R | 04 February 1994 (USA)
Gunmen Trailers

A New York DEA agent springs an outlaw from jail to lead him to stolen money in South America.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Paul Andrews Gunmen is set in the jungles of South America where drug lord Loomis (Patrick Stewart) has hired mercenary Armor (Denis Leary) to find 400 million dollars of his stolen money, while moving the cash one of his men named Karl Servigo loaded it on a boat somewhere ready to sail off after meeting his brother Dani (Christopher Lambert). After Karl dies while being tortured by Armor the only other person who might know where the boat is happens to be Dani, however Armor isn't the only one looking for Dani as New York cop Cole Parker (Mario van Peebles) is aware of the money & breaks Dani out of prison in order to find out where the boat is. The hunt for the 400 million becomes a race against time as to who will get there first...Directed by Deran Sarafian I have to admit to being rather disappointed by this lacklustre buddy buddy action thriller that doesn't have nearly enough action or thrills. The script by Stephen Sommers (who notably later went on to direct high profile fantasy films such as The Mummy (1999), Van Helsing (2004) & G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra (2009)) is a light hearted affair with plenty of banter between the two mismatched leads who inevitably become good friends by the end & a quick succession of one-liners but I thought there was a real chemistry lacking between the two leads, maybe it was Lambert & Peebels performances or the script or the direction but I never warmed to either of them. The villain starts out as a frail Patrick Stewart in a wheelchair (practice for his role as Xavier in the X-Men films?) who is wasted in a small role before Armor decides to run the show himself, having said that Armor isn't the brightest bad guy, why did he kill Karl in the first place? Despite needing Dani & Cole alive he lets his men shoot at them constantly & why kill that woman at the end? At 90 odd minutes Gunmen moves at a decent enough pace but the action is forgettable, the character's don't click & the plot about finding hidden money while avoiding the bad guy's is nothing that original or special & Gunmen doesn't distinguish itself from any other average action thriller.The action mainly consists of a few shoot-outs where the bad guy's can't shoot straight as usual, a few people crashing out of windows & a boat exploding at the end. Gunmen looks quite nice, set in South America the lush green jungles add a little something the close-ups of wrinkled faces & guy's with thick stubble remind me of a Spaghetti Western. There's a topless woman & a bit of blood but nothing excessive.With a supposed budget of about $8,030,000 this had a fair bit spent on it & I can't really see where the money went besides the locations & even then Gunmen was filmed in Mexico not South America. The acting didn't impress me, as I said I thought there was little to no chemistry between Lambert & Peebles which really killed the film dead for me.Gunmen is an average action thriller with the whole buddy buddy mismatched partner thing going on of which there are many better examples out there. Not something I would want to watch again, ever.
jebstrong-1 I can't believe some of the glowing reviews here and feel compelled to set the record straight as this web site is generally an excellent guide to movies. I am a big Chris Lambert fan and so tuned in eagerly to this one. What a waste of time. Everything about this movie screams out cheap, cheap, cheap! All I can think is the talented actors must have been desperate for some quick cash to get roped into this one. Its turgid, brainless and moronic. It has no plot, absolutely shameful acting and effects that make The A team look out of this world. Do yourselves a favour and do something more interesting like.... watch a snail make its way over the pavement for an hour and a half.
ghostman16 i am a Christopher Lambert fan. so when i saw this little gem at a car boot i just bought it strait away without looking at the back for the plot description.i'm glad i bought because gunmen is one of his best. it has great action funny dialogue and an all star cast including Mr Lambert, Mario van Peebles, Patrick Stewart and even Denis Leary. the plot is simple Christopher plays Dani Servigo a small time criminal who is busted out of prison by Cole parker played by Mario van Peebles and together they reluctantly team up to find a hidden loot but are pursued by Armor o Malley played by Denis Leary and Loomis played by Patrick Stewart. the plot may be simple but that is good since it doesn't drag on with developing the story and goes right to the action.Christopher's character Dani is quite funny whilst Mario's character Cole is a hard ass macho kinda guy. gunmen is certainly entertaining and never lets up i give it 8 out of 10
Jonathan Horner If you've read any of my other movie reviews, you'll know by now that i'm a massive Christopher Lambert fan. Gunmen see's Lambert team up with Mario Van Peebles who also stars in Highlander 3 with Lambert, in the same year. Lambert is a drug smuggling rebel with a soft side and Peebles is a tough cop. They team when they hear about 400 million dollars which are hidden in a boat somewhere, so they set out to find it. In their quest there are laughs, thrills and spills galore. But the two of them don't exactly get on together, they are like two little kids argueing.For a low budget movie it's pretty good. I would say it was one of Lamberts better movies but not as good as Highlander and Fortress.If you like explosive action and guns galore, this is the one for you.Silly in parts but good fun.I rated it 7/10