| 28 February 2015 (USA)
Headless Trailers

In this "lost slasher film from 1978," a masked killer wages an unrelenting spree of murder, cannibalism, and necrophilia. But when his tortured past comes back to haunt him, he plunges to even greater depths of madness and depravity, consuming the lives of a young woman and those she holds dear.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Bead After watching "Found", I had such high hopes for this movie. Unfortunately, this movie will fade into the forgotten realms that poorly executed horror films fall into. First of all, this movie 'looks' amazing. It looks like the 70's and captures that vibe so well. Even the villains look almost classic from a horror perspective. But once a director goes to the cheap gore, you know they have nothing left in their toolkit, and that's too bad. This movie could have been a cult favorite or even a classic horror. But just shock for the sake of shock, you know the director has no clue on how to create suspense or tension. And don't get me wrong, gore doesn't bother me at all. I just recognize when directors go there and offer nothing else, you realize they are in over their head. I'm sure this movie will appeal to 15 year old Rob Zombie fans, but surely it's a missed opportunity for building a cult following for those who want more out of their horror movies.But I'm holding out hope Arthur Cullipher's next movie will be much more sophisticated, as he is able to make a great looking movie. He just needs to focus more on the story and what matters most to horror fans who want more than easy, cheap gore.
LakiM9 To make it clear, I think that this is one of most violent movies I have ever seen. It exceeds even gore classics like original "I spit on your grave". This film is actually made as an "lost" slasher from 1978, when this kind of films was popular. This picture's main "component" is its remarkable brutality. Even it is made for the low budget the effect are acceptable. This picture shows 2 different eras, masked serial killer's slaughtering now and also when he was young and was tortured by the family, specifically from his mother.If you have seen the flick Found (2012), those 2 movies are very similar. This film is absolutely everything that a slasher sub-genre fan wants: gore, nudity, blood, and heads being chopped off. Just one word, GORE!
benny_5 I don't want to give away too much information on this flick, if you decide to give it a shot. But let me tell you: it sucks. I came to this little movie because of a list of movies, called the sickest, vile movies ever made... or something. Doesn't matter anymore. I got curious because this movie took the top spot on the list. Number one. Sickest, depraved movie of all time. A bigger thing than "A Serbian Film", "The Human Centipede" or "Martyrs". That was a promise to me. I was never more disappointed in my life like I was after watching this piece of crap. It is not shocking or anything like that. It is just stupid and boring. The cinematography is a joke, the acting is even worse and the plot is an insult to everyone who has ever seen a movie. There is no tension and there is no likable character at all. The director is trying to shock the audience with the shown brutality but fails miserably. The killer and his victims are just so stupid it's unbelievable. The first kill shows perfectly, what's wrong with this film. The perverse, depraved murderer with his abusive childhood cuts the victims top open, plays with her breasts, then penetrates her with his machete, which is the worst penetration scene i have seen all my life. This killer is just so unlikely, this shot just killed and penetrated his own credibility for me. But take a look for yourself. Normally I would rate a movie so bad like "Headless" with one star, but I add one more star for the sick ideas. The implementation just got messed up.
BA_Harrison Headless began life as a fictional film within a film: an obscure late-70s slasher featured in 2012 indie horror Found. Now, as the result of a successful crowd funding campaign, it has been turned into a movie in its own right—a gloriously demented, retro-styled gore-fest that holds nothing back in its depiction of a mentally deranged and extremely vicious, mask-wearing, machete-wielding killer at work.Director Arthur Cullipher starts as he means to go on: before the opening credits are over, he's already shown us a disgustingly gruesome decapitation, his antagonist (Shane Beasley) proceeding to scoop out and eat an eyeball, before boning the severed head in the neck—the killer's preferred modus-operandi. And so it continues, with numerous nubile young women meeting the same grisly fate, the wholesale slaughter interspersed by freaky hallucinatory scenes and disturbing memories from the killer's childhood, when he was caged like an animal by his mother (Emily Solt McGee) and tormented by his sister (Olivia Arnold/Jessica Schroeder).It is through one of these flashbacks that we see how the sadistic sister made the mistake of unlocking the door to her sibling's prison; unsurprisingly, the lad seizes this opportunity to rid himself of both his tormentors, and, accompanied by his imaginary friend, a small boy with a skull-head, sets out on a long and bloody path of murder, one that ultimately leads to a roller rink where he targets the employees, including pretty waitress Jess Hardy (Kelsey Carlisle). Will Jess's decapitated and defiled head be added to The Killer's collection, or can she turn the tables on the sicko?From the outset, Headless does well to capture the atmosphere of a genuine 70s slasher, with a gritty lo-fi look, great attention to period detail, and authentic sounding music. The film also delivers plenty of impressive old-school practical effects, although the level of depravity on display is far greater than anything I have ever seen in a genuine slasher from the purported era—even the most extreme examples. Not that I'm complaining: it's the mean-spirited violence and general deviancy that makes this such a blast…How could any self-respecting gore-hound/sleaze-fan not have a good time with the following: horror hottie Haley Jay Madison getting a machete up the holiest of holies, before having her breast sliced off, and losing both of her legs to the madman; The Killer using a pretty hitch-hiker's head to get his rocks off on a pile of dismembered corpses; the twisted sister quenching her caged brother's thirst by urinating on him; the mother feeding her son a freshly severed rabbit's head; Jess's waster of a boyfriend having his junk cut off; The Killer doing his special routine on his own mother (including boffing her bonce!); and roller skate-wearing waitress Betsy (Ellie Church) doing the dirty with her sleazy boss before being chased topless across the roller rink by the killer. Trust me when I say that it's ALL done in the worst possible taste.My only complaint with the film—and it's a small one—is that the whole ritual of decapitation, eye removal, and head-humping eventually becomes a little too repetitive. I know it's The Killer's signature (and an unmistakable one at that), but I'd liked to have seen him switch things up a bit. After all, variety is the spice of life—even for a criminally insane mass murderer with a creepy skull-headed boy for a best friend.