High Plains Invaders
High Plains Invaders
| 30 August 2009 (USA)
High Plains Invaders Trailers

In the Old West an outlaw named Sam Phoenix is about to be hanged. But just before the noose tightens, the town is besieged by a lethal alien invader with a laser-shooting stingray and a crazy Sarlacc mouth. The townsfolk scramble but get promptly smoked, save for a handful of survivors led by Phoenix.

Wordiezett So much average
PodBill Just what I expected
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Jape Du Marie This movie is a bad acted sad performance. The only thing that I can find as positive is the bugs. They are well animated and look fine. That's why I rated this movie with a 3. Some score for the bugs. Also the spaceship is animated nicely. The actors really need some actor lessons - it's to awful to watch. The girl who plays the bounty hunter is the most bad actress I ever seen in a movie. The first scene with the farmer who carries uranium is also not acting how it should be. His answers are cold and it's like he reads his text from a text board.The movie is not going fast enough and the dialogs are to slow and boring. No, sorry this is not how it should be.
GL84 A small Western town finds themselves under attack by a race of mutant alien insects looking for a rare chemical found in the area and try to protect themselves from the creatures before they kill them off to get at the chemical.This one turned out to be a pretty decent Sci-Fi Channel original but met with a bit more flaws than normal. Among the film's flaws here is the rather off pacing along the way here that tends to get really off-track quite easily with some useless divergents here. This starts here with the continued placement of the survivor's attempts to get away from being trapped in a building, so there's not a lot of attacks and confrontations, really resorting more to them sneaking around without being seen than having the bugs do away with them. Though this action is far more realistic a battle-plan considering the situation at present, that leaves this one with far too many scenes of the group running in the shadows or hiding behind the broken equipment as well as barricading themselves away formulating plans here that there's not a whole lot of time spent doling out attacks. Other problematic pacing issues are featured with the continued storyline about the condemned man seeking repentance every single time he's together with the others during a break from the bug action is a little tiring, the completely ridiculous feature of the bounty hunter more concerned with bringing criminals to justice rather than recognize the gravity of the situation and how nearly everyone is so concerned with apologizing rather than surviving their predicament which seems a tad off while holding off attempts at confrontations so the gore is almost gone and is rarely featured, a rather strange inclusion. Plus, the continuous double-crossing gets old the fifth time it happens and the reasoning for the bugs' arrival is nice if slightly rushed and seems like an afterthought, all of which hold this back. Still, this one had some really enjoyable action efforts here as the main attack sequence is nicely handled, with the strange beast walking into town resulting in a great gunfight as they try to stop it before it begins drilling into the ground while the later confrontations in the town as the group attempts to destroy them come off just as much fun with the explosive blasts and gunfights against the creatures who manage to fight back. After the break in the middle, it's got enough action on the back- end to justify it's break as there's the rather fun attack at the camp that leads into the trip back to town where the action into the finale which makes this one quite fun while it gets to the action scenes here. As well as the fact that the creatures themselves look good and get enough of a realistic touch here along with the actual plan to defeat them all being fine positives here, but it is a slightly-flawed effort.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Language
Paul Magne Haakonsen This movie was actually better than I had anticipated. I mean, a sci-fi western movie, not really the best of settings in my book. But still, "High Plains Invaders" manage to surprise me and keep me thoroughly entertained.The story is pretty much straight out of the "how-to-make-a-sci-fi-movie" book. Robotic aliens have come to Earth in search for some materials to harvest, in this case uranium, and their existence collide with the local residents in the area, here being a town set in the mid-late 1800's. Of course the aliens have far superior technology and are overcome with the humans. Duh! "High Plains Invaders" actually have quite good CGI effects, of course, it is not in the likes of "Sky Line", "Battle: Los Angeles", and such blockbuster budgets, but still, they did manage to pull it off quite well. The aliens were nicely made and nicely animated, though a tad too much a rip-off of the bugs in "Starship Troopers".When I watched this movie, I didn't realize James Marsden was in it, and when I did see him I was trying to figure out just who he was, because his face was familiar, though I couldn't remember his name. And I was trying to sort out if it really was the guy playing Spike on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" show, just in an older, more mature version. And it was. And I must say, he was really good in this movie. I think it is actually the only thing I have seen him in aside from "Buffy". Aside from Marsden, then the movie had some good enough performances from the actors that was in the movie.Consider this a "poor man's" "Cowboys & Aliens" if you will. A great enough movie, though with a very mainstream and predictable storyline. You know how the movie will end as soon as you play it. But still, it is worth a watch and it is entertaining. "High Plains Invaders" would actually be a good warm-up movie before sitting down to watch "Cowboys & Aliens", just to get you in that sci-fi/western combo mood.
Paul Andrews High Plains Invaders is set in the year 1892 on the Western Frontier in a small town called Avaranth where train robber Sam Danville (James Marsters) awaits execution by hanging for his crimes, as the Sheriff (James Jordan) has a set of gallows built Sam has no choice to wait the inevitable in his jail cell. The time of Sam's execution arrives but before he can be hanged Avaranth is invaded by large bug like aliens that kill anyone in sight, in the panic & confusion Sam manages to free himself as all around him are killed. Sam survives & manages to make it back inside the local jail along with a bounty hunter named Rose (Sanny van Heteren), a scientist named Jules (Sebastian Knapp) & his ex-girlfriend Abigail (Cindy Sampson) who come under attack from the alien invaders. The unlikely group must work together to find the aliens weakness & exploit it to escape Avaranth with their lives...This Canadian & Romanian co-production was directed by Kristoffer Tabori & to go with it's cute title that puns on the classic High Plains Drifter (1973) there's actually a fairly decent sci-fi/Western genre mix here that is watchable enough if nothing else. Apparently had the working title Alien Western it's easy to see why as it's a Western with aliens, personally I think all round High Plains Invaders is better than your average Sci-Fi Channel fare from the script to the effects. The character's are your usual bunch of misfits & clashing personalities who all have to work together to defeat a common enemy, at least the script doesn't descend into lots of people shouting, swearing & arguing with each other even if you never exactly feel for anyone while the not entirely unexpected twist of betrayal at the end feels a little rushed. At a little under 90 minutes long at least it moves along at a decent pace & first twenty minutes with the sudden introduction of the aliens is quite memorable although the rest of the film tends to feel like your standard monster film cliché with a bunch of people trapped in an isolated location cut off from the outside world trying to survive. The aliens themselves have little purpose other than being addicted to Uranium, they never seem to communicate & they have no sort of story although i didn't mind too much. The script features the anachronism of the character's knowing Uranium caused health problems as this wasn't discovered until later but that's nitpicking & isn't a big issue.Surprisingly the CGI special effects are much better than I expected, that's not to say they are amazing but they actually look quite good. The aliens themselves look a bit like simpler copies of the alien bugs seen in Starship Troopers (1997) & it's odd that a seemingly dumb bunch of aliens could build such a sophisticated spaceship with anything resembling hands or any sign of intelligence. It's also odd that despite being able to build a huge spaceship they have no weapons other than shooting spikes from their tails, wouldn't an advanced alien race have guns or laser beams or something? Despite there apparently being hundreds of these aliens we never see more than one or two in any one shot & as the group travel through the woods there's a fog which completely hides the supposed army of aliens probably due to budgetary reasons. The climax features the only scene in which a decent amount of aliens are seen in one shot. There's a bit of gore, a guy has half his face melted off, there are some bullet wounds & a dead guy is seen with his guts hanging out.Filmed in Bucharest in Romania but set in the US Frontier this does actually look quite good with nice period detail even if it's not entirely accurate with modern guns being used for instance but unless you specifically knew that so what? The acting is alright, no-one is amazing but the performances are acceptable.High Plains Invaders is a strange cross of sci-fi & Western that makes for a decent way to pass an hour & a half, it's not brilliant & I doubt I will ever want to see it again but for what it was I quite liked it. A good, solid & surprisingly competent attempt at something a little different that occasionally shines but maybe not often enough.