He Who Dares: Downing Street Siege
He Who Dares: Downing Street Siege
| 02 December 2014 (USA)
He Who Dares: Downing Street Siege Trailers

The sequel to Paul Tanter's "He Who Dares" will continue to follow the Special Air Service (SAS) anti–hijacking counter–terrorism team. In the thriller, Christopher Lowe finds himself summoned to 10 Downing Street to be dishonorably discharged from the SAS for disobeying a direct order, despite the fact that he saved the Prime Minister’s only daughter.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Diagonaldi Very well executed
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
JohnAU1965 This movie is such utter dross that I hear Michael Dudikoff has called it 'woefully bad acting'.Seriously, I thought we'd gone past the truly shabby Z-Grade movies of the 1980s with woeful plot lines, wooden acting and not-so-special effects, but apparently, Tanter & Phillips decided that they could attempt something worse.Beyond the laughable 'military' inaccuracies, the grade-school acting and seriously pathetic 'special effects' is a movie that I'm actually quite surprised that anyone would even remotely consider funding.Who's portrayal is the most abysmal I hear you ask?Is it the tubby 'villan' who's about as threatening as a four-year old bully? The scrawny, unshaven artiste who is apparently our heroic SAS Major (although he appears in Corporal's stripes)? Or the any of the other clichéd losers who have had the misfortune to consider themselves actors?The worst of Neighbours, Days of Our Lives or the like shines in comparison to the efforts within this waste of time.That they spent 3 mil on this is laughable. Either they have a very, very shabby accountant or they've taken their backers for a serious ride.Worst of all, this is a sequel, which means there's more of this offal floating around out there.A shame we can't give negative scores on here.
Phoenix Evolve This is so so so bad I had to watch it till the end, basically wetting myself.All aspects of acting, all aspects of cinematography. How the heck anyone rated this more than 1 star bemuses me.Brilliantly ? Awful beyond description.
aamongman I don't usually write reviews, but for this very special film I'm going to make an exception.'He Who Dares: Downing Street' is by far one of the most awful films I have ever seen. It has superseded many other terrible, terrible films because it is truly, genuinely dreadful. Most bad supposedly adrenaline-fuelling, action/crime films have some redeeming features but not this one (save a few glorious seconds towards the end I will elaborate upon), some actual entertainment value, even if it's just funny to laugh at.It is no surprise that the plot is inconceivably bad, full of plot-holes and makes little sense throughout. The special effects are cringe-inducing - especially the blood whenever someone is shot, which is not infrequent in this horribly unoriginal shoot'em up - and the direction (combined with cinematography and plot) feels as if a particularly stupid 15 year old has just watched 'Die Hard' for the first time and written his own version set in Downing Street.The acting deserves particular recognition. The almost universally miscast actors are reliably wooden, irritating and make already poorly written characters even more unlikeable than they already were. From the (obviously) Conservative MP whose last words are to call the main villain a 'Pleb' to the main villain himself; Simon F*cking Phillips.Simon Phillips, who I last had the displeasure of watching in 'Meet the Firm: Revenge in Rio' is wholly awful. In-between bouts of not being very scary whilst threatening and murdering people he sometimes switches into 'comedian' mode, joking and wise-cracking (badly) whilst threatening and murdering people. Those few seconds of glory I mentioned before come when we witness Simon Phillips shot, not just once, but twice!!Unoriginal, awful, just bad, 1/10
Truth Speaker More in the style to which we've become accustomed from Press On Features - a production company that sounds more like an attribute for a sanitary towel than a purveyor of cinematic works o' fart. Many people criticise this film and its equally dire predecessor for their inaccurate representations of the SAS, but I say why stop there? These films have an entire cast of inaccurate representations of human beings. The producers must be geniuses as they are constantly finding the cash (and, in parallel, hacking away at the integrity of British Independent film) to create a production line of the worst films the UK has ever shipped out.Seriously, the script sounds like it was written by a teenage boy as a last-minute homework assignment. If any script consultants are ever used by this "writer/director" I would be astounded.Every scene is packed with atrocious dialogue and it's patently obvious that the "writer/director" has stuffed words in the mouths of the characters in an attempt to justify how they are behaving rather than do a crumb of research. Unfortunately for him, nobody with even vague brain activity will buy how these characters behave.This is a film that wants you to believe that eight armed people in fancy dress police uniforms can jump over the back wall of 10 Downing Street, indiscriminately shoot people and hold the PM hostage without being challenged. The 1-dimensional villain is played by Simon Phillips - some guy who wants to be an actor and so produces films and puts himself in starring roles. His spectrum of characters vary from being a fat bloke with a beard to a bearded bloke who is fat.The abysmally unimaginative direction attempts, and sorely fails, to be saved by an editor who has just discovered the effects panel in Final Cut Pro. Either that or he fell asleep on the keyboard. Constantly.The action sequences are rubbish. The humour is poor. Quality is non-existent. Even the wardrobe for every actor looks one size too big.Oh, and one more thing - if you are trying to get us to believe that you're shooting outside 10 Downing Street, then at least get the right style of numerals on the door.