R | 15 September 2006 (USA)
Haven Trailers

During a weekend, two shady businessmen flee to the Cayman Islands to avoid federal prosecution. But their escape ignites a chain reaction that leads a British native to commit a crime that changes the nation.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
lynn_boo Love between these two were hard to resist. I liked this movie.
wes-connors Writer/director Frank E. Flowers makes "Haven" in the disjointed, jumped-up style resembling his production team's more successful "Crash", which is supposed to be this film's selling point. But, "Haven" only emphasizes what goes wrong with this type of picture. Instead of fresh, it's frazzled. As the story lines wobble around, the cameras leave a relatively engaging Victor Rasuk (as Fritz).Then, reminding you of "Crash" connections, the film's hooded "Romeo and Juliet" storyline takes hold. "On the idyllic shores of the Cayman Islands, Shy (Orlando Bloom) and Andrea (Zoe Saldana) share a secret her parents can never know - they are in love. But a night of passion leads to the discovery of their secret and a devastating act of vengeance by Andrea's brother (Anthony Mackie)."Meanwhile, a shady American businessman (Bill Paxton) has fled with his daughter to the Islands to avoid federal prosecution, only to be drawn into a dangerous web of deceit. As lives intersect and truths are revealed, a chain reaction of violence is set in motion that will determine whether love can survive the fall of paradise," according to the DVD sleeve's synopsis. It all ends by… stopping.**** Haven (9/11/04) Frank E. Flowers ~ Orlando Bloom, Zoe Saldana, Bill Paxton, Victor Rasuk
MOSSBIE After reading the great praise for this incredibly horrendous film by most of the members here, I got so freaked thinking I had a brain tumor or something worse, that I went back and read 42 film critiques take on this piece of junk, and not ONE disagreed with me.Most of them dug a deeper hole and those who didn't, missed a few of the errors which all of the naysayers here had included...I have never done this and was so grateful for the opportunity to stick to my guns and remind myself that most people have absolutely no idea about the film-making process,and to add to that, no taste. Set in what should be a fascinating locale, the Cayman Islands, whose main industry or purpose is supposed to be a place where billions of dollars are secreted away for all kinds of reasons by all kinds and types of moneymakers and, to my recollection, has never been used as a location for a film before. The story line is a pretty basic one which starts out as Bill Paxton is making a hasty departure for not all too clear reasons. There then follows a collection of sub plots which are intermingled and even have nothing to do with Paxton's dilemma. There are children of crooks, and children of locals who cause havoc and trouble within the story as we follow a young man named "Shy" who works doing simple tasks at the local yacht harbor, and makes the mistake of having a tryst with a powerful man's daughter whose brother punishes with the old acid in the face retribution. From there, all of the artsy editing and time jumping back and forth becomes so irritating that you do not know what line of crime is the one which is supposed to grab you. Not one got to me and the one thing I am really curious about; what are the Cayman Islands like geographically and culturally? It could easily have been filmed in Beverly Hills and Malibu, or for my tastes, not at all. Orlando Bloom is not strong enough to carry a film and for those who think he is astonishingly handsome and dashing, must be teens or fans left over from his luck being cast in "Pirates" and that other series of blockbusters.Altogether,this film is a contrived and artless mess.Also, it seems that there were a lot of people here who were at the same screening in Toronto and ALL seemed to love it including a brother in law of the director.
dikshant I had this DVD from a friend for quite some time, but because of its low ratings on IMDb, i just kept pushing it away. Let me tell you i am really glad that i did see this film last night and am very impressed. The most striking feature of this movie is its Direction and Sound. Frank Flowers is a very talented director and i wonder why hasn't he got enough opportunities after this one. The Fact that movie was made in 2004 impresses me the most because of its very contemporary style and techniques. Movie is a plain Scam-thriller and goes about its job of presenting it in an extremely interesting way. The story line is quite simple but presented in a very slick way. You never feel that movie slows down at any point of time and its quite nicely stitched till the very end. Except for some average acting from lesser known actors (not Orlando bloom) in the movie, i cant find too many defects in the movie. I am really looking forward to "Trespasser", the next from Frank. -Dikshant