Half a Sinner
Half a Sinner
NR | 05 April 1940 (USA)
Half a Sinner Trailers

Although young and beautiful, schoolteacher Anne Gladden fears a dull future. She finally decides to take a walk on the wild side, splurging on some fashionable new clothes and setting off to find adventure. Her new confidence inspires her to flirt with complete strangers. When a gangster pays unwanted attention to her, she ditches him and flees in his car, unaware that there's a corpse in the trunk. Determined to recover his stolen vehicle and its incriminating cargo the thug begins a desperate search. The oblivious Anne, comes to the aid of a handsome young man stranded alongside the road. Romance blooms, but after the shocking discovery of a body in the trunk, the duo decide they have to return the car. The bickering lovebirds head back to the city, trailed by both the angry gangster and the cops, who suspect the young couple of murder.

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
utgard14 Middling B comedy about a schoolteacher (Heather Angel) who undergoes a makeover which leads to wacky adventures involving gangsters, a corpse in a stolen car, and a man (John 'Dusty' King) she picks up off the side of the road. Never as funny as it desperately wants to be. In fact, it has some boring stretches. Angel and King bring little to the table, leaving the supporting players like Tom Dugan, William B. Davidson, and Constance Collier to pick up the slack. They do an admirable job of that, which helps make this at least watchable. Not a great film by any stretch but worth a look if you're in the mood for a quickie comedy with a few (but only a few) laughs.
mark.waltz After a dowdy colleague urges bespeckled teacher Heather Angel to get out and live life before its too late, she does just that, much like Marion Davies did in "Going Hollywood" and Suzanne Pleshette would years later in "Rome Adventure". She's not going to either one of those places, just out, and what an adventure she finds! After being harassed by a masher, she steals a car which happens to contain a dead body in it and with the help of a handsome stranger (John 'Dusty' King) gets into all sorts of trouble. Along the way, she encounters prickly Constance Collier, a society matron who isn't afraid of interfering in young love, even if one of them switched the license plate on her chauffered car so she is stopped by the police herself.In just an hour, this romantic comedy with elements of a crime thriller becomes an engaging programmer, featuring some great character actors like Walter Catlett, Emma Dunn and Clem Bevans. Smart and sassy dialog helps the film's pacing and even with its "B" elements is actually pretty lavish looking. There's a great twist concerning Collier at the end that had me laughing in satisfaction, not having seen that coming at all.
Gary Lewin Half a Sinner is an engaging little programmer. Less than one hour long. But never a dull moment. The tale of a bored young teacher played by Heather Angel who one day decides to break out of her boredom and go on an adventure and see some life before it's too late. On the way she gets inadvertently involved with a bunch of crooks and a dead body in a car. She also meets the man of her dreams. The story is a bit fantastic. But very entertaining and everybody plays there part well.Heather Angel, playing the heroine of the show is a delight. She belonged to an age when Hollywood was literally swarming in talent. Many of them didn't get as far as they might have done due to how competitive the whole thing was. And probably Heather Angel deserved a better career than she actually had. This film is worth seeing for its entertainment value and I can definitely recommend it.
MartinHafer This was a low-budget B-movie--hence the mostly unknown cast as well as the relatively short running time. And, like many Bs, the film appears to have been hastily written and could have really used some editing and changes--and the plot, at times, makes absolutely no sense. It's a shame, as the basic story idea is great.The story begins with a spinster teacher (Heather Angel) lamenting that she's getting older and she doesn't want to have life pass her by. So, she gives herself a makeover and new outfit and voilà--she's a pretty young lady (with an inexplicably British accent). So far, I liked the story and thought it has promise Soon after leaving her home for a day of fun and adventure, she is approached by a masher and he won't take no for an answer. To get away, she jumps into his car and drives off. So far, all this COULD plausibly happen. But, when she continues driving this car and shows no inclination to ditch the car, the film started losing me. But it soon gets a lot worse. Despite having stolen a car, she soon stops to help a seemingly stranded man (the minor cowboy star, Dusty King). Now who, after stealing a car, would stop to pick up a passenger?!? This idiot, apparently, would.The problems for both of them are a lot more serious than either imagines. This is because there is a dead body in the back of the car--and the mobsters who killed him are sure to be looking for them. And, hilarity (?) ensues.Because the film relies on character behaving inexplicably, it is already compromised from the start. In order for a comedy to to work, people can do the inexplicable...but the audience needs to believe it or drop all sense of disbelief. With this one, however, no attempt it made to make any of this impossible events seem possible..and the film suffers significantly even with some decent performances. Only of interest if you have insomnia or relatively low standards (like me, as I watched this thing).