Hatley High
Hatley High
| 23 September 2003 (USA)
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The Canadian teen comedy Hatley High sends up high school sports rituals by placing a most unlikely competitive game at the center of its story: that of chess. Tommy (Nicholas Wright) is a new arrival in his parents' hometown of Hatley, whose mother recently died. He discovers, after the fact, that his mom was once a chess pro and thus a legend in the community. Tommy's chess-fixated peers accept him almost instantly, inferring that he must have inherited his dear mother's skills, but in time Tommy carves out a niche for himself independently of his mom's legacy, and strikes up an enduring romance with Hyacinthe (Rachelle Lefevre) a "chess cheerleader." Two fictional British filmmakers "frame" the tale by filming it for a documentary that they are producing, and thus provide witty, ongoing narration.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
SnoopyStyle In the town of North Hatley, chess mania has taken over the local high school. New student Tommy Linklater likes to do his magic tricks. He is recruited for the chess team, The Knights, due to his late mother's legendary chess skills. Hyacinthe Marquez (Rachelle Lefevre) is the head cheerleader and honor student.This has a fun satire premise of switching the coolness factor between jocks and the chess club. It's kinda funny for a little while but it gets repetitive. The writing is not funny enough. Other than Lefevre, the cast isn't good enough. It's got one good idea but it fails to build on it.
Cablebot3000 This movie about, which is about a boy who moves to a new town and is good at chess, is pretty fun and amusing. The storyline and characters are well done and they are all likable. There is also some sentimentality to it, which I found to be a good factor instead of the same old cliché that a lot of movies like this have. The comedy part of it is also well done. Its not LOL material, but its still funny and quirky. Even the romance is not bad. Its different from some of the main teen comedies. And lastly, I am glad this wasn't the usual sex comedy. It is a pretty clean, and for the most part a family (sort of). I rate it 7/10. (my rating) PG-13 for language including sex and drug references, and for some sexual content
Samuel Sloan This is a great movie, long overlooked. A small town high school is nuts about chess and everybody plays The big showdown comes when a team from the Soviet Union is flown in to play the big match. The coach for Hatley High is a Soviet defector who defected during the last chess match between the two teams. The new Russian coach is a Russian nationalist, and the rivalry is personal.On the night before the big showdown, the Russian team captain, Anya Petrovich, played by Ilona Elkin, seduces the Hatley High captain, played by James A. Woods, and tricks him by putting handcuffs on him and locking in the principal's office. When the Hatley High Captain does not appear for the big final match, the Hatley High team will be forfeited unless somebody can be pulled off the bench to play the big final game.The creators of this movie could have used a real chess consultant. Many of the moves shown on the chess board are illegal. Black moves first in the first game and, although they use chess terms like Sicilian Defense and Budapest Defense, the moves shown on the board are nothing like those openings.However, we can overlook these defects because this movie teaches us chess players important lessons about how a movie about a high school chess match can be made exciting and interesting to the general non-chess playing audience.Sam Sloan
landon-1 Staged in a small town that worships chess this movie kept me smiling all the way through. Even though it comes off as a play on the typical American "worship the football goods" type movie there are many of details that might not be apparent at first viewing. A combination of familial loss, new town acclimatization, cold war history and rook envy come together well in a movie fit for pretty much everyone.The main character, Tommy, did a good job of coming across as a complicated young man who has the initial idea of who he is but still has the rough edges to work on. Hyacinth, well, other than everyone falling in love with her while she keeps Tommy dancing, I expect to see her again in more movies as she has a good energy that is transferred here.This is a movie that makes me glad to be a Canadian!