Gundam Wing: The Endless Waltz
Gundam Wing: The Endless Waltz
| 01 August 1998 (USA)
Gundam Wing: The Endless Waltz Trailers

After Colony (A.C.) 196. One year after the events of the "Gundam Wing" television series, peace has spread through the Earth Sphere and the colonies. The Gundam pilots now find themselves attempting to rebuild their lives in this new era. No longer having need of their weapons of war, they have sent their Gundams into the sun to be destroyed. But suddenly, Relena Darlian, who has become a high-ranking government official, is kidnapped by a colony with aspirations of total dominance. The Gundam pilots and their allies find themselves called into action once again. The Endless Waltz has resumed...

Lawbolisted Powerful
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Evangelion_Fan Let's get one thing straight. I enjoyed this movie, it had some great action sequences. But it definitely had its weak points, namely its characters. The characters are alright, better than characters in DragonBall Z (but that isn't saying to much), but the writers obviously tried to make the characters appear deeper than they actually are by having them say and do things that really don't make a whole lot of sense (they did this much more in the show, the movie wasn't nearly as bad on this subject). They also have the characters spew out lines that sound philosophical, but are really just common sense. But overall the movie was pretty decent, but it shouldn't be portrayed as more than it is; a good action movie (and it often is made up to be more). The last thing that really bugged me (and if this were different I might have given this an 8) is that none of the good guys die. They all survive and live happily ever after. There needs to be sacrifice and heartache in a story like this to make it more effective.
corvettevipergts I really enjoyed both the film and the series and no matter what anyone says otherwise i think that GW is better that any of the other gundam features.Shame they had to self detonate the suits afterwards tho - thay were pretty cool.... :)But anyway all i have left to say about the enitre Gundam Wing series & film, is that "THEY ARE WICKED!"(Duo maxwell was my favourite pilot - & wing zero was my favourite Gundam)_(Heero was a bit too serious while Duo was hilarious!)
lololwut This movie is probably the best way to end the magnificent Gundam Wing series. It answered a lot of questions asked about the series. It showed the pilots' pasts. The new Gundams are awesome, especially Tallgeese II. I didn't like Wing Zero Custom because the angel wings was ridiculous!!! Death Scythe Hell was nice too. The animation was much better than the series.Watch the series first or else you won't have a clue about what's going on in the movie.
Jedi2 I cannot began to discribe my feelings towards "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz" simply because, It is in this reviewers option. The film is a most excellent ending to the greatest animated series of our time! Why? It took all the elements of the series, and all of the questions that the fans have had. (Such as "What was Operation M?") and it not only answers them in full detail, but it also gave us a more clear view of our favorite Piolts past(s). Yet while this is an animated film, it is not ment for small childern however. I would recomend this to any anime fan, or for anyone who simply enjoys brilliant stories and movie making!
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