| 29 April 2009 (USA)
Hallelujah! Trailers

Following his release from a seven-year stretch in prison, Mario Diccara discovers that his affairs with the underworld aren't completely settled. His brother Patrick, a priest, suggests that he stays with elderly Father Etienne in a small village in Ardeche until the conflict blows over. But their plan takes an unexpected turn when Father Etienne dies.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
erina This movie is great. The producer of the film is Luc Beson, and it is perhaps his talent that makes it a quite a masterpiece. I think if this movie could be properly translated from French into English it could live the whole new second life among English audience. It deserves higher rating on your database. I would say it is not only French humor that makes it worth to see. The focus on human values that are possessed by people hunted by their criminal background and resulting situations where they need to decide about doing good of evil, played in a comedy format, makes it one of the best films produced by French cinematography in the last 5 years. Unfortunately the fact that Luc Beson was a contributor to this film, is not mentioned on your database profile. It would definitely create much mo interest for general audience to see one of the best French movies made lately.
jotix100 Mario, a thief that has spent seven years in jail gets released. Two former partners in crime await for him to settle a score. The duo want to get their share of a robbery they worked together where up to a million and a half Euros is hidden somewhere, and now, they want Mario to give them what the shares due to them. The only problem is that Mario has to go to a small town where the treasure is buried, but he wants no company.As a solution to his problems, Mario goes to his brother Patrick, a Catholic priest, for help. The brother suggests he travels dressed as a priest since he has the proper outfit for the journey. When Mario arrives in his priestly garb, he finds a welcoming committee that confuses him with their new pastor because of the death of their beloved priest. At this moment everything breaks loose."Hallelujah" as the film was retitled for its English release, is an old fashioned French comedy directed by Roger Delattre and written by its star, Jean-Marie Bigard, who takes the role that would have gone in years gone by to Fernandel. or Louis De Funes, or even Coluche. It is clearly a pleasant time at the movies, but do not expect fireworks because it is a conventional story that was probably created to serve the star. Just go for the mindless fun and enjoy. Mr. Bigard plays the criminal who impersonates a priest with gusto.The film was filmed in the Rhone Alpes towns of Banne and Ardeche, which are picturesque and serve the action well. Thierry Arbogast, the cinematographer gets the essence of the small places.
Teo Chee Tat my french is very limited, thus there might have been much humour that i didn't understand, but i feel this film was not made as a comedy but rather more as a satire. there were many ironies going on in the show: jailbird becoming priest, even bettering others in the job; priest becoming attracted to forces in materialism and the secular world; police and priest both see alcohol and sex as part of life and commoners empathising with that; and finally the irony of the neverending disputes of religions as opposed to how love could unite disparate beliefs. those who often seek divine help, hardly know that those who have genuine solutions to their problems are people not much different from them, perhaps merely more confident.
rostysilverside I think that people that don't speak or understand French should not watch this movie because French films are made to watch in French. I think people should stop rating this film and just not watch French movies if they watch it English. I'm warning you if you watch this film in English, it will loose it's every aspect it's worth watching for. The difference between English and French films is that even though you can add French or English dubs to a movie, you can translate a movie from one language to another, but you can never translate everything. I've watched French films in English, there's no point because it's a completely different film. This film is funny,sarcastic, slightly violent but in a funny way and full of French jokes which is impossible to translate to English. So I suggest for people not to watch this film unless they speak and understand perfectly the French language. This movie deserves more than it was rated.
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