| 04 July 2017 (USA)
haveababy Trailers

Some think an in vitro fertilization contest sounds crazy, but countless Americans desperate to start a family believe this social media experiment is their only hope. Vegas Baby is a profile of patients of a Las Vegas fertility clinic. Each year, the clinic hosts a YouTube-based competition called “I Believe,” which gives one lucky couple a shot at an in vitro fertilization treatment they could not otherwise afford. Hundreds of couples apply, yet there can be only one winner.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Beulah Bram A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
leedswood This is a wonderful documentary that shares what it's like to walk through the infertility journey. If you've struggled, or someone you love has, I highly recommend watching this short film.Unfortunately, there are so many misconceptions about what it takes to reproduce. I didn't realize how many there were, until I unexpectedly found myself facing this challenge. The movie shines a light on some of these. My favorite "character" was probably Athena's mother. She was a wise & caring lady and without being in amidst the struggle herself, seemed to truly "get it." There can be numerous ups and downs on this path, both physically and emotionally. Because of this, I thought it was incredibly brave of these men & women to share their struggles so openly in this format. At times, it honestly felt like looking in a mirror. I'm grateful, because it helped me to process my own emotions in different ways. Kudos to the director & team -
lmcjannet Vegas Baby is a fascinating and compassionate account of two couples and a single lesbian and their struggles to start a family. It is also a provocative exploration of an extreme corner of American health care that raises ethical and moral questions for the viewer. The filmmaker gains her subjects' trust and therefore has incredibly intimate access to their journeys, showing them confronting emotional and economic adversity without sentimentalizing their courage or overlooking their (often wry) self-awareness and sense of humor. This delicate balance is in evidence throughout Vegas Baby, which is also a beautifully crafted film. The image of the Pyramid in Las Vegas, with its connotations of the longing for immortality, hovers over the subjects' stories, which are as diverse as they could possibly be. You don't have to be interested in or suffering from infertility to engage with this compelling film and its universal themes.
Kristina Marie Vegas Baby is definitely a great film! As someone who has struggled with infertility for seven years and just recently went through IVF herself, I truly appreciated this documentary in more ways than one. It sheds so much light on the struggles people go through to complete their family. This film is definitely eye opening to those that have never traveled the road of infertility and is emotional for those of us who have. It's a must watch!
beckyh77 . If you have considered or gone through IVF, or know someone who has.....this documentary is definitely worth watching!! Having recently gone through IVF and miscarriage, I really identified with the different story lines in this film. Truly, a job well done. Thank you to the film crew for bringing awareness to the world of infertility!