High Voltage
High Voltage
R | 01 January 1997 (USA)
High Voltage Trailers

After unknowingly robbing a money laundering operation the heist crew must avoid mobsters.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Helllins It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
jjohnson2400 OK. This is the only time in my life I'll ever be able to say this but I love this movie because my friend, Ivan Visali, made this movie. Haven't seen him in 18 years but we programmed together in LA for about a year and became friends. Very talented individual.So looked at from that perspective, I looked at it for where he was in his movie making. This was his first movie so you have to look at it from that perspective too.Was this a great movie. No. But you should know something. He wrote a script for 4 years and got all the funding lined up and guess what, those idiots with the money thought they knew more about writing a script than he did (well my friend and his co-writer).So he said they basically gutted what they wrote. Would have loved to see HIS movie made.What's totally cool is that Amy Smart got her first movie credit in this movie! How awesome is that! Not sure how that happened. Ivan, if you read this, get back in the game buddy. I believe in you!
donrw An Excellent yet underrated actioner, with a "Pulp Fiction" feel. that never got the respect it deserved. Sabato has a star quality. good action, good humor and good drama. No wonder this film became a cult movie to Martial Arts/action fans.
Ice_Gin ....and I have to say this movie SUCKS. I loved Sakamoto's stunt coordination of his other movie "Drive" which featured some of the best martial arts choreography way before "Matrix." After watching "High Voltage" though, I was left with a bad taste in my mouth. The script was beyond incoherent and don't get me started with the acting. Well what else can one expect from a B-movie. The action was obviously contrived from the numerous Gun-Fu, John Woo style movies and the director doesn't even add his own touch to it which leaves the action scenes bland. It is a shame for the guns was the reason why I rented the movie. I have to say to all those who want to kill time, you can do something much better, like read a book or go for a drive. By the way, I highly recommend you people rent "Drive" instead. Yeah, it has a bad script and mediocre acting but it far surpasses the fizzle known as "High Voltage."The Movie 0 out **** The action scenes * out of ****
Adam E It's kind of a weak film, but it's rather entertaining and the late night crowd in the mood for a fast and fun actioner should enjoy it. I thought the cast did a fine job, Antonio Sabato Jr., is a cool action hero and I was glad to see the great, rising young star Lochlyn Munroe (Dead Man On Campus, A Night At The Roxbury) in it as one of Sabato's members who may or may not be a bad guy. Shannon Lee (Bruce's daughter) and some famous Hong Kong stars also turn in good performances. Done in the style of John Woo, this has lots of fast paced shoot outs, good surprises and twists, and a cool "Pulp Fiction" like score in the background. The story is cliched at times and it gets a bit melodramatic when it comes to the end, but I still enjoyed this film and it should please ones looking for a good way to kill 90 minutes.