| 03 April 2014 (USA)
Healing Trailers

Viktor Kahdem is a man who has almost given up on life, sentenced to a low-security prison farm, a completely non-threatening environment where it is still felt that some individuals can be reformed. At Won Wron, Case Worker Matt Perry has established a unique program to rehabilitate broken men through giving them the responsibility for the rehabilitation of injured raptors - beautiful, fearsome proud eagles, falcons and owls. Against all odds, Matt takes on Viktor as his number one test case, introducing him to Yasmine, the majestic wedge tailed eagle with a 2 metre wingspan. If these two can tame each other, anything is possible.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
mads leonard holvik I really liked this movie. I never felt it was too long or boring. In fact, the movie gave me space to reflect and to do my own soul searching as I watched the main character trying to find a way, trying to find himself. Is he the hopeless man who ruined it for his family and brought shame on and abandoned his son? Or is he something more, something he can only find by being given a new chance by an understanding prison warden and by connecting with these birds of prey who also need help? More than anything I liked this movie for the glimps it gave into how humans can be good to each other even though it is difficult. There is a way if we are willing to try.
Spikeopath Right from the very first scene I knew this was going to be a special type of prison film. Mother nature in all her glory, a bird of prey elegantly gliding through the air in pursuit of its target, then bam! Trapped in a fence, cut to a prison van, a prisoner menacingly staring down a frightened young man, himself trapped, but a wise old bird of years and years of incarceration experience sidles up alongside the youngster, about to take him under his protective wing. The healing of the title begins, for man, boy and creatures, a metaphor heavy narrative that thankfully is beautifully written and portrayed.Directed by Craig Monahan, who also co-writes the screenplay with Alison Nisselle, this Australian film stars Hugo Weaving, Don Hany, Xavier Samuel and Mark Leonard Winter. Music is by David Hirschfelder and cinematography by Andrew Lesnie. Story follows a small group of prisoners working in a penal system approved rehabilitation of injured birds of prey programme. But outside of this harmonious circle lay differing problems, bully boy cons trying to muscle in with their poison, and then there is serrated family ties outside the prison gates that seem impossible to be healed...Throughout the pic there are broken beings, inmates, creatures and wardens, all in need of redemption or a restart in life. There's a lot going in the story as such, but it all makes for a gratifying whole because the makers have taken their time to build the characters. Tech credits are excellent, with the performances of the lead actors leading from the front. Weaving giving high end professionalism as the emotionally troubled main guard is something of a given, while Samuel (The Loved Ones) looks like he is about to build himself a worthwhile career.The film, however, in human form belongs to Hany, who gets the plum role of Iranian Viktor Khadem, the old lag who is the centre of the story. His accent sometimes sounds more South African than Iranian, but his ability to say so much with pained visual ticks and a becalmed delivery of crucial dialogue really cements the heart of the story's worth.Elsewhere, Lesnie's wide angled photography does justice to the surroundings when the story goes outside of the prison walls into the outback, and of course the grace of the birds is given appropriate splendour. Which leads to bird trainer Andrew Payne, who along with editor Suresh Ayya, deserves a mighty pat on the back for ensuring that Healing is beating a true heart from all standpoints. This is a lovely film waiting to be discovered by grown ups who are able to get involved with the thematic beats of the story and accept its deliberate pacing in the process. 8/10
eddie_baggins An amiable, well filmed, yet unfulfilled Australian movie, Craig Monahan's Healing is an easy to like but strangely cold drama that continues on the modern day trend of local movies failing to reach their potential, and in this case failing to do so despite a very rounded and experienced cast.Healing should've provided meaty roles to some of Australia's most experienced talent (Hugo Weaving), underrated talent (Don Hany from TV's East West 101), up and coming talent (Xavier Samuel) and renowned supporting talent (Anthony Hayes) yet Monahan as writer/director doesn't illicit enough emotional heft to make audience members care and in turn be affected by the plight of these men. Weaving by far comes off best as kind and caring prison officer Matt Perry while Hany can't quite grasp the accent or the pent up rage of lead Viktor Khadem while Samuel and Hayes are wasted on stereotypical prison inmates in the form of young inmate Paul and prison kingpin Warren respectively. Monahan can also be blamed for failing to capitalise on his metaphorical story of inwardly healing with the films central story conceit.Around the story of these troubled men is the fact inmates lead by Khadem have been charged with the provision of a bird sanctuary in which birds of prey are nursed back to health and subsequently released back into the wild – no guesses in what the birds represent. This story plight feels sadly underutilised and much like many plot developments within the film, wholly unneeded. Moments within the film showcasing Mark Leonard Winter's (who perhaps steals the movie in an acting sense) Shane attending his brother's funeral or Weaving's Matt dealing with the death of his young daughter all feel like side parts that play no real meaningful stepping stone in an unfocused story.Monahan has made one of Australia's greatest ever dramas in the form of his 1998 Hugo Weaving starring The Interview and in the time following has only made the disappointing Peaches and now this equally mediocre Healing, which is a shame considering his obvious talent. Healing is a hard film to hate thanks to its commendable intentions yet a hard film to love thanks to its mismanaged final product. Better than most Australian films of recent times, yet sadly that's not much of an achievement. Disappointingly forgettable, Healing never soars to the heights it so easily could've reached with the talent on hand.2 Eagle helmets out of 5 For more movie reviews and opinions check into - www.jordanandeddie.wordpress.com
Virginia M Don't miss this sublime experience!For a lover of good cinema, great story & acting, awe-inspiring and perfectly chosen music, in addition to the uniquely beautiful Australian bush, ecological elements of humans interconnectedness with nature and the ability to heal from extreme adversity.Each frame of this movie, each eagle-eye aerial view, each close-up has been so beautifully crafted it had me in tears.Please treat yourself and family, as well as all your friends.This wonderful cinematic experience can only leave you feeling fundamentally changed and the World a better place.