| 06 May 1997 (USA)
Habitat Trailers

In order to combat the damage caused by the depletion of the ozone layer, maverick biologist Hank Symes unleashes his most ambitious experiment to date: accelerated evolution. Unfortunately, this not only causes the authorities to take notice, but also creates a backlash from his new neighbors--leaving his son caught in the middle.

Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
justusdallmer Honestly: I enjoyed HABITAT !! I switched on TV while doing some other stuff, checking my emailbox etc., and found myself suddenly under HABITAT's spell. (Maybe it was necessary to do something besides watching the movie: thus it was easier to sit through all this much too long and too often sparkle-flowing through the air, and the high school-talk scenes. - And, I must admit, I also missed the beginning, maybe 15 minutes...)First I was bewitched by the mother figure. Large brown eyes, innocent like a child, at the same time there was an aura of knowing, of wisdom and peace about her... she forgave her enemies, she slept peacefully, while a posse of army/police/FBI/NASA/neighbours invaded her house - her beautiful Garden Eden - full of life, while the world outside was dry, sunburnt, hostile. Yes, I DID LOVE, absolutely, the set design: the ever-changing/growing family's house, the contrast to the stupid neighbours (with their umbrellas), the torture schoolyard (yes, the high school has a large torture stone outside in the yard, where pupils can be chained! A nice prophetic idea!), the cars wrapped in blankets (they look like publicity for a Bed Shop), the desert (I think I know it from some holidays in the Southwest)...And the mother stayed calm, in face of the enemy = the fascist/redneck physical education trainer (beating and insulting his pupils)(a man you love to hate!). He had entered her peaceful home, insulting and threatening her, but she stayed friendly and calm, softly teaching him facts and arguments (about the small parts of his skin which serve as food for tiny little beings), while slime and snot are running out of his nose, dripping down his chin in beautifully shimmering closeup... GROSS!This was one of the most weird/disgusting/wonderful/shocking scenes in the history of cinema: the bad guy sweating, snot all over his face, coughing and cursing, while a beautiful calm lady is teaching him facts about his body functions (did I mention her curly hairdo?! I loved it!She's definitely the Good Witch!). I could hardly believe it!Well, and the girl that Laura Harris played: the script must have said that she is a normal young high-school girl, without any magic powers or secrets about her. But the way she is presented in HABITAT: she looks so strange, so rare: the camera and lighting treat her that she appears like an alien from outer space. Her surface is so unreal - her image can serve as an explanation why men fall for women; why men cannot resist; why males HAVE TO follow whatever female is near them. Her appearance of unearthly beauty promises hidden secrets - then she kisses passionately without reason - paradise is near!(Besides: when they finally had sex in the lake, it was disappointing, compared to the disturbing promises during her first close-ups; but the mood was set already, and could never be lost again.)PS: don't forget the ecological/preservation ideas! They are right! Strange but daring in this weird B-movie full of over-the-top eccentricities.
pleiades10 Decent ecological sci-fi film that tells the story of an Earth reduced to a barren wasteland, and a scientist that decides to change all that. An experiment with bacteria, algae, electricity and who knows what else, claims the life of the scientist, but then his family begin to notice their home slowly turning into a rain forest. The teenage son plays his role well, embarrassed by his flower child mother, and his stand off-ish father, he just wants to fit in. But despite being the target of his peers' ridicule, he manages to land the affections of one of the prettiest girls in school. If only that skinny dipping scene could've happen to me in high school! Anyway, as the house keeps growing, the son slowly develops certain powers that allow him to stand up to his oppressors. Habitat has a good story, but seems to have run short on special effects funds with 25% of the movie left to film. Some of the interior shots of the growing house are both beautiful and grotesque, but then we end up with strange scenes like a certain explosion at the end, that looks like they rigged a train set model with firecrackers, lightly covered it with moss, and let it blow. Another one in the "detach your brain before watching" genre. I like movies like this. There's so much seriousness in our day to day lives, that when I have the time to watch a movie like Habitat, I like to just sit back, and absorb it. Much like the house did to certain antagonists in this film.
tath I came across this movie one lazy afternoon on our local cable...I must admit I had to watch the whole thing I couldn't believe it could be so bad! I did like the sets though..because they had that wonderful quality of cardboard..
Jessica-21 That is the one word that could decribe nearly everything about this movie. Gross acting, gross love scenes, gross plot, gross actors...Except for Balthazar Getty. Balthazar Getty is *definitely* not gross. Everything else was. So, if you don't like Balty, or weird, disturbing, scientist love making, then don't see this piece of cheese they call a movie. Get "Species" instead...