Hitch Hike
Hitch Hike
| 21 July 1978 (USA)
Hitch Hike Trailers

A bickering couple driving cross-country pick up a murderous hitchhiker who threatens to kill them unless they take him to a sanctuary. In return he agrees to split some bank loot he has on him.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Michael_Elliott Hitch Hike (1977) *** (out of 4) Bickering couple Walter (Franco Nero) and Eve (Corinne Clery) are on vacation when they decide to pick up hitch hiker Adam (David Hess). Before long the couple realizes that their arguing is the least of their troubles.HITCH HIKE is a rather interesting Italian movie that you probably think you know what's going to happen going into it. After all, you've got good guy Nero and evil guy Hess so obviously this is going to be a battle between the two of them, right? Well, sort of. I'm certainly not going to give away any spoilers but there's certainly a lot more going on in this picture than you'd typically expect.What surprised me the most is how much actually happens. Again, I'm not going to spoil anything but the film really just begins when you'd normally expect it to be ending. I'm not going to lie, the 104 minute running time was a bit too long and I thought the film lost some of its gas in the middle portions but there's still quite a bit here to enjoy. You've got some wonderful cinematography as well as a terrific and fitting score by Ennio Morricone. Also on hand is a screenplay that at least tries to give you more than what you'd expect.The biggest plus are for the three leads who are simply wonderful and certainly help keep you glued to what's going on. Nero has no problem playing a hero but he also has to play an alcoholic as well as a major jerk. This character certainly had a lot of different things going on and I thought Nero nailed them. Hess was always great at playing a bad guy and this here is one of the best performances I've seen from him. The real standout is Clery as the abused wife who finds herself in even more trouble.As I said, I can respect the film for trying to do something different but I still think the film ran on about twenty minutes too long. I think a tad bit more editing would have made for a much better movie but there are still plenty of great things in HITCH HIKE and it's certainly worth watching.
kapelusznik18 ****SPOILERS*** One of the better "Hitch-Hiker from Hell" movies that has Walter & Eve Mancini,Franco Nero & Corinne Clery,held hostage by this escaped from an institution the criminally insane hitch-hiker Adam Konitz,David Hess,in an effort to get him across the border into Mexico. You can see right away that both Walter & Eve aren't really getting along with each other and are are on the point of splitting up until Adam shows up. It was in fact Eve who, in order to get Walter off her back, insisted in her husband to pick hitch-hiker Adam up that soon backfired on both of them.With Adam, after he started getting fresh with Eve, pulling a gun on Walter who was about to brain him with a tire iron he then takes out his frustrations on the helpless Eve whom he had his eye on since he was picked up hitch-hiking. Unknown to both Walter & Eve Adam had already murdered one of his fellow escapees from the mental institution he escaped from and is being tracked down not only by the police, whom he later murdered two of them, but the two other mentally deranged escapees Oaks & Hawk, Joshua Sinclair & Carlo Puri, who he left high & dry. That by taking off with the two million dollars of stolen money from a bank they knocked off. With Adam temperately put out of commission by Oaks & Hawk, who gunned him down, he comes back from the dead, their aim wasn't on target, with a fury knocking them both off by having them drive off a cliff, after he shot them, on a car-jacked garbage truck to their deaths. Now ready for action Adam brutally rapes Eve while her helpless husband Walter, who's tied up,is forced to watch! ****SPOILERS**** Just when Adam was about to put Walter out of his misery, with a bullet to the head, he gets the surprise of his life with the just abused and raped Eve gunning him down from behind with her husband's rifle that was hidden inside their trailer. You would have thought that would be the end of the movie but there was a lot more to come. Which had nothing to do with the dead Adam but a number of wild teenage bikers who drove Walter and Eve's trailer off the road leaving the two for dead. It's then that Walter, who never had any use for his wife Eve anyway, finally freed himself from her as well as freed the stolen two million dollars, by Adam, all for himself to spend.
Witchfinder General 666 With a cast that includes Italian icon Franco Nero in the lead, 'Mr. Evil Psycho' David Hess as the villain, and the stunningly beautiful Corinne Clery in the female lead, a fan of Italian 70s cinema simply cannot go wrong. "Autostop Rosso Sangue" (aka. "Hitch Hike"/"The Naked Prey") of 1977 was my first venture into the filmography of director Pasquale Festa Campanile. Campanile, who directed mainly comedies, succeeds very well in the Thriller/Exploitation field with this nasty Road Thriller. Before seeing this, many people might expect another imitation of Wes Craven's "Last House on the Left", but these are unjustified preconceptions, as this is a very tense and original film of its own right, that doesn't have much in common with Craven's film other then David Hess as the bad guy.The constantly drunk Italian journalist Walter Mancini (Franco Nero), and his sexy wife Eve (Corinne Clery) are making a cross-country tour of the United States, and constantly fighting while doing so. When they pick up a Hitchhiker named Adam Konitz (David Hess), their marital disputes soon turn out to be the least of their problems...Franco Nero is one of my favorite actors, and once again delivers an excellent performance here. However, his character Walter Mancini is such a sleazy scumbag himself that it is often a bit hard to care for him. Mancini's favorite activity seems to be humiliating his wife while drunk. Corinne Clery is gorgeous, and fits very well in the role of the seductive, overtly submissive and masochistic wife Eve. It seems odd that a goddess like her would fall for her scumbag husband, but the fact that she bares it all several times makes the film all the more recommendable. David Hess shines as the sadistic psycho he always plays, and he once again does so with devilish greatness. Apart from the top credits, the film also features another regular of Italian cult-cinema, Joshua Sinclair ("Keoma", "Il Grande Racket",...), who plays a rather forgettable role as one half of a couple of homosexual gangsters. In good Italian tradition, the film is excellently filmed and accompanied by a great, tension-increasing score (with the exception of an annoying Hippie-song in the beginning). The film is set in California and Nevada, but was shot in Italy; as Italian films tend to do, this one is very successful in making European landscapes look American. The level of violence and sleaze is genre-typically high, though not exceptional for Italian Exploitation standards. There are several brutal outbursts, as well as scenes of rape and sadism, and beautiful Corinne Clery gets naked on several occasions.In many ways, this film resembles Mario Bava's "Cani Arrabbiati" ("Rabid Dogs", 1974), which, in my opinion is one of the most essential Italian cult-masterpieces of the 70s. Claims that this film was inspired by "Rabid Dogs" cannot be true, as Bava's film wasn't released to the public until the 90s (due to legal difficulties). While "Autostop Rosso Sangue" is a good film, however, it isn't nearly the masterpiece Bava's film is. "Cani Arrabbiati" simply is one of the most intense, breathtaking and suspenseful cinematic experiences one can have; while also a gritty and tense film, "Autostop Rosso Sangue" pales in comparison, as one simply doesn't terribly care about the protagonists (except for maybe Corinne Clery). Campanile is no director en par with Bava, of course (in my humble opinion, no other director is en par with the ultimate Italian Horror pioneer and cult-cinema deity Bava). For this being Campanile's only notable Suspense film, it is a very good and intense one indeed! Overall "Autostop Rosso Sangue" is highly recommended to my fellow fans of Italian Exploitation cinema. Just make sure to watch Mario Bava's "Cani Arrabbiati" before watching this one. My opinion on "Autostop Rosso Sangue": 7.5 out of 10
Leonard Smalls: The Lone Biker of the Apocalypse Not a bad little exploitation yarn. We have Hess from 'Last House' to spice it up, he always plays a great psycho. He almost verbatim repeats his character from "House on the Edge of the Park" but that's okay. We're not sick of it yet! In this new age of torture porn and despicably uncool modern horror, it's refreshing to see where these things came from. Here you go."Hitch-Hike" is a rip off of Mario Bava's classic road-horror, "Kidnapped," with a dash of "Last House on the Left" and sprinkle of "Race With The Devil" thrown in for good measure. While it is less entertaining and way less convincing than "Kidnapped," it still works as a fun little romp for those who are not schooled in Italian horror and exploitation. Seems that more folks are discovering Blue Underground nowadays and you vets will recognize that in reading the reviews on here. For those of us who've done the research, this obscure, newly released film does deliver on many levels but nothing we haven't seen before. Watch Franco Nero who rocks the house in what has to be the most despicable man ever portrayed in a film. No redeeming qualities to be found there. I thought he pulled it off wonderfully.There are many, many Italian exploitation/sleaze/horror films that you should have seen before this one if "Hitch-Hike" shocks you at all.Oh yea- the soundtrack is awesome.7 out of 10, kids.
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