Hollow Triumph
Hollow Triumph
NR | 18 August 1948 (USA)

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Pursued by the big-time gambler he robbed, John Muller assumes a new identity—with unfortunate results.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
jaytee-94910 Hollywood Film Noir was near its best, with this one. Somewhat unknown(to me) cast, but perfect selection imho. Dr's Secretary is smoking hot and Paul Heinred does a fantastic job playing both roles. They sure don't make them like this anymore. Brilliant plot JT Orlando Florida
Benedito Dias Rodrigues There is a saying "The best fragrances came in small bottles" it fit in this picture,"Noir" is one's my favorite kind of movie, just to say only tree reach at high grade 10/10...Naked City,Double indemnity and now The Scar... even a B-movie it's very original an clever plot,the point is a perfect crime and as we all know probably end up seen found any time...but somehow it's didn't happen.. sometimes some situation is going in the wrong direction and the truth will be exposed,but nothing....the suspense is growing along the way...and when he is about to escape....well l'd better watch the movie for yourself!!!Directed by a unknown this movie has been discovered by thousand movie fans who really enjoy the seventh art...this one is perfect example of that many thing to came to surprise us!!Resume:First watch: 2017 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 10
bnwfilmbuff Paul Henreid starred and produced this okay film noir crime drama. This is Henreid's movie as he dominates most of the scenes obviously looking to escape his nice guy-good guy image for something far darker. He's not bad but the preposterous script did not provide much assistance; It's just too much of a leap of faith for the viewer to accept for this storyline to work. Henreid no sooner is let out of prison than he can't wait to organize his gone-soft mob to knock off the biggest gambling racket in town run by feared gangster Rocky Stansyck. The heist is a surprisingly low budget shoot; it goes wrong and Henreid is on the run from Stansyck's crowd. He happens upon a look alike shrink except for a facial scar and plans to steal his identity. In the process of stealing the identity Henreid accidentally scars the wrong side of his face. No matter - nobody notices! Tough Joan Bennett is the shrink's secretary in a good role. Lovely Leslie Brooks has a throw-away role. Herbert Rudley as Marcy is quite good though as Henreid's right hand man in his mob. The rest is fairly predictable. The exceptionally dark nourish shoot and atmosphere were very good and bailed out the mediocre script and plot to some degree. This is okay for film noir buffs.
dougdoepke If you can buy the premise—a hunted guy finds his exact double and takes over the double's life—the rest follows pretty effectively. Writer Dan Fuchs is much underrated and a prime contributor to Hollywood's noir period. The screenplay is more cynical than usual for the genre. Catch how many times comely secretary Evelyn (Bennett) complains about never expecting anything from life; or the guy talking about people being so self-absorbed they don't even know the color of their wife's eyes; and, of course, there's that desolate ending.Then too, the self-absorption is underscored by the fact that no one even notices that Muller/Dr. Bartok's scar has changed location on his face. Not even those closest to him. The exception is the humble old charwoman, which is why the arrogant Bartok embraces her in a sudden moment of appreciation. I also like the little garage guy's big dream of becoming a sleek ballroom dancer. He has no chance, of course, but it helps him cope. Except for the contrived premise, it's quite a provocative and, at times, touching screenplay.Frankly, Henreid's a little too impassive in the title role to grab attention. However, the script's pretty strong, so I don't think it really hurts the movie, but it doesn't help, either. Alton's expert noir photography helps lift the visuals to a compelling level. At the same time, I doubt that fate has had a stronger role than in this film, along with an ending among the most devastating in all noir. All in all, the production remains a solid noir entry.