they raid some sort of horse ranch upon which the targeted boy and his mother reside, therewith yanking the youngster from his mother's arms and slaughtering numerous ranch hands, using automatic weapons. The story then shifts to the mean streets of Hollywood, California, where a "rogue cop", Los Angeles Police Department Sergeant Turquoise (Turkey), played by David Goss, assigned to the Department's Hollywood Station, along with his somewhat more manageable partner "Jaguar" (Lincoln Kilpatrick), struggle manfully with the Forces of Evil, depicted against a less than authentic law enforcement procedural backdrop. In between ordering and eating a hot dog from a street vendor, Turkey and Jaguar attack and mow down a couple of rapists in the act, as it were, following which they run into who else but the kidnapped tot's mother, who has peculiarly been instructed by Feliciano to stroll along Hollywood Boulevard in an attempt at somehow locating her estranged husband (and, of course, the six million dollars). Following the traditional "Give me your badge, you're fired!" interim with Turkey's supervising Captain, performed with strident ineptitude by a once competent Cameron Mitchell, a relieved-of-duty Turkey grimly strives to rescue the kidnapped boy. This is a decision that requires him to be specially nimble, as the remainder of the film matches him in opposition to a particularly violent band of thugs armed with a broad range of weaponry. On the face of it, the film functions without a director, and with a screenplay that is probably a mere outline only, as only seldom does a scene offer a semblance of order. It is understandable that the cast may lack inspiration from this crude connection of sex and sadism, wherein entirely well-shaped characteristics cannot be found. A musical background is provided throughout the picture, unfortunate in the event, as it is a loud and boring piece, repeated endlessly, not stilled even when inappropriate, and never to be described as having specifically addressed any screen action. This low-budget affair had yet enough funding for deciding in favour of casting a large group of extras as ruthless (albeit incompetent) Feliciano goons, and also a surplus of nubile females who take any opportunity to aimlessly meander about. In a story wherein it would be difficult to determine which collection of antagonists is the more irresponsible, the camera-work adds little interest. The film's episodes are generally shot in the foothills of Hollywood and its environs. A basic requirement for any production is preparation, but this obviously was not foremost in the minds of this picture's creators, with a result being a pitiable effort that wants for intelligence as well as imagination.
udar55 Amir Shervan has made two instant 80s trash classic - SAMURAI COP and this one. There is so much funny stuff in here. Like when Hollywood COP Turk confronts a husband holding a rapist hostage and says, "Look, I know the guy just f**ked your wife..." In addition, there are some scary looking stunts like when a guy falls off a roof onto a bail of hay and when another guy falls out of a car and almost gets run over by the tire. There is also one of the funniest dialog scenes ever when the father goes to rescue his son. He son, who is being held hostage, doesn't want to leave because dad didn't show up for Christmas. The father deftly explains that he left the kid and his mom all away by saying he had blood poisoning and is dying (in the scene previous to this he was caught cavorting with topless hussies). Classic!
hatebreeder-1 Haha .. All i know about this movie is that its theme song was performed by Andy Madadian the very very famous Persian singer over 18 years ago now!! ANDY IS STILL GOING!! and is doing better than ever! I've just seen him live at an open air concert in Frankfurt last week on the night following the Team Melli Iran Vs Portugal Match. He was truly amazing!!! I've never seen the film though lol! oh well...Although we lost the match the atmosphere in Frankfurt was truly amazing and was one of the best experiences of my life.The film was made the year i was born so i guess its gonna be pretty hard to get hold of now, i think i shall try though as it would be interesting to see the movie. Andy has featured in a number of other Hollywood films following the release of this movie. check out his site if you like: Andymusic.com.Benjamin! (Ey Javidan Iran)