Harvard Man
Harvard Man
R | 01 August 2001 (USA)
Harvard Man Trailers

College has always been a time for experimentation, sexual, cultural and otherwise. "Harvard Man" plays out against a background of love, sex, basketball, crime and experimentation. Action and philosophy in young people's quest to discover their true identity.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
insomniac_rod Meh, this is an okay time filler that won't stick in your mind for too long. It's the typical American comedy that uses black humor to criticize some aspects of America's politics and culture/society.On the positive side, it's not a typical teen comedy with "toilet humor" or campy situations; it has some decent dialogs and interesting ideas towards drug addiction and mafias.The plot surrounds a sports guy who is obviously the most popular thing in college. He has a sexy hot and kinky girlfriend who happens to be the daughter of a powerful Italian mob man. You know the rest... drugs, basketball, mafia, FBI, a sexy and smart teacher, etc.This movie is not a mess but not a masterpiece. I still recommend it for those who are into teen movies with an edge.
kinrabe I love Sarah Michelle Gellar, she is capable of fantastic acting as made clear in the Buffy series. She has, unfortunately, been given no opportunities to show her considerable talent in film. While Cruel Intentions is a bad movie, Harvard Man is one of the worst - if not the worst - movie I have ever forced myself to sit through. The writing is practically non-existent. There are many scenes of back and forth dialogue with little purpose but to fill time. There are several simultaneous plots (gambling, drug addiction, sexual cheating, dealing with the mob), none of them interesting in their execution. There is no coherence - each plot thread seems forced in to fill time and is not interwoven with a big theme. One soon gets the feeling that the movie was started with little passion from the director, then finished in a hurry to meet a deadline. Harvard Man is transparently what it is: a quickly-made attempt to capitalize on Gellar's fame. To watch it is to wait for its end, amazed that such a thing actually made it as a major motion picture. I CAN'T believe the average rating here is close to 5. Anyone who says this movie is anything but awful is either mentally deficient or has an agenda. The only reason to watch this movie is to gawk at its atrociousness.
gburger-3 This is a highly entertaining and accurate look at the world Dr H discovered. His "problem child" is indeed a means by which to expand your consciousness. It is highly disappointing to see a writer and production team cop out on a plot line and re-"direct" (uhum) to follow the assumptions and perceptions of the ignorant masses. The negative end-image of this plot line delivers a message of hazard and caution in this world of psychedelics. The case in point is that judgement should be reserved for those who have tread the path...and those who have tread the path do so willingly, consciously, happily and with a greater understanding of themselves and the relativity of things. Is it possible for us all to be so fortunate as to discover our very own truth through a simple mind-body experiment. The experience is not reality...granted. The revelations brought on by engagement with a world within this world is what provides us with the perspective to finally see. i.e. How can you walk a mile in someone else's shoes without unavoidably still wearing your own socks (perceptions). The answer implied is: strip away your own sense of reality, your own consciousness and you will have successfully placed yourself out of your box. QED - time to expand your minds
MNunes I watched this movie with my two oldest daughters, who are both fans, as I am of the two main actors. It actually gave us plenty to talk about and has certainly opened their ideas to drugs and what happens when they are abused. I think and hope that they have been put off for life! Adrian, although relatively unknown in our country, is a star in the making and heres hoping there will be more of him to watch in the future. Sarah Michelle is a firm favourite among our family and is always at her best in seductive, bad girl roles. The storyline was certainly filled with twists and unexpected. This movie has just been released on video and dvd in our country, so it has been a long wait. But certainly worth it. I have already told other people to watch it, as I am a fanatic moviewatcher and whenever a movie comes along that really gets me thinking, I do go all out and tell other people to watch it.