R | 13 February 1996 (USA)
Grim Trailers

A team of spelunkers, when investigating a system of caves beneath a small town, come across a hideous creature that can move through walls.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
pesic-1 I saw this film as a teenager. It was late at night, the film was on some obscure channel. I didn't watch it from the start, but I remember enjoying it. For years I hoped to see it again, but couldn't find the title. Then someone in some discussion group identified the film for me, and naturally I looked it up and found it on the internet. I couldn't wait for it to start, so I could relive this memory.Well, talk about things not being the way we remember them.To say that this was a disappointment is an understatement. This film is dull and stupid, with irritating characters, a silly monster, and a plot written by a retard who was feeling particularly lazy and uninspired during the afternoon on which he wrote it.Just stay away from this, don't waste your life on such rubbish.
Maria Fahlsing From the grainy camera quality, low lighting throughout most of the film, and the inexplicable happenstance of several Americans living in what is obviously England yet none of them know or are friends with any Brits to the bad acting, horrible dialog and blatant misogyny and sexploitation, this movie gets it all wrong. The special effects are cheesy, lame, and poorly executed. The monster isn't scary at all and it's constant growling and slow, shuffling gate simply do not inspire the fear that the actors melodramatize into quite the laughable display of the world's worst acting. I am so bored by the plot, constant calling to everyone by their name, and the frequent female screaming and whining. There are twenty more minutes of this horrible film left? It just keeps going. Kill me now! I will never get these 88 minutes of my life back.
formattc I love a good horror film, that is a good horror film so I have to say I hated "Grim". The special effects were very mediocre, at best. There was very little plot to the film and what little plot there was had holes big enough to fly a 747 through. There were many things in the film that were left unexplained. I felt "lost" at several points even when I was paying careful attention. At least a brief explanation of what Grim is and where he came from would have been nice. There was also no continuity. The movie seemed disjointed and fragmented at several points. The entire movie was very predictable except the ending. The ending was a bit of a surprise but again, it didn't really fit with the overall theme of the movie. The score was nothing short of atrocious, what little there was. The music for the whole movie was nothing more than the plodding theme song over and over again. The music sounded like it was composed on a cheap synthesizer.I'm a fan of horror, even some "cheap" horror, but "Grim" was an exercise in futility. Save your money, you'll regret it if you don't.
willywants A team of spelunkers, when investigating a system of caves beneath a small town, come across a hideous creature that can move through walls that was recent awoken from it's ancient slumber by a group of teens. I'll give the film credit where it's due: The effort was there. The idea of a creature that can move through walls is also kind of original. What doesn't work? just about everything else. Poor pacing, very weak acting (The opening scene with the Ouija board stood out in my mind especially), terrible lighting, awkward dialog, and cheesy visual effects, especially when the creature moves through walls. Now there are some bad special effects for you. It's not as ghastly as others have made it out to be, and the creature effects are no where near as bad as some say, but it needed a bigger budget and better actors, which it didn't have. Shame.3/10.