Grozovye vorota
Grozovye vorota
| 18 February 2008 (USA)
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War mini series in style of 9th company. Four episodes are focused on the company of 1st Lt. Alexander Doronin, that is detached to Northern Caucasus in 1990s. Group, which partly consist of young, unexperienced soldiers, is ordered to defend the Storm Gate. It is the target location of large armed group of Chechen warriors, that is preparing a devastating strike.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Monkeywess This is an astonishing documentary that will wring your heart while it bends your mind
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Myron Clemons A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
pesic-1 It's a very enjoyable film to watch. It has good characters and an engaging story about a unit surrounded by a superior enemy force. It does get a bit too melodramatic at times, and a bit too manipulative in terms of pushing propaganda, but it never disrespects the audience. The plot is well written, and while the flashbacks do at times retard the narrative a bit too much, and come across as intrusive, the payoff is that these flashbacks really do provide a good backstory for the characters and make them relatable. The action scenes are quite impressive for a TV-film, and have a realistic feel to them. They are a real treat to watch. All in all, it's one of the better Russian war films. I actually enjoyed it more than the big budget feature 'The 9th Company'. I can warmly recommend it to anyone who has an interest in Russian and/or war films.
pruepp Not having seen the full-length miniseries I can not comment on the merits of the original version, but the 2-hour version sold under the title "War Fighter" on DVD is really not worth the money you might spend on it... even if it's sold out of the bargain bin...The biggest flaw is the random editing - e.g. people who are in one place one second, all of a sudden show up in a completely different place the next moment; many scenes are non-coherent, with a little side-storyline being set up, then abandoned immediately.Assuming that the acting and FX do not miraculously improve in the miniseries version, the characters' motivations do not make a lot more sense (Why do the "bad guys" stand cheering in a line to be gunned down by machine gun fire at one point of the movie?) and the mysterious lone soldier (Shah) continues to do a poor people's Steven Seagal-impersonation (wooden acting and spouting pseudo-philosophical platitudes), I think I'll pass on the long version.
best83 The movie starts quite well, giving a sad, darken atmosphere when the separatists attack the "Ded Moroz-fair" trying to set the start for a typically "one man with nothing to loose"-concept, but the rest is just awful. The cuts seem to be random, a leitmotif doesn't really exists and the dialogs could be from a discounted "ACME: Simple War Dialogs -Iss.1" (1,99$). Some scenes as the "we-are-standing-around-just-two-shoot- dead-on-exposed-position-and-stating-that -there-must be-a-sniper--scene" or the "happy-recruits-dancing-to simple-techno-music-next-to-the-trench-scene" are more than just stupid. "less realism, maximum patriotism" should be the expression of choice for this movie. (even every chechnyan looks like to have spent more time in the gym than elsewhere) If you liked the film "Target (2004)" and its "realsitic and enthralling story", then you gonna love "War Fighter"
Ernst Wiltmann The English title is : STORMGATES It's a very suspenseful and dramatic miniseries, the action, acting and special effects can be compared with THE NINTH COMPANY (9 ya rota). Sharp edged characters from different walks of life try to survive in this godforsaken region of Chechnia. At the time of the hottest contest in this still ongoing campaign. The company of senior lieutenant Doronin is being dropped on a small squezzed mountainpass, controlling the only road for dozens of miles. All in all, the task seems to be simple: Defend this pass from the insurgents and deny them use. They believe in the "infinite" firepower of the Russian army and the intelligence of their superiors. Not knowing what "politics" are cooking up. Most of the days are being spend with daydreams about their loved ones. Some frustration with the slow and sometimes not forthcomming mail service is rampant. Nobody expects to die and has any idea of whats in stock for them. However, the group of insurgents amounting about 10 times the size of the company is approaching fast and unexpected. False reports and complacency will take their toll...... Four very actionpacked hours will pass by quickly.
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