Half a Loaf of Kung Fu
Half a Loaf of Kung Fu
R | 10 September 1985 (USA)
Half a Loaf of Kung Fu Trailers

A young daydreamer assumes the identity of a dead martial arts hero and quickly finds himself caught up in a plot by several clans to steal famous martial arts artifacts being transported by an escort company.

Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
bbickley13-921-58664 I feel like I should have seen this movie already but I don't remember it. As a kid, I was a huge kung fu fan and the center of the fandom was the great Jackie Chan.Though this movie does not showcase the acrobatic stunts that would be a trademark of the superstar, this early rendition of his leading man stasis does showcase his comedy and playfulness.The movie is a stereotypical movie in the kung fu genre of the 1970's. Jackie plays a con man pretending to know kung fu who comes across a master who teaches him the real deal. Adding to the generic plot is Jackie's wiliness to help find a treasure before evil bandits get their hands on it using his newly required skills in kung fu in a standard all-out battle that happens before the common abrupt ending.There is a few moments where Jackie Chan shows off his acrobatic skills that made him so much different than the other kung fu stars of the time, but it was the little moments in when Jackie showed comedy that really stood out in this particular feature, which would lead up to what was coming.Otherwise if you have seen Jackie Chan in his prime this movie may come as a bit of a letdown.
callanvass Jackie Chan is one of my heroes. The man is responsible for many great martial art extravaganzas, but he's also made some abhorrent stinkers like this one. Right from the atrocious opening where it is almost like a stage play of sorts with all of the histrionics. I knew I could potentially be in for a long 95 minutes or so. I always try to get the subtitled version of these movies, but I was forced to watch the dubbed version of this one. The dubbing is painful to listen too, and got on my nerves throughout the film. Like a lot of Jackie movies affiliated with Lo Wei, it's filed with extremely lame slapstick scenes which offer no laughs what so ever. There are a few unfunny farting gags. We get a scene involving a guy trying to intimidate Jackie, and Jackie throws chicken eggs at him (!) The fight scenes are ridiculously hammy and unexciting. I don't mind the use of wires. It's happened in a few Jackie Chan & Jet Li movies that I like, but they looked ludicrously silly here. It also makes a bit of a mockery of Kung-Fu in my opinion. Despite that there is evil in this movie, a lot of it is played for laughs. With how everything angered me immensely, I didn't care when an action scene commenced, I just wanted this movie to be over. I've enjoyed a few early Jackie movies, such as Shaolin Wooden Men, Drunken Master, etc, but this movie is absolutely terrible. It makes Spiritual Kung-Fu look great in comparisonFinal Thoughts: It's cheap, boring, and agonizingly stupid. If you're looking for solid Kung-Fu action with Jackie Chan, you're WAY off course. Avoid this like the plague. Even die hard Jackie fans will most likely hate this one. If they're smart they will…DUD (Dud is the worst rating possible out of 10)
Scottytrotts What was great about this movie is the fact that it blended martial arts action, a serious plot, and hilarious comedy perfectly, and it is one of the few films that did it as good as this one did. You had all these different parties and clans from guards of a highly valued property, to the iron palm clan, to street thugs, to the famous Poison Clan, and of course the training instructor and his pupil that teaches Jackie Chan through out the movie, all of these different clans and parties that displayed such a wide variety of styles that you rarely find in martial arts films. Then there's the plot of the film which follows Jackie Chan as a common street bum trying to make his way in life and hopes to become a great kung fu expert, that finally gets the chance to make this dream come true, but also comes across a party of government men that are protecting a special property that he ultimately joins to protect from all these different gangs that leads to a final, huge, battle between the different parties. and then comes in the comedy which surprising worked very very very well, with such moments as when Jackie comes to the aid of one of his female friends during the big finale and tries to act tough and show off against his opponent but gets punched down the side of the hill, and then sitting up with his back in pain going "Damn you" and when Jackie is facing off against a man his master dubs, the man with a thousand faces, and decides to climb a tree to escape his opponent with the man yelling at him to come on down and Jackie chuckling back "you come on up" all this is what makes Half A Loaf Of Kung Fu such a great movie
Nick_Vorobyov This film is the first great comedy for Jackie. This film has alot of action too. But like always the whole action is at the end of the film. And this film is done well with the help of "Wei Lo" of course. "Wei Lo" made the stupid film "New Fists of Fury" which I didn't like that much. But this film is GREAT. I haven't seen so much comedy ever!!!!!! Jackie doesn't know how to fight at first but then he learns it. Before Jackie learned how to fight he still did some nice stunts and kind like fights. But the end was the best. So I have to say this is the first great comedy for Jackie since long time. So see this film today. And expect to laugh your pants off.