Hear My Song
Hear My Song
R | 27 December 1991 (USA)
Hear My Song Trailers

Singer Josef Locke fled to Ireland 25 years ago to escape the clutches of the tax man and police Chief Jim Abbott. What he also left behind was the love of his life Cathleen Doyle. Now, Micky O’Neill is desperate to save both his ailing Liverpool nightclub ‘Heartly’s’ and his failing relationship with the beautiful Nancy, Cathleen’s daughter. The solution? Book the infamous Josef Locke.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
GazerRise Fantastic!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
donofthedial Jolly fun as we get to see and hear Franc Sinatra, plus the potential of seeing Bing Krosby "with a "K"" as a disgruntled Franc Sinatra concert goer calls out from their seat.A...ummm....'crafty' young music promoter must keep his girlfriend happy by finding the reclusive and out of country tenor Josef Locke who had romanced her mother (voted "Miss Dairy Goodness of 1952") back in the day and wishes to see him again.The promoter heads for Ireland to find Locke and convince him to do just one more performance in England.Problem is Locke cant come back to England because of a huge tax debt and a very eager and waiting tax collector.Result = much fun and quite a bit of excitement.Fine performances by all.I saw this film once or twice about a decade ago, so please forgive and small diversions from the actual plot due to memory.
sphinx-7 The film is full of charm and amusement and I love the plot-line. The characters are witty and warm and likeable. It's quirky and some times the plot is hard to follow, but again, the characters are so real and likeable, they draw you in. Then there's the music. I never knew I liked Irish tenors until I saw this movie. The only truly confusing thing is that it is hard to tell when the movie is set. It seems almost timeless and yet there is a definite timeframe referred to in the film. Adrian Dunbar is a wonderful actor and carries the film along, although Ned Beatty succeeds in stealing it half-way through! Tara Fitzgerald is underutilized as the romantic cause of the hero's journey, but does well with what she's given. The actor who plays the hero's friend is also quite wonderful.
movie pimp I stumbled on to this film by accident, and ended up absolutely loving it. The cast is first-rate in this tale of a music promoter who is trying to find a disgraced tenor from years ago. Ned Beatty is wonderful as the tenor, and the comedy in the film just seems to click - such as the great scene with the cow. This film is highly recommended to anyone who is looking for a hidden little gem to pass on to friends.
Kubrick-27 After viewing this film, and I have done so several times, I never stop being delighted by it. Many small things missed on first viewing, bring a smile to my lips over and over again. The humor, subtle and not so subtle is a pure delight. It is very well acted, and visually beautiful to look at. This is a small film that leaves you feeling wonderful.