Grim Reaper
Grim Reaper
| 16 January 2007 (USA)
Grim Reaper Trailers

The stripper Rachel is hit by a cab but survives in the emergency room of a hospital. However, she sees Death chasing her, but she does not succeed in convincing the nurses. She is drugged and wakes up in St. Joseph, a mental hospital administrated by Dr. Brown. She finds five other inmates that had a near death experience and also claim that Death is coming for them.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
alionline83 I am so disappointed but still giving it 3 out of 10. First of all heroine is a stripper who whenever thinks, thinks herself either with her boyfriend on bed or naked in bath. Really disgusting. Story line is not awful but the direction and dialogs are extremely weak. She said "ANYBODY, SOMEBODY, LIAM" Millions of time in this movie and all the time, emotionless. The special effects are so amateur that my 8 year old brother can tell that its funny. And again the whole film was predictable and i presumed before every scene that it was going to happen. So Bad. Grim Reaper is a ghost type creature and when she her her boy friend hide behind crates right in front of the Grim Reaper, the Stupid ghost did not see them. Please Please Please do not see this movie in theater
reeves2002 I had a feeling when i rented this movie i may not like it because of all the horrible straight to DVD movies these days.It reminded me a lot of the movie "room 6" that came out a year earlier.Literally the exact same plot in almost the exact same screwed up hospital which no longer existed.Hallucinations and weird nurses running rampant as some chic is trying to escape encountering other weird patients who are trapped.Finally some soul ripping creature dressed in a black cloak is killing off each patient in her dreams.This movie makes no sense.There is no way to tell what is really happening and it has no continuity.She wakes up from a nightmare to find out she's still in it. Meanwhile her boyfriend is searching for her after she was struck by a car and nobody believes him that she's missing.I agree the plot is predictable and lame.It is a complete rip off of the other film i mentioned.If this was a sequel to it then it would make more sense,but it cannot stand on it's own.I couldn't even stay awake to watch the rest of it as i lost interest thinking i have seen this all before.
kalasmannen I got this movie just a day ago, and i must say that i regret that i bought it already. Maybe if i rented it, i would be able to laugh about it, but for the money that i paid, it just wasn't worth it. I feel robbed! The story isn't all that bad, in the right hands, and maybe a few minor changes, it could have been way better than this, i think. It's just that the dialoges and the acting in all seems so fake. The end was quite predictable, the boyfriends saves his girlfriend, blah blah blah. Too predictable.The bottom line: This movie was a horrible attempt to make a horror movie/Thriller. Most of the time you just shake your head over the poor acting, and the fact that "Death" makes you laugh every time he appears. If you're (like myself) like scary movies, horror, or thrillers, please don't see this!
legutsa In Grim Reaper, a terror movie from director Michael Feifer, Cherish Lee plays Rachel, a surviving victim from a car crash stalked by the Grim Reaper himself who feels she should have died. In the hospital, Rachel tries to convince the staff that Death is hunting for her. Thinking her nuts, Rachel is committed to a mental health facility, where she finds herself with other inmates that have also cheated death. That night, the Grim Reaper comes for them. The movie is full of the usual terror clichés and formulas, where common sense is absent. It is a sloppy hash of a movie, poorly directed and plotted in a way that looks as if it were improvised on the spot. Feifer, who has produced over 30 independent films, could have done a better job staying closer to reality, than trying to frighten his audience at every turn. Grim Reaper feels like one cheap shot after another. Even the film's target audiences (terror junkies) are probably going to bail on this one.
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